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76.04% Rainy Lionheart and the Wizarding world / Chapter 72: Hippogriffs

Chapter 72: Hippogriffs

When the Transfiguration class finished, all the first years got out, and I entered. Sometime later all the Gryffindors that had Divination entered, and they looked bad. It seems that McGonagall noticed it too when she talked about the animagus and no one was really hearing her, except for Hermione.

McGonagall- Really, what has got into you all today?

Hermione- please, professor, we've just had our first Divination class...

McGonagall- ah, of course... there is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?

Harry- me...

McGonagall- I see, then you should know, Potter, that Sibyll Trelawney has predicted the death of one student a year since she arrived at this school. None of them has died yet. Seeing death omens is her favorite way of greeting a new class.

It was obvious by her tone that she didn't like Divination, or Trelawney that much. Anyway, the rest of the class happened normally and I got quite interested in the animagus transformation... not sure if I should... but hey, I'm the best in Transfiguration, why shouldn't I try everything we learn in the class? At the end of the class I stayed behind.

Rainy- professor, I would like to be an animagus...

McGonagall- Rainy?... well, I think that if someone in the castle is the most adequate for that, is you. But you are still very young, and this is N.E.W.T. material, you know?

Rainy- harder than wandless conjuration?

McGonagall- what?

Then with the left hand, because I had the ring in the right hand, I conjured a knife.

Rainy- it's hard, but I can do it.

McGonagall- ... animagus transformation is the hardest achievement for a transfigurator, but is not like you won't be able to do it this year with my help.

Rainy- really!? you'll help me!?

McGonagall- I want to see where can you get when you grow up Rainy. You are the most talented transfigurator I've ever met.

Rainy- thanks, professor! I won't disappoint you!

McGonagall- now go to eat, I'll call you when everything is ready...

Rainy- sure! Thanks again, professor!

And with that I went to the Great Hall, or so I thought, but I saw Hermione get out of the Great Hall angry.

Rainy- Hermione, what happened?

Hermione- is Harry and Ron. Especially Ron. I can't believe he's so afraid of the Grim!

Rainy- is this about the death omen?

Hermione- yes! Trelawney saw a Grim in Harry's cup, and it seems that Harry himself saw a black dog that looked like the Grim when he got out of his uncles house to go to the Leaky Cauldron. That has made Ron be very afraid, almost paranoid...

Rainy- well, by what I saw in the Three Broomsticks, the wizards are very superstitious and it doesn't help that some divination experts do predict a lot of things. Anyway, I think you are right. There's no way Harry's dying this year.

Hermione- right!? Thanks, I needed someone with brains...

Rainy- anyway, I am bothered by that dog Harry saw.

Hermione- what? Why?

Rainy- because if Trelawney did saw a ''grim''. couldn't it just be referring to that dog, and not an actual grim? That would make sense because she, as a expert in divination, would have seen the signals right, but as a death omens expert, she would have seen it as a grim.

Hermione- that... makes sense?

Rainy- we just have to wait. She saw the future, not the past. So if Harry sees the dog again, that means it's important.

Hermione- okay, and if he doesn't sees it we will know that Trelawney sees what she wants to see!

Rainy- true, haha. We should go to Care of Magical Creatures.

Hermione- sure.

The Care of Magical Creatures class was with the Slytherins. And when everyone was in front of Hagrid, he told us to follow him. He made us go to some kind of paddock, and told us to open our books.

Malfoy- how?

Hagrid- huh?

Malfoy- how do we open our books!?

Hagrid- hasn't... hasn't anyone been able to open their books?

Rainy- I can do it...

Then I took my book and forced it open. Something that made all the students gape at me. Except for the trío.

Hagrid- no, no, no! That's not how you open it!

Rainy- oh, no? Then how?

Hagrid- you just have to stroke them, on their spine!

Rainy- oh! Well, sorry book.

Hagrid- a-anyway, now that you have your books... I'll go find the Magical Creatures, wait here.

Hagrid strode away into the forest, and Malfoy begun to whine and I was getting tired...

Malfoy- god, my father will have a fit when I tell him about that oaf's way of teaching....

Rainy- Draco, stop this instant. I'm getting headache!

Malfoy- but it's true! This class is being absur-

Rainy- Draco! Stop whining about everything! You took this class, you deal with it!

Pansy- who do you think you are! You can't talk to Draco like that!

Rainy- Parkinson, I'm not talking to you! Bah, do what you want... just don't bother me with more whining, it's not suitable for a third year.

Then Hagrid appeared with some creatures that looked pretty weird. They were white giant bird-like creatures, that looked like a chocobo, but with four legs instead of two, and with a more ''aerodynamic'' body.

Hagrid- Hippogriffs! Beautiful aren't they?

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