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55.55% How To End The Game Of A God (First Draft) / Chapter 13: The Day of Light

Chapter 13: The Day of Light

The twin suns exploded outwards, doubling in size, but very quickly the suns separated and the one that Robert knew to be the palace of the god of light continued to glow with double it's normal intensity, while the true sun returned to its normal state. For centuries this day would go down in the records as the day that the priests screamed. For on this day, anyone with a connection to the god of light -priests, paladins, even those who had received his blessing- dropped to their knees and screamed for hours. But even more importantly to the common people, this was the day that the world lost a sun. For as Robert watched, the god of light's palace dropped from the sky and plunged deep into the sea. Robert was left standing at the altar, feeling weak, until he suddenly fainted.

Robert woke up hours later, in his room, alone. He was awoken by vigorous screaming. "My screaming." he realized. "Why am I screaming?" He looked down at his body, everything seemed to be in order. "I am in a lot of pain." Robert stated.

[Indeed you are, you stupid, stupid fool. Do you have any idea what you've done!?]

"Not really, I just remember destroying that damn light bulb." Robert said, looking around his empty room.

Robert heard derisive laughter in his head.

[Destroyed? No, no, you misunderstand. All you've done is annoy him. He'll be coming for your head now.]

"What do you mean?" Robert asked, trying to get out of the bed. "I blew up his whole palace and sent it crashing to the bottom of the ocean, there is no way that he could survive that."

[He is a god, the attack that you hit him with was -at best- an early eldritch tier attack. If he was prepared for it, then it would have done nothing. Congrats, you sucker punched god and now he's got a vendetta against you.]

Robert got up from his bed, and quickly realised that he couldn't move his right arm.. "Okay, I get it. But why can't I move my arm." Robert asked.


"What is it?" Robert asked, becoming worried.

[You've really screwed up this time]

App dispelled the illusion created by Robert's armour. Robert's eyes widened as he saw what was wrong with him, his entire right arm had been replaced by a strange multicoloured crystal in the same shape. Through that arm Robert felt something strange, like the crystal was attached to some kind of tether, Robert pulled on the tether and his vision lit up with the paths of the surrounding elementals -Robert suddenly realized that he couldn't normally see the elementals anymore, he felt his shriveled face, and noticed the addition of two human eyes-. Robert's new eyes widened in shock. "I can see, I can actually see, like a human." Robert said, his voice filled with shock.

[Indeed, light elementals and all that. Anyway, you made a deal with that serpent. Come on, start meditating, I want you to see the current state of your mind.]

Robert sat down in a lotus position and began to concentrate on his own thoughts, concentrating on them until he could no longer see or hear the outside, Robert opened his eyes and found himself back in that empty world again. Robert looked around and saw the fang, off in the distance, it seemed to have grown to about double its original size.

[I see that you finally made it here] App said from Robert's left.

Robert whirled to look at App and saw a rather strange sight -in that it looked totally normal, App was a tall but slim man, he wore a suit and was sipping from a bejeweled teacup.

"App?" Robert asked.

[I suppose so]

"Why do you look so... human?" Robert asked "Why do all these gods always take the strangest forms?" he thought to himself, becoming embarrassed when it echoed loudly throughout the entire empty world.

[I like this form, you have no idea how hard it is to drink tea with a snake head.]

"Fair enough." Robert replied "So, why did you want me to come here?"

[To explain to you what you've done.]

"Okay, so what have I done?" Robert asked.

[You made a deal with that damn serpent! How could you be so dumb? Do you even have a brain?]

Robert thought about it for a moment, considering his undead nature "I'm unsure." he eventually replied.

[Fine, that isn't the point anyway. Listen closely, I'm about to explain some very important information. You have what is called a bloodline, bloodline's are exceptions to the rules of the universe. The more powerful the bloodline, the bigger the exception. So for instance : the bloodline of a powerful beast like a dragon can change the amount of elements in a place without supplying the elements from somewhere else, a fire dragon would be can make somewhere hot without everything around it becoming cold and-]

"Wait, I can do that easily and I don't have a draconic bloodline." Robert interjected.

