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the shrunken detective: Part 1

Sob Sob

hey c'mon don't cry....

whimpered the teenage boy wearing a green jacket.

how can you be so calm after that?... said the person besides him wiping here tears

Oh, I've been around lots of crime scene so I see a lot of bodies in pieces... he said hesitantly.

OH MY GOD!!! she cried again.

H-hey just forget about it okay... he said panicking.

I mean... this kind of things happens a lot... he continued.

IT DOES NOT!!! she protested.

ah... he sighed

he can only do this much because he knows that his childhood friend is not familiar with crime scene. especially the case earlier because it was brutal. but he can't help but want to do something for her. in the end, all he can do is recall the case at the roller coaster.

-----------flash back------------

So you see... One of the Amazing thing about Holmes is that, the first time he met his partner professor Watson is that he could tell he was a military doctor in Afghanistan just from a handshake. said Kudos Shinichi "teitan junior high"

just like this... Kudos continued holding a girl's hand.

you're on a gymnastics team right? Kudou asked.

H-How did you know that? said the woman, shocked

you got calluses on your hand! the only woman who would get calluses like that would be someone who worked with iron bars... Said Shinichi to the woman with the pearl necklace.

but you'd get calluses from playing tennis too... Mouri Ran "teitan junior high" said puzzled.

actually I figured it out when the wind blew up her skirt earlier! there was a unique mark at the crotch level that could only be a sigh of a accomplished master of vertical bars...

constant careful observation is the key to being a detective... He said merrily.

you are so full of yourself... you knew that even before you shook her hand, you cheater!! Ran saidnto the boasting friend.

hey! dont you be tryin' to make a pass at my friends yeah!? A guy holding a woman in front of them said.

oh, so you're her friend... Kudou said worriedly. would you like to cut ahead of us then? he offered the ladies behind them to not anger the man more

no, thank you... we shouldn't bother them. the stranger said politely.

When Shinichi Kudou looked at the couple again they were kissing and this caused Shinichi to DayDream about him and Ran confessing to each other because Shinichi liked Ran for a very long time, but was interrupted the the sudden drag of Ran.

c'mon c'mon were next!! Ran said dragging Kudou Shinichi back to reality.

After waking up from his DayDream he continued his story about Sherlock Holmes to his childhood friend.

move! we're first! the big guy in black said moving a kid away and rode the coaster at the back.

you get it? what Conan Doyle was trying to say is that Holmes guy is....


I was really looking forward to coming here with you Shinichi!! why can't you understand that? She said softly and looked led down like she was sad

Ran... He thought as he slightly blushed

umm... well, um... I... you see... He said flusterd trying to confess his feelings

kukuku... what are you getting nervous about, idiot? I'm just kidding. flashing a big smile that got Kudou embarrassed.

you cant expect to be a detective if you fall for something like that. Said Ran to embarrass Kudou more.

now departing! the staff said as he pulled the lever.

but... I was really looking forward to this! Ran added merrily and hold Shinichi's hand to prepare herself for the extreme rollercoaster ride.

Shinichi's face was red and he was thankful that the ride started, if not Ran will see how red his face is.

KYAAAAAA!!!! the girls shouted at the coaster.

IKKAAAA!!!! they continued.

eh? what's this? water? Kudou said investigating the drop of water that hit inbetween his eyes.

UWAAA!!! someone screamed.

huh? WA? WhAt iS tHAt? ItS wArM!!!

I can't see anything, it's too dark! what?! what is this!??!! Kudou said In the dark as he felt the warm liquid behind him.

after a while leaving the dark tunnel reaviled a body without his head splurting freash blood in the air.

KYAAA!!!!! the woman beside the body screamed almost fainted. Not so long the ride Stopped.

people around the ride and saw the body also sreamed and keep saying an accident occurred.

call an ambulance!! and get the police too!! someone in the crowd shouted.

why did this happened to kishida-kun?!

the woman sitting beside the victim said with tears rolling down her eyes.

UWA!! she cried kneeling on the floor.

how awful... said the other friend with freckles

Shinichi... Ran cried holding the young detective's arm who was at the time is silently investigating the body.

hmp.. unlucky bastard. the man in black with long hair said, holding his hat to cover his face. and chuckles coldly

wait!! this is not an accident... it's a murderer. Kudou shouted at the crowd.

and the killer... asked the big bodied men in black

rode the coaster with the victim... and one of us seven. Kudou continued.

