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Chapter 2: i. drift

She woke up with a tiny ray of sunlight illuminating her left cheek, the light coming from a gap created by her curtain that hung low at the foot of her bed.

With one swift pivot, she rose and sat straight for a while, scratching her head and rubbing off the mounds of saliva that dried off at the side of her mouth-- she drools a lot after all.

She checked her phone that lay idle at her bedside table; grasping it with a sleepy grip, she opened it and checked for messages. Her eyes widened upon seeing that there were 20 texts from various people.

One came from her college best friend, Phlan, with a text asking her if she'd attend her 8 a.m. class. She smiled in rebellion. Of course she won't. Given that she just woke up, no Breone will be attending her creative writing subject this morning.

The other 18 texts were from her annoying brother, Kevin. She opened one of the texts and found that it was a drunk text. "Ure ugleyhb as hecrckk, Breone." The text read. "Well, at least he got my name's spelling correct." She whispered, mustering a smile only her brother can paint on her face.

She did bother to read the other drunk texts her brother sent her. She scrolled through her phone and got to the bottom of her inbox and saw a text from someone she never thought would text her at this time, Jared. She opened the message and it read: "Are you free this afternoon? I have a coupon from that favorite korean barbeque place you love. I received it for free since I celebrated my birthday there last night. I plan on giving it to you. Do you want it?"

Her heart rejoiced but then ached. How could Jared not invite her to his celebration last night? Was she only a friend that's as good as a coupon's worth?

She exited the message, not bothering to reply and threw her phone to her bed. Frustrated early in the morning, she crashed her body back to bed. She wouldn't let Jared's text affect her mood. He's only a guy. "Well a guy you truly like." Her mind whispered.

Frustrated by this notion, she turned to her left to see if her roommates were still on their beds. Breone lived in a dormitory that's inside her university. Convenient, one might say but lonely and utterly depressing for Breone.

Seeing that she was the only one in her room, she went back to sleep, totally bearing in mind to wake up at 1 in the afternoon, just enough to miss her second class, and then she'd be free for the rest of the day.

Breone has this silly nick to her attitude. She's often absent in her classes but she still passes with flying colors. Her professors don't seem to mind this habit of hers since she still delivers well even if she's absent two or three times a week in a subject.

Before she closed her eyes, she thought of Jared. How she secretly liked him for years. How her heart flutters whenever he asks her to go on a food trip with him.

It is during those moments she is reminded that this is what it feels like to have someone accompany you even in the silliest of trips, this is how it feels to just have someone by your side. But Jared isn't hers. And maybe, it will stay that way.

With doubt clouding her thoughts, she decided to sleep it off.

With Jared as the last thought in mind, she drifted back to sleep with a heavy heart.

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