[That is one of the more basic effects of the rainbow serpents bloodline, you can learn power over elements that should be impossible, even still, you were only able to learn how to use fire that well so quickly because you were being taught by the embodiment of fire himself. Unfortunately, I don't know all of the powers that your bloodline gives you, I can only rationalize.]

"Okay then, continue." Robert said grudgingly.

[Right, so a bloodline allows people to do things that they shouldn't normally be able to do. While there are many forms of this within the universe, bloodlines are the only ones that actually break rules instead of simply circumventing them. Your bloodline will give you benefits to almost everything, but more importantly it will give you access to the power that only the rainbow serpent has : mastery of the universe. While you are using that power you will be capable of doing a lot of things, you are only limited by two factors : how much mana you have and the laws of the universe -but that last one is a bit strange because your bloodline lets you ignore many of them.]

Robert nodded his head and tried to consolidate the information that he had received. "Okay... so what's the problem then?" Robert asked, seeing no downside to these abilities.

[Well for one thing, everyone who fought against the rainbow serpent at the beginning of the universe -or even has knowledge of the rainbow serpent- will probably hate and attempt to kill you. Y'know, like Efrit did. Secondly, every time you use the serpent's power, you give it a foothold in your mind and body.] App gestured at the tooth [So yeah, as far as I know there is no way to get rid of the foothold, unless you somehow kill the rainbow serpent.]

"Kill the rainbow serpent?" Robert wondered aloud.

[Yeah, right, just do the thing that almost every being in the universe working together couldn't. Even with that much force, we only barely managed to force it out of the universe and we suffered many losses.]

"What if I die?" Robert questioned.

[Honestly? I have no idea. It might let it free, or it could force it back out of the universe. But I would bet that it wouldn't be good. The rainbow serpent created this universe, it knows everything about it. Now that it has a foothold in our universe, it's probably only a matter of time until it manages to get back in.]

"Alright, so what now?" Robert asked, feeling guilty about how he had accidentally began the end of the universe.

[Just focus on your own goals, grow stronger, free Efrit when you amass enough power... and never, ever use the active part of your bloodline again.]

"Okay then. By the way, you said that the system would give me quests so that I can gain points?" Robert said, suddenly remembering a reliable way for him to get power.

[Oh yeah, don't worry about it. I will inform you when you complete a quest. But it's basically just whenever you do something that increases either your power or your reputation as an evil doer.]

Robert left the empty realm and noticed a small note on his desk... beside Logan's training device. the note told him that Logan had to go, but to keep training because he would return soon. Robert looked forlornly at his crystallized arm, noticing the way that it added strange claws to his hand and the small, hexagonal, scale like pattern that seemed to be embossed into it. Robert was pondering what to do when he heard a knock on his door.

"App! Reactivate the armour!" Robert's mind was thrown into a mess as the door began to open, the armour's enchantment activated and he once again looked like a human. Stella walked through the door and looked at him with a surprised expression on her face.

"You're meant to be unconscious..." she said in a monotone fashion.

"If you thought that I was unconscious, then why are you here?" Robert replied, confused.

"Because Robert," Stella began in an exasperated tone "We are friends, I was worried when you suddenly dropped unconscious for a day, especially when I heard that a lot of people ended up dead after that weird thing with the blessings."

[Oh yeah, I forgot that you murdered hundreds of people and caused mass hysteria. Completed quest : kill empowered figure (Apex tier) 25 points (x9), (Predator tier) 5 points (x23). Completed quest : cause mass hysteria/panic (Eldritch tier) 3125 points.]

"And also, I was bored at work and I figured that I could just chill out here instead.But of course, you had to ruin that for me by being selfish." Stella said while glaring at Robert.

"By waking up?" Robert queried.

"Yup, but now that you're awake... it's time for you to start learning and improving your proficiencies for the good of the Craftsman's Guild." Stella replied, a glint appearing in her eyes.

Robert quickly dressed, tossed Logan's device into his storage ring and followed Stella to the house of his new mentor. Robert had learned that he could move his new crystal arm by focusing his mana into it and moving the mana inside it, he was assured by App that after a few days of practice it would feel completely natural. Robert liked the classical, fantasy forge look of the building. It was spacious and he could feel the heat from the outside. Robert followed Stella -who had assured him that she would check in every week- led him to the door and introduced him to his new mentor, Anders.

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