Shinichi..... Ran said worriedly as she hold his arms tightly

PSHH... Bullshit. we're outta here!! the big guy in black said as he started to take a few steps away only to stop by the police's yelling as they came closer to the scene

move! move!! this is the police!!

shit!! the men in black said after he heard the police and dared not to run away.

oh! kudou-kun!! the inspector said.

ah! inspector Megure! Kudou replied to the inspector

WHAT!!! KUDOU!!! the big guy in black said slightly shivers in fear before calming his composure

wow!! so that's the famous high school detective Kudou Shinichi

the one they say solves all those unbelievable tricky cases....

the saviour of the Japanese police department!!!

quick come!! it's Kudou-kun! Kudou-kun! ,😍😍

I have got to see this!!

the crowd cheered for the high school detective Kudou Shinichi.

let me see if I have this right Kudou-kun... on this jetcoaster itself there are no sign of an accident or mechanical failure... from the circumstances suicide is not unlikely... Inspector Megure said to the detective

correct inspector! this is clearly a murderer... Kudou agreed as he pointed the facts and evidence.

if we excluded you and Ran-kun we have 5 suspects!

in the fist car, we have the victims friends A and B riding the first car. with the victim is his friend and lover C... and finally, the men in black riding behind the victim D&E however with everyone wearing the safely guards and unable to move the only one e who could have killed him is the woman sitting next to him. Inspector Megure said to Kudou.

hey. hurry it up!! we don't have time for this bullshit detective game!. the man in black with the long hair said coldly as he gives death glare at Shinichi.

A-Anki... the other said stopping his partner.

those eyes... as cold as ice!! the eyes of someon who could kill countless numbers of people without feeling a thing! just who!! w-who is he!! Shinichi thought looking straight at the persons eyes who does not weavers in glares.

inspector!! we found this in the woman's bag!! a police said reaviling a knife holding the victims lover's bag.

it... it can't be... that's not mine... I don't know how it got there!! I....I... she cried.

"...." Shinichi looked at the knife.

Aiko... how... how could you do such a thing...? friend B said. the person

hold hands with and stating she is in a gymnastics team also the one with pearl necklace earlier

N-No!! it wasn't me!! the lover protested.

I thought you said you two were getting along so well... why? the friend asked

OK! so the bitch did it! let us go now detective! the man in black with the long hair said, almost shouting the young man.

oh... they found the killer easier that I thought they would have....

I thought that woman seemed a little fishy...

so it was just a couples fight ehh... woman are scary...

the crowd gossips

is that really all there is to it? something doesn't seems right... Kudou thought.


wait, there was something at that time... Kudou continued his thoughts.


right, take her in as a suspect!! Inspector Megure said pointing to the lover

what!? y-you can't!! the woman protested.

wait a minute inspector... Kudou said with Ran following him as she was holding his arm. that person is not the killer...

the killer is... YOU!! he said pointing at friend B. the Gymnastics

WHA-!?? she blurted out.

what are you talking about. didn't you see them pull the knife out of Aiko's bag?! she said pointing to the victims lover

you cant sever a human head with that... especially not with a woman's strength... he said calmly. and if she did kill him there would have been a plenty of chances to toss the weapon!! no need to cover it with a cloth and hide it in the bag... he declared. didn't you put that in her bag beforehand? he asked the woman in such a calm tone.

of course I didn't!!! she protested. I was sitting two seats ahead of Kishida-kun!! how could I have cut his head off? you were the one who said it first, that a woman couldn't cut a persons head... she said.

it certainly would be impossible with a woman's strength... however!! with the speed of the coaster and a steel hoop made from a piano wire, it can be possible. Shinichi said with a cunning smile.

"!!?.." the woman was shocked and so is everybody else

may I have your assistance for a moment officers? Kudou asked the cops.

after a while of preparation all of them are sitting in the coaster car.

see everyone? I am the murderer inspector is the victim. then first when the safety guard is lowered with an object like a bag on your back... Ta-Da!! you can get out easily because the bag can give space for the murderer to get lose of the safety guard and next prepared beforehand, you pick up something like a hoop with a hook at the end. And with your Leg's safety on the guardas you balance yourself. You can stretch your body backwards, throw it around the victims neck , the murderer did this in the dark tunnel of course, and to finish the act. the hook attached to the hoop is tossed onto the rail and with the power and speed of the coaster, his head comes right off.

that is outrageous!! where is your proof "!?!" the woman asked almost shouting

then let me ask you. The pearl necklace you were wearing before the ride... just where is it now?

"!?!!!?!?!...." the woman was speechless

you most likely exchanged the necklace string to piano wires and had the hook hidden in your bag! further more, you are a gymnastics!! unlike the other woman with you your finely trained sence of balance only you could do this on a rollercoaster.

furthermore only the murder know she was killing the victim so she shed a tear before she did it... only on a jetcoaster would tears flow sideways. Kudou said calmly with a hint of sadness as he showed the evidence to the crowd.

