Once upon a time, Thereis a goddess underwater named Kadita. She has so many suitors of mermans but none of them exceeds the expectation of the goddess. But one day, She met a mysterious merman that she felled in love. They always together in the morning, holding together that they are better than a married couple. The are always happy, care for each other until One evening, when Kadita secretly stalks his lover, she found his biggest secret...
The merman she felled in loved transforms into a rock monster called Grock and the monster is living at the shore near the water. Then Kadita shocked and will never forget what she saw. Until that day go forwards, All of the actions of a man scares her that she may be his food someday.
When she wants to go away from her lover due to extreme fear, Grock manages to forgive him about his secret but Kadita turned away and never loocked back.
Until Now, Grock has a dream passion to get his lover and wants to go back to Kadita's Kingdom but the guards don't let him pass.
Grock now wants his lover back due to extreme passion and extreme anger and Kadita is now in fear that she loocks always looking for the danger she may get into.
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