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28.57% Ava Star: The Awakening / Chapter 2: 2. Bound

Chapter 2: 2. Bound

     I bolt upright in bed, what a strange and disconcerting dream! Reflexively I reach for my glasses on the nightstand beside me, this room feels familiar. The memories slip from my grasp like sand through fingers. The world around me blurs. I quickly remove my glasses; thinking they must be dirty only to discover that I can see perfectly without them! My heart begins to pound; it's dark in the room but I can see clearly. There is a dresser across from me, a vanity mirror behind it. My reflection in it shows my eyes are aglow with amethyst fire. They remind me of an animals eyes caught in headlights in the middle of the night.

"Fuck!" I check my ears next,

"Yup." still pointed,

"Fuck! Not a dream at all." Sighing softly, my ears twitch as a new sound reaches me from somewhere within the building. Silently, I climb out of bed and assume a defensive crouch low to the floor. Listening intently, a hiss escapes my lips; senses alert for danger. Moving stealthily through the doorway, I creep down the hallway. There is a strange blue light coming from a room at the far end of the hall! It's glow flickers and shifts like a flame.

    Creeping forward I find a living room and see the light is coming from a marble fireplace. The blue flames flicker softly, not seeming to burn the wood they nest in. Strangely I am drawn forward as if in a trance. I can not control my body. Hard as I try, I cannot run.

"No, wait, please!"

My mind pleads to no avail. My hand reaches for the fire.

The flames are cool against my skin as I reach my hand into the fire's core. My fingers brush something hard and cold, it pulses against my palm and searing pain rips through me! My screams echo against the ceiling, then everything goes dark.

    Groaning, I am roused by a soft clicking noise near my head. Something rough and warm nudges my face. A strange insistent pressure presses against my mind; I open my eyes. Instinct kicks in and I find myself in a defensive crouch as an inhuman, snarling-growl erupts from my chest and past my teeth! There in front of me is the strangest creature I have ever seen!

It looks at me with the same shinning Amethyst bright eyes. It is reptilian yet soft and graceful, with small spiral antlers on its brow. Wings are tucked against its body, still drying. The creature is no larger than a fully grown house cat; from the tip of its nose to the base of its tail. Its scales are a deep purple, shimmering with a quiet inner brilliance. A small whip-like tail twitches back and forth lazily as it surveys me with a burning curiosity. Towards its tails base, there are long fin-like spikes that end at its shoulder blades. It lets out a short pealing sound and a feeling of hunger enters my senses. Wondering for a moment what it eats, I lead it to the kitchen.

"Come," I speak to it softly.

    The creature follows me as I go through a doorway off the left side of the living room and turn on the light. The cold of the freezer brushes across my skin as I pull out a steak. The creature raises it's head with interest.

"What are you?" The thought comes unbidden.

A small trill sounds behind me making me jump as the creature cocks it's head at me as if it wants to answer. I pop the steak in the microwave and hit defrost, chuckling softly. When it beeps I take the steak out and chop it into small chunks. I place them on a plate which I set on the floor and step back.

The creature scoops the meat up ravenously. Smiling I reach out, stroking its flank gently. The scales are tough but smooth under my fingers, edges sharp enough to split hairs. They are warm with rich heat.

"What are you?..." Wondering amazement in my voice.

     Suddenly I feel like my throat is on fire! Torturous burning, searing pain bites like razors into my flesh. I gasp and the creature cocks it's head at me pealing again alarmed by my sudden change in emotion.

"The sink! Oh please let this work!"

Desperately I thrust my head under the faucet. I drink and drink but it does nothing to soothe me. Pain escapes my lips, crying futilely.

I grab a coat from the kitchen chair and go outside. I listen as if for the first time to the night. The crickets' chirping is overwhelmingly loud. The sound of cars on a highway somewhere in the distance. People talking softly in their homes around me. The rustle of leaves as the wind blows first in one direction then the other. Twilight throws my surroundings into soft relief, although the hour is much later. I sense concern through my connection to the creature, and a desire to follow me. I press upon it the need to stay put and walk faster not sure where I'm going.

I come upon a gas station listening keenly to the people in the parking lot behind it.

"No! Please don't!"  A woman's voice pleading reaches me.

Sticking to the shadows I come up behind the building still listening, watching. I see the woman, back pressed against the building pinned as a man advances towards her, greedy hands outstretched.

I sniff the air and his stench reaches me. He smells of alcohol and grime. Trying not gag I cover my nose. The burning intensifies. The man converges on the woman grabbing her roughly and covering her mouth as she screams into his hand. His fetid breath coming in ragged huffs.

     I react on instinct and one second I am standing still; the next my hands are on his shoulders pulling him off of her. My nails dig into his clothes and pierce through them like butter. Skin crunches beneath my fingers and the wetness of blood runs down my hands. The scent hits me, heady and delicious. This smells even better than the ruby liquid from the goblet. Need courses through me and my throat burns white hot.

    Faintly her scream rings in my ears as my teeth pierce his throat and I gulp wildly. A snarling hiss escapes my lips from around his throat. I drink until I can get no more from him and he falls to the ground with a loud *thump* I blink disorientedly.

    I look up and she's staring at me wide-eyed in horror. Acting on impulse, suddenly my hand is over her mouth as I look her dead in the eyes and whisper,

"Don't scream or I'll have to hurt you. I'd rather not seeing as I just saved your life."

She looks at me and I see she's terrified but she nods in assent. Slowly I lower my hand from her face and step back a step.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I say gently.

"W-what a-are y-you?" She stumbles over the words.

I close my eyes asking myself the same question. Sigh.

"A Monster, I guess," I say in resignation.

"What do you want from me?" She squeaked.

Looking at her, I consider how best to answer....

"Your silence," I say with finality.

    Reaching out with my mind I take away the memories of our unfortunate meeting, plucking them from her mind like insects, I crush them to dust. I leave her to collect herself and go home. She looks dazed and lost, like a ghost or shadow of herself. Pondering my situation on the way back to the house, I wonder in just how many ways my life is about to change.

"Ah, Fuck!"


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