[Hospital wing]
Rainy- ugh, (where- oh, right, i passed out. Crap, i wanted to get out of there after having done everything. Hm? There's someone standing there) hi?
Dumbledore- oh, Ms.Lionheart, i thought you would never wake up.
Rainy- Voldemort will need more than a killing curse to kill me. I'm to special for that haha... *cough* ok maybe it did something... *cough* *cough*
Dumbledore- well, you are the first person i know that has taken a killing curse willingly and has lived. How did you know it wasn't going to kill you? I'm guessing that you used that Shell! Spell you have.
Rainy- oh, haha, no, no, i didn't know that it would stop it, it was a gamble because i couldn't use protego.
Dumbledore- then there's more merit if i say so. But i'm curious, how did you know that Quirrell was going this night? You were there before him right?
Rainy- yes, i think 2 hours and a half before, headmaster. But it wasn't because i knew he was going, you see. I'm not a detective but a warrior, so i thought, ''if i cannot investigate Quirrell, i'll stand guard on the stone room.'' i packed food and water for a week inside my trunk room .
Dumbledore- you were going to wait there for a week?
Rainy- well, i need to see my exam points in a week after all. Or maybe not a week anymore, what day is it?
Dumbledore- you've been out quite some time... today is the day the house cup ends.
Rainy- what!? and can i go to the feast too?
Dumbledore- yes, you can, but only if madam ponfrey says so.
Rainy- oh come on, Command! Magic! Cura!. better?
Dumbledore- that magic is really interesting. But yes, i guess she will let you go. There's anything you want to ask me?
Rainy- just one thing, why did you want to test Harry that night?
Dumbledore- hm? What do you mean?
Rainy- i don't need legilimens to know that the devil's snore, and the potions, were made for Hermione, the chess, for Ron, and the broomstick and the fact that the potion was only for 1 person was made for Harry. What did you want to accomplish? I know he isn't one to train but maybe there are better ways to test him, no?
Dumbledore- quite the deduction you've got there. Didn't you say you were a warrior and not a detective?
Rainy- it's not like you have hidden it.
Dumbledore- i just wanted for him to experience something real, and to show him that not all the rules are made to be followed. If he had chosen not to enter... i would have taken a more direct approach on his training. But i guess he is quite the hero right?
Rainy- yeah, now he only needs not to freeze against danger, and actually use magic. I think he punched Quirrell haha *cough* ha...
Harry- hey!, i know magic...
Rainy- Harry, you've woken! Congrats!
Harry- yeah... what were you guys talking by the way...
Rainy- what did you heard?
Harry- something that i was quite the hero, and then you said that i freeze against danger... i attacked Quirrell you know.
Rainy- while crying...
Harry- did you see that? Well i thought you had died...
Rainy- how touching. But i guess you did help out there. Thanks!
Harry- so.. can i ask you sir some things too?
Dumbledore- sure, go ahead.
Rainy- i've already asked what i wanted to know. I'm leaving
Dumbledore- thanks, Ms.Lionheart.
After the conversation, i went to the lake to rest on the grass, and i had to do it in stealth mode because i crossed paths with Hermione and Ron, they were going to the Hospital wing. After i got to the lake, i saw that only in 1 or 2 hours the feast would begin. So i rested a little with my feet on the water while i was wondering what to do on my summer holidays.
Rainy- Odin, do you know of something funny to do on my holidays?
Odin- well, we could go to another world.
Rainy- WHAT!
Odin- don't let your expectations go up... i can arrange something for us to go to an adjacent world to this one, that is a minor world.
Rainy- what does that mean?
Odin- let's see, you know we are from a different world right? Well that world is a high class world. This world is a medium class world. And the world i'm talking about is a minor class world. The difference about them is the ''originality'' of the world. Or another way of saying it is the uniqueness of the world. There isn't another world like your own. So it's a higher class world of this one, because there are some worlds that have developed similarly to this one. The world i was talking about is a medieval world of sword and magic. I think there are a lot of worlds like that one. You can name a plot, and there will be a sword and magic world with that plot. It's like a plague...
Rainy- but i don't get how we can go there without a problem, and we can't go back to our world.
Odin- jumping form a higher class world to a minor one, is easy for me. But the problem is going back to a higher world. On the spell to go to the minor world we can specify when to come back. But the come back to our world was denied by you. So that needs more work.
Rainy- i'll think about this trip... but if i can come back for the next year... it might be fun.
Odin- i offered this because you seem eager to adventure, and those worlds have a lot of dungeons full of monsters. It's a lot better to train than a pacific world like this one.
Rainy- that's true, it sounds fun! maybe a 3 months trip to another world can be my thing. But in the case we get trapped on that world, can we have something to come back to this world instantly?
Odin- not now, but after we have come back from the trip, i can try to link the path we take to this world to an item from that world. So you can use it to come and go freely.
Rainy- What!? then if i find a way to come back to my world, you can make an item from this world a link between both worlds.
Odin- normally i could, but i'm afraid i don't have the power. Only Eden, the most powerful GF can do something so powerful.
Rainy- my world really holds power right?
Odin- yes. There are some adjacent worlds to yours, and all of them are really powerful.
Rainy- well i guess we have our destination for the holidays. We'll do the journey after exiting King's Cross. I want a proper good bye with Hermione and Co.
Odin- good, i'll have it prepared for that moment.
in case someone likes the history so far or don't want the history to go this path, he/she can review it, i'm not gonna complain *wink* *wink*