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Chapter 14: the surviver

Not so long ago, Tina lived with her family and brother in the current house she had. As beautiful as it looked, it used to be just a house that resembles a hut. Fifteen years ago, the Kaspersky family was poor. The father and mother fought for financial survival. Both worked hard. Together they hardly raise the money and pay the house, feed the children and pay taxes. Her brother, andrew, went to high school with Tina. Both rarely see the parents, because this work from early in the morning until late in the evening. Tina applied for an entrance exam at the University of Clingsford at the time. She wanted to study medicine, so she put her effort into teaching. Her brother, on the other hand, was different from her. He was never diligent. He was tired and lazy. He had the worst grades at the lowest level. In order to be able to help his family financially, he was looking for a side job, because he had received it immediately afterwards. Andrews has a side job in a restaurant as a dish washer. With his salary, about 200 euros he earns one less than his parents. That same evening, his mother sat in front of the table with red eyes. Started crying. The father is still at work. "What's going on, Mother?" he asked her. Weeping, she explained to him how she had lost her job at the company due to a mistake. "The boss approached me angrily. I looked at him. I didn't understand what a mistake I made. He started yelling at me. Apparently I made a lot of mistakes on a worksheet. He's got two chances to prove me...," she said. He comforted them. Tell her how he found a side job and will help the family. The pressure on him, a high school student has increased. Now he has to pay attention to two things: for school, even though he is bad there anyway, and the second is the work he does. Every day after work, he counted how much he still has to earn until he has saved a lot of money. The contribution very large. One evening, as he walked home tired lytimed over a pedestrian strip, he overlooked the red light, whereupon a car drove him over. He lay on the ground, as Gabriel once was. Several muscles were broken, many people came to him, but too late. He closed his eyes. The next time he opened his eyes, he saw that he was in the water in a pool. A man who could hardly see Andrews took a hand out of the water. He was awake, but couldn't move. A syringe has been submitted to him. Immediately afterwards, the man resigned. His pulse rose, which he recently had headaches for. In hindsight, he got up. The boy stood there, didn't feel good, he has a headache. Next to the man the boy claimed to have seen, someone from his vicinity began to clap. "My son, you have finally come home. Come, let's go to conquer humanity for us! The world is yours!» Andrews began to hallucinate. He saw Tina standing in front of him. "What happened to you, my brother?" she asked him. She turned away from him. He put his hand on her. "Wait!" but she disappeared. "Why am I here? Why?» The doctor tried to calm him down. It's all good.... He quickly panicked, ran around like an insane one, causing him to fall to the ground due to his headaches. He was unconscious. The doctor quickly ran to him. Grieving, he measured his pulse, to which he said in mourning: "Unconscious!" The man next to the doctor, like Tina, turned his back. Before he disappeared, however, he said in the should get him ready for transport. The doctor looked at his pulse, his eyes, and much more. Immediately afterwards, two bullish men came down, which Andrews wanted to take with him. The older man who was with him resigned. The men dragged him in a car after they put a sack over his head and tied his feet. He opened his eyes, seeing almost nothing to nothing. The car stopped after a long drive. They carried Andrews out of a house. It was unleashed there. The sack has also been taken. Next to him lay a woman who was like a robot. This could be seen on their joints, which were not protected by metal. As soon as he woke up, he spotted the woman next to her, but she was lying on her stomach. "She was still alive," Tina's brother wondered. He took a closer look at her, which he found a switch on his neck. He pressed it. "System Restart", the system has frightened him. She got up, which immediately began to imagine: "Hello. My name is AI (= Artificial Intelligence) of the 765GN type 5.6 Rebecca series.» Andrews looked on bewildered. "I am happy for you," he told her. Without losing another word, she told him she had received letters from someone. If they do not do this as a group, they will be executed. What should he do? So he thought about the following. It's like a game, other than that it's like real life. He assumes that he should go through all the missions until he has played everything ready. So he agreed. She approached him, where she looked him directly in the eye. She scanned them. "Contract had to be concluded!" The robot continued to say: "Please look when they go home in their mailbox?" Why?, he wanted to know from her. But she did not respond. He ran down the stairs, looked where he was, where he realized he wasn't very far from his home. Just two blocks away was his home. When he ran home, he opened the mailbox, as the robot had said. In fact, there was a letter inside. When he arrived home, he opened the letter, which he read immediately afterwards, before sitting on the sofa. This was handwritten. He read this letter saying he should go to a club that is in the territory of the Red Dragons. There was a threat: "If you don't do this, you'll be bad...." He quickly ran outside. His little sister asked what was going on, but he heard nothing, and he ran through quickly. He ran back the two blocks as fast as he could and could now understand why the robot was nearby. So that he can solve it immediately whenever he gets an order. Why should he go back in the first place and what happened to something bad, he wondered. Without asking long questions, he arrived, but the robot was already standing in front of the house. "Let's go." He looked at her in a breather. After a long break, he asked them how to go there. She looked out onto the street. Didn't pay any attention to him. With this vehicle she pointed with her index finger. A moving purple motorcycle was just approaching. She got on the motorcycle without any effort. Andrews got behind her with some uncertainty. She