After Ylona took few folders she came out leaving us in silence
'Ehmm!'- fake cough by the guy with a cold expression and his skin was pale
(referring to suga)
Suga: Ahm, it's fine if you don't tour us around here.
Me: Fine with it.
Suga: Ok, we're going now
Me: That's good!
Suga: unless you answer my question
Me: What? no!
he ignores what I said
Suga: What is your problem with Mr. Principal?
Me: He's my dad! Happy?!
I don't want them to see my tears flowing so, I turned my back to go when-----
Suga: I'm sorry
Me: Too late to say sorry.
Suga: I didn't mean---
Me: Urusai! (Shut up!)
We can't predict the time we will hurt, love, forgive someone.
An end will never be the end