"..... sob... sob..... "

h-he... he was awful everyone!! he dumped me!! we were in love a long time ago before college and he dumped me for a woman like Aiko... so... so... at the place where we went on our first date with the necklace he gave me... I... framing Aiko for it... that is why... that is why I wanted to kill him!!! she cried shedding large tears.

after that the police found a large quality of sleeping pills at the woman's bag and it appeared she was planning to die after killing her ex-lover. After two hours of search the necklace used in the crime was discovered. it was indeed a hoop made from piano wire. Most of the pearls had come of, but the few left reflected the dying light of the setting sun just like a large tear

-----end of flashback------

Shinichi only skratched his head by remembering the crime earlier.

not really my dream date with Ran. he thought a little by doing so.

hmm? he noticed the two men in black that he thinks is suspicious back at the coaster.

hey Ran, sorry but go on ahead without me!! he said looking at Ran before running to the direction the men in black went.

ehh?? Shinichi... is what she could only say

i'll catch up with you right away okay! Shinichi said, already far away from Ran and further every second

Shi.... Ran mumbled. he's leaving she thought to herself. Shinichi... she continued to mumble alone. why do I have this feeling that I would never see Shinichi again. a very bad feeling. she thought to herself agIn as she saw Shinichi Kudou a high school detective drift further away.

----meanwhile at Shinichi Kudou's End----

sorry I made you Wait. A voice said.

M.R CEO... the big guy in black continued after showing himself.

look, I came by myself, just like you said!! the CEO worriedly said

I know you did... I checked to make sure from the top of the rollercoaster. The man In black cunningly assured.

c'mon gimme the thing. the CEO said in a hurry.

don't be so impatient... the money comes first. The man in black said.

here!! no problem right!? the ceo showed the money from the case.

w-whoa... there's gotta be at least 100 million yen in there. Kudou thought as he was hiding behind a pillar after he followed the men in Black here.

right, the deal is complete... ended the man in black smiling at the 100 million yen in the case.

now, the film. Gimme the film. the CEO said impatiently as he held his arms at the man dressed in all black.

the man in black threw a chip like a penny at the CEO and said. here y'a go! film of your company's gun smuggling!!! you shouldn't be saying naughty

shut up! compared to the stuff you guys do, we're... the CEO said angrily and not continuing his sentence.

I wouldn't say anymore for your sake... the man in black smirked threateningly.

shut up!! you filthy hyenas the CEO shouted at the man infront of him

oy, oy... is this serious, Kudou thought as he took his camera to take photos so that he was evidence to show other. but he was interrupted in the middle of taking photos when....




Kudou Shinichi was hit at the head by the other man in black who was at that time behind him.

A-Anki... said the man in black who talked for the transaction

this little shit was trailing us... said the person who hit Kudou.

shit!! Shinichi thought. I forgot there's two of them! I let my guard down! he said in his mind as he gathered the last of his strength to stay concouse.

should we kill him? the other said as he showed his gun to his partner.

no! , no guns! the pigs are still wandering around cause of that fucking shit earlier! well use this.. the new poison that the organization developed. the long haired man said as he snickered evily.

hehehehe.... you cant find any sighs of poison on the body with this stuff... we haven't tested it out on humans yet, so this'll be gunea pig. he continued as he looked at the young man laying in the ground

you brought this upon yourself detective. hahahahahahaha so don't blame us in heaven. he added as he stated his final words to the highschool detective

Anki, hurry up! his partner hurried him

yeah... he agreed

so long... detective. the man in black said before running away at the place.



my body... i-its h-hot... like my bones... like they're melting... n-no... no good...

Shinichi Kudou thought before losing consciousness



What!!?! another shouted

..... hahahaha... so I really am dead.... Kudou said in his consciousness

wait! "she's" still breathing! hurry, call the paramedics!! shouted by another voice

I-I'm alive...? ahh, so the poison doesn't work out. humans. he thought happily to himself.

damn! the head is all bloody. a voice said

I'm lucky... huh? policeman... a bunch of them... he thought as he opened his eyes and was the policemen around.

hey wake up!! you ok?? the officer asked

this is great!! now I can tell everyone what that men in black are doing!! Kudou Shinichi thought happily and was realived he was in good hands.

can you stand up little one?

wait!!.... what?? little one? he thought again shocked and confused at the policeman infront of him and was scared, shocked, confused at the same time

VioletRabbit23 VioletRabbit23

hello, this is my first story in like forever now. Kayla pasensya na kung may mail. I mean sorry if I make some mistakes. I hope you enjoy this AU.

and also o wanted the first chapter to more like the original. but I promise that the second chapter will have a major difference.

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