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63.33% Spider-Man: Duty and Loss / Chapter 95: Convergence Part 3

Chapter 95: Convergence Part 3

*Bam* "You know I thought after such a fall…" *Bam* "There would be more blood and broken bones…" *Bam* "See the facility wants you back…" *Bang* "But they only wanted enough material to clone you again…" *Bang* "A failed product needs to be thrown out!" *Bang!*

Kimura continued to pound into Laura's head as she spoke with a sadistic glee. *Snikt* Laura's claws popped once again as she swiped left and right trying to score some damage. *Hup* Kimura quickly flipped Laura's body over and got her into a choke hold looking at the gleaming black blades as they flashed about.

"Looks like someone got an upgrade? Now how did this happen?" *Grrr* Laura didn't reply as she tried to break the hold and reverse her position. Kimura and Laura continued to grapple but Kimura had the upper hand as her claws couldn't pierce her skin.

*Bam* "You're not the only one that got some upgrades; those claws won't help you anymore, even if they have changed!" Wrapping her leg around her midriff she used her back strength to flip Laura and began to wail in to her harder.

"Did you forget who trained with you and WON every time Bitch!" Laura's eyes had turned blood shot in rage as her body continued to heal the punishment she was taking. Her muscles tensed over and over trying to kill the person before her, her tormentor!

"Arghhhhh!" "Hahaha" While Laura was screaming in rage, Kimura was laughing in joy. *Puff* Suddenly a blue teen appeared from nowhere and wrapped his arms around Kimura's neck and tail around her abdomen.

"What?" Kimura stopped in surprise for a second as he spoke. "Let her go!" *Puff* With another puff of blue smoke suddenly Kimura was gone. *Puff* 5 meters away Kimura dropped to the ground a little disorientated from the sudden shift in scenery.

But she was quick to recover, as her hands touched the ground they tensed and she sprung around trying to kick Nightcrawler as his once again disappeared. *Puff* *Puff* Appearing next to Laura, who also had a shocked look, he reached down to pull her up.

"Are you ok Fraulein?" Laura looked at the hand for a second, before slowly taking it. *Puff* Once again they disappeared and appeared a few meters away. Where they once were Kimura were standing, her teeth grit and eyes blazing.

Laura looked back with just as much hatred as her, blood dripping down her healing body. She wiped a bit of rubble from her eyes as she got ready for round two. "She's mine you little freak!" Kimura started to sprint forwards again after those words, determined to take them both out.

"That an't going to happen Sugar" "What?" *Bam* Rogue came in from the sky as she delivered a right hook to Kimura's face. Kimura got flung away from the monumental strength, a slight look of surprise came to both Rogue's and Laura's face.

Kimura's density control, made her nearly impenetrable to adamantium! The hardest metal on earth, and it seems that her control had gotten even stronger, seeing as Laura's couldn't put a scratch on her. In Laura's eyes Rogue's punch shouldn't have done any damage, it should have broken her wrist!

To Rogue, she was thinking how tough Kimura's skin is! She hadn't used all her strength, if she did she could easily kill someone, but she had only knocked her away! "I'm going to kill you for that! You Slut!" Kimura was beyond reason at this point; her eyes had turned red as she pulled herself out of a side of a building.

She spat a little blood to the ground as she made her density even higher. Cracking her knuckles she ran towards her. Rogue wasn't one to back down though, she also started to sprint forwards, hand cocking back to deliver a blow with all her power.

As the two closed into each other Rogue let her fist loose as she tried for another right hook. Kimura expertly dodged the blow though, before grabbing her close and kneeing her in the stomach. *Urgh* Rogue groaned from the newfound pain and didn't have time before she got slammed into the ground.

Kimura let out another terrifying smile as she went to stomp on Rogue's face. *Whirlle* *Bang* Kimura got thrown from her spot once again, and she was seriously starting to get pissed with people interrupting her fights!

The repulsor blast that threw her off continued for another second, throwing her into another building, as Iron Man slowly floated down to them. "What the hell is going on here? And is that man blue?" Rogue shook of the earlier blow and got back to her feet, slowly starting to float in the air.

She was ready to teach this bitch of a woman what happens when she gets angry. "…And now there is a flying girl as well. Ok, ok, ok." Saying ok three times he held both his repulsor up, one aimed at Rogue, the other at Kimura.

"I don't know what the hell is going on! But you 2 better stand down now, before I make you." Rogue stopped starring daggers at Kimura for a second to turn to him, as Kimura pulled herself out of some rubble. "We're trying to help Laura." Tony looked at Rogue who just spoke before replying in his most sarcastic voice, not lowering his arms.

"Ohhh, so you know the girl with metal in her bone and you're also a mutant like her, I guess that makes you best friends instantly. I mean not like the Latino super model over there also isn't a mutant and just dive bombed her off the side of a building."

Rogue rolled her eyes as she slowly floated over to Nightcrawler and Laura. Most of the world knew who the Avengers were, and she didn't want to start a fight with one of them. Though she would end it, if it came to that.

"Stark, we've almost geared up, situation?" As Tony kept his eyes on the two woman, that didn't seem to be making a move, Steve's voice came in over the comm. "Well we got some chick who can fly, a blue man, the Latino super model and it looks like there all after Laura. The Latino chick just took a repulsor to the face, before flying into a building and it didn't look like it fazed her at all. I'll need some back up ASAP."

"We'll be there in just over a minute. Protect Laura until then." Tony gave a small nod as the area seemed to freeze, no one making a move. Though Laura was still glaring with red hot hate in Kimura's direction.

As they stood there waiting, something else changed. On the deserted street a pink glow began to appear. In just a few seconds the pink glow rippled out and turned into a circle. Through the circle a new group entered the area.

Magneto stepped out of the portal and surveyed the area, eyes instantly locking onto Rogue and Nightcrawler, known students of Charles, who were standing with Laura, protecting her. His eyes then moved to Kimura who had a savage expression on her face, ready to do battle as she looked at them.

Finally he turned his eyes to Iron Man as he floated, looking a bit dumbfounded as he stared at the new group in all their get up. Magneto slowly raised his hand in Iron man's direction. "A suit of metal, how quaint."

Zevren Zevren

You know it was harder to write this than expected.

I was planning on doing this yesterday, but when you busy from 5am to 9pm, you have no energy to do anything. Literally just flopped down in bed and did nothing after that.

Did anyone spot what I did in this chapter and how it has a major impact on the pre-established MCU? if you did comment and I'll tell you guys if anyone guesses right next chapter! Until then !

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