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78.43% FINAL WAR

Summoning Rick

In the battlefield…. A loud deafening sound of the explosions brought back Rick from his scattered thoughts.

"SIR!! Beijing, Korea, Japan bases have been destroyed and Lieutenant General Wang Wei, Lieutenant General Eichi and Lieutenant General Dak-Ho all pass away while fighting the Entomons in the frontline." Adolpho reported.

Rick came back to his senses.

The atmosphere was heavy, the Entomons were finally gaining the upper hand, while their resources are draining rapidly.

"Sir! European, Moscow, Delhi and Middle East bases are retreating and coming to the central tower, they have run out of the H-bombs and can't suppress the Entomons anymore." one of the soldiers reported again.

The bad news keeps coming one after another.

After a few minutes, Rick and his soldiers could see a few Gigantic G7rbot suits along with millions of soldiers flying high in the sky, they were flying at an extreme speed followed by trillions Entomons.

A few of the soldiers behind them were ripped apart by the Entomons as they screech, it seems like they were playing a game.

"Rescue them," Rick shouted as he flew up in the sky and with a zap he vanishes.

The soldiers followed Rick as they charge straight for the Entomons, the retreating soldiers finally felt relieved when they noticed the backup has arrived, they saw the soldiers charging straight for the Entomons.

"CHARGE!!" Lieutenant Oleg turns around shouted as he charged straight for the Entomons filled with hatreds.

BOOM BAM pew pew pew A huge battle broke out as the humans and the Entomons clashes.

Rick and his elite soldiers were holding off the Entomons, the Entomons drop like dead flies as soon as they got close to Rick's combat zone.

Far away at the back of the swarm, one of the Queen seems to be enjoying while commanding,

RIPP... CRUNCH she was ripping apart the flesh of one of the human soldiers whilst enjoying the meal sucking all of the blood and flesh, she was slurping as it was one of the tastiest dishes she ever had, one of her subordinates brought another batch of human beings, she grabbed one of them and start enjoying the meal while looking at the whole battlefield.

She was Black fly Queen known as Bloodthirsty Queen.

Lieutenant-General Oleg had bloodshot eyes looking at the hideous black monster with black wings, he lost many of his friends and soldiers to this hideous monster, what pisses him off was that she never participates in the battle.

"Everyone on the ground!!" Rick shouted as he leads the soldiers to the ground.

As soon everyone touches the ground, bullets, and lasers of rain came down on the Entomons.

SCREECH The Entomons screech as they tried to escape but the bullets and the lasers were too fast.

Ratatatata…. Pew pew pew, The Entomons were riddled with holes and incinerated into dust.

Plop Plop Plop, The dark sky was raining with Entomons.

SCREECH Black Fly Queen screech as she ordered her swarm to descend on the ground and take shelters.

Buzzzz.... The air was filled with buzzing sound as the Entomons start ascending down to the ground, but the bullets did not stop as they keep obliterating the Entomons, the Entomons were at least not out in the open anymore.

The Entomons start crawling on the ground while trying to find some crevices and bumpy Terrance to hide from the bullets and the lasers, a huge bomb was dropped from time to time when they start forming into a cluster.

The Black Fly Queen was far away hiding behind one of the small hills, she was shivering as she listened to her subordinates screeching with pain and calling her for help.

The Black Fly Queen made a huge mistake, which was underestimating the humans and getting too close to the humanity strongest base, which was the central tower.

Before she realizes all of her subordinates were turned into dust.

Rick raised his hand, the bullets, and the lasers finally stop.

He and his troops flew up in the sky and headed for the small hills.

BAM Rick and his troops landed near the Black Fly Queen.

Ratatatat…. The soldiers fired their weapons and killed all of the Entomons who were hiding behind the hills.

Rick look at the shivering Black Fly Queen, she was only 50 meters tall, much smaller than most of the Queen he has met.

When Black Fly Queen saw Rick she was scared silly, she consumes life and blood so she can feel the auras of every living creatures, she has never seen a human-like this, this human was even bigger than most of the Queens and Noble Entomons and the aura he gave off was something she has felt, It familiar to the aura given to her by Queen Mandarina, yes, the aura of invincibility, the human in front of him gave a similar aura of Queen Mandarina and a lot more dangerous than her, and he was young while Queen Mandarina was an ancient being who has lived for billions of years.

"This person is too dangerous to be left alone," she thought as she uses her life energy to send out a long-range message to the nearby Entomons, anyone who receives her message is to be delivered to Queen Mandarina asap.

As soon as Black Fly Queen sends the message Rick frown, he felt the life energy of the Black fly suddenly burst out and then it becomes a lot weaker.


He pierced through the head of the Black Fly Queen without saying anything, he doesn't like delaying things, what he wants is efficiency, that's why he is the most lethal and strongest fighters in human history.

Suddenly a virtual screen pops out with Nolan in front of his face...

"Rick! Head back to the underground base of Central tower at once," Nolan said as he turned off the communication.

Rick was in dazed with the abrupt summons.

He looks at the death Black Fly Queen and picks it up, he ordered his soldiers to retreat to the camp whilst he flew off with the Black Fly Queen in the direction of the Central tower.

He gave the full control of his camp to Oliver, his camp was in El Paso Texas, while Henry was defending in Michigan and Brayden and his friends were defending the vast land of North America.

Rick landed at the feet of the Central tower, the whole area was surrounded by combat soldiers and heavy artilleries, the sky was dark and the clouds rumble, the Entomons buzzz.. and keep attacking the shield as they tried to break into the planet, the whole planet was surrounded by the Entomons like a piece of meatballs surrounded by the flies.

The attacks were getting stronger and stronger with every second.

The soldiers give a loud salute when they saw Rick landing with an Entomon Queen in his shoulders.

Their respect and admiration for Rick were almost like a religion.

Rick patted the soldiers guarding the door and went inside the Gigantic Freight Elevator.

His new Gaia1 suit was 75 meters tall, he fits in easily inside the Freight tower which was meant for heavy-duty transportation.

ZUUUM The magnetic lights lit up as the elevator moves downward at an insane amount of speed.

After a few minutes he reached his destination, it was an underground city.

Pssss… The door opens and he can see one of the AI robot waiting for him, the AI robot lifted the death Entomons Queen and carried off to the labs.

He didn't bother much and went inside one of the chambers and took off both of his suits.

When he came out of the door he was greeted by many scientists, they were flattering and trying to curry favor him.

Rick was clueless as he looked around with Question mark on his head.

"Stop flattering him and go back to your work," professor Aizel shouted as he pushed them away and came in front of Rick.

"Come!, we don't have much time and we need a lot of explaining to do," Professor Aizel took the hands of Rick and pull him away from the crowd.

They took a traveling cart and sped off as they tour inside the cities.

They pass through many laboratories with amazing technologies and research materials, they saw some of the scientists were dissecting different species of the Entomons.

Rick even saw many bizarre animals and technologies.

"Those are just unfinished futuristic concept weapons, we will never be able to see finish products anymore," Aizel sigh as he explains some of the products.

After traveling for a while they reach the destination, both of them get down from the cart and stand in front of a mansion.

'Creak' The door opened and they were greeted by a person, it was Nolan.

Enlightened_Being Enlightened_Being

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