immediately drove off, but the front wheel first jumped into the air while Andrews fell backwards. He was scared, which is why he clung to Rebecca. In a short time they came through the fast driving into a territory, which is ruled by the red Dragons. It was all full of tattooed men, mostly walking around wearing shirts or leather jackets. In front of a house, Rebecca stopped. They both descended, so they went into a house. Rebecca was ahead, followed by Andrews. After they entered, they sat on a throne. Next to him lay people in chains, to which a man had injected syringes. Some tried to scream, but they were too quiet to hear them. At that moment, the two commissioners stepped in. They were followed by illegal security men. "What do you want?" asked the young man on the throne with an accent. At that moment, one of the women who was caught had found courage to get the attention so that the group noticed them. "We got an order from you. What should we do for them" "Get for me a commodity that is at a hidden airfield on the nearest lake." Andrews looked in amazement at the woman, who immediately got a shot in the head with the pistol. One of the security men fired. A short process. The young man got up, and he told them they were going to get a car. He walked along a path that followed behind the throne. Rebecca just ran ahead of him without saying anything. "Psst. Psst. Rebecca," Andrews replied: "Where are you going?" He didn't say anything, Andrews thought. Although she didn't tell him anything, he followed her into a garage. A black car was waiting for them. Without hesitation, she got in. The young gentleman stepped aside and began to grin straight away. "Oh," he said with a stupid expression. After Gabriel stepped in, the garage door opened. She gasped. Already at 30 km/h they drove out of the garage onto a road. From there, the navigation that is supposed to take it to the airfield automatically switched off. They drove high speed through the streets. The fast driving forced Andrews to stick to his side. Again and again he looked at Rebecca, where he looked at her if she showed any emotion. She showed no fear or desire to do it here, but Andrews felt like she enjoyed the ride. Driven out of the city, they drove onto a stone path in a forest. Next to them ran a river. Along the river they drove faster than in the city. Cyclists and hikers looked at the two very funny, as they drove at full speed on a hiking trail. Andrews shared his opinion that he should drive slower, Rebecca. For once, she told him not to worry, because she could see if someone was coming. Without fear and with full fuel, they suddenly came to a dead end. From this well camouflaged cul-de-sac, it has suddenly turned into a kind of secret driveway. Slowly drove inside. A lot of people were inside with a gun. They controlled the routes. An airfield in the middle for which planes were waiting. The goods are stored on the side. There were many different containers in different colors. They stopped in front of the airfield. A man of dark skin and a black beard came to the driver's window. They whispered about something I didn't understand, where you put a trailer on their car. After ten minutes of waiting, during which Andrews was bored, she started the engine, which went outside with full gas. A blue container had been placed on the trailer. "What can be inside?" he wondered. When she was back on an asphalt, three white-colored robots came from behind, riding behind them with red eyes on white motorcycles. In the mirror, Rebecca could see how the fast speed brought them ever closer. "Stop the handlebars!" she told Andrews, who reacted surprisingly. He held the handlebars tensely after Rebecca opened the window. Immediately afterwards, she climbed out onto the roof. At almost 90 kilometres per hour, they continued. Andrews didn't know what the driver was doing, but he worried about her. She jumped on the container on the roof of the car. From there, she ran off. She jumped into the air, where one of the robots on the motorcycles fell to the ground after she landed in front of him. Rebecca almost fell over, but she was able to hold the steering wheel honestly. In the meantime, the other two robots have overtaken them. One on one side and the other on the opposite side. They drove against the container so that it was suspended from the car. Andrews, who changed seats, tried to destroy the robots by driving on the road. Incredibly, he was able to destroy one of these robots that had lost control and collided with one tree. Rebecca was now behind the last robot. The motorcycle struggled to travel even faster, but in the end the two robots drove side by side. Rebecca pushed the enemy to the container, where the motorcycle fell and the robot broke apart. Some of his body parts fell under the trailer. Then one of the tires burst because it hit something sharp. Although it was just a hoop, Andrews felt a jolt in front. He lost control a short time later, so he went to one of these fatteners. Luckily, the car had an R-back, so his bruises aren't very bad. Rebecca stopped briefly, looked at Andrews. For the first time ever, she felt pain and fear in her life. She helped the driver, who was unconscious, out of the car. "What did he capture?" asked Rebecca, so that they could somehow bring him back to life. She approached him, which she kissed him for when he opened his eyes. A romance, as in The Sleeping Beauty. He was like i'm iated. She was also embarrassed when she got up. He, right after that. He had large and deep wounds on his body. The container was destroyed at the door. Now is the time to find out what's inside. He opened the door when there was a girl inside. She was a girl, in his opinion, but couldn't see her face, so he couldn't describe it. "Who was she? Trafficking in human beings?" A helicopter flew beside it. "What do you do with my goods?" the young man who still belongs to this gang asked.

"Go," Tina has ordered her big brother. He, on the other hand, began to laugh. She jumped up into the air, took out her sword, cutting it, but he held her in the air with her hands bare. He saw in her eyes what he had her thrown to the ground. He ran through next to her. "You are a miscarriage," he said, "You shouldn't be there." She just looked at the ground. Tears fell to the ground. She was tied up, but he ran past Gabriel. Quietly, he whispered, "Have a beautiful body." He looked back, but