The sea breeze hung in the air; the soft winds caressed my senses.
Within the majestic wooden ship were countless passengers bustling around, whilst some corners of the ship were desolate. I stood near the tall masts that hid my silhouette as it mocked my small stature against it's larger frame.
Perhaps you would never feel such loneliness in such a leviathan ship. It is because you are a hero, admired by everybody and those beneath you.
I stood near the terrace of the ship, my gaze lingered on the waves under the ship that caused the appalling movements on the vehicle I rode. This ship was heading to my next destination after my last thievery at a renowned town; I just happened to trespass the ship without anyone noticing my presence. It was heading to the Land of the Dawn- a land filled with mystery.
At this moment I felt my trustworthy companion return from one of it's small misadventures from one of the cabin, where exotic goods were hoarded. This ship was a luxury for the wealthy- which meant that there were more to steal.
We were wanted criminals known for our greatest crimes of thievery and deception. It was a great tale to pass onto the following generations. As far as I could recall, no one was able to imprison us nor capture us into our demise.
Feeling him at my shoulder, I offered my hand to receive what he had brought, an apple. The smirk I had never left my face as I stared onto the shiny and sweet scented apple. Taking a small bite, the sweet and tangy taste of the fruit entered my mouth; however, taste was different from what I had eaten before.
It was the taste of the apple I had eaten at my bittersweet childhood. Memories of my past came into my mind as the sensation felt like waking up from a dream. I wasn't sad nor regretting the things I have committed within the memories, rather I was…perturbed.
My monkey friend, Dexter laughed behind me. Looking at my fuzzy companion, Dexter, with bewildered eyes, he looked back at me with his expression unchanged except for his eyes. His eyes were twinkling in delight and seemed to grin.
Slowly looking back at the red apple, I began to reminiscence the days of my youth and childhood with you,「my brother」. And how I stood to see the moment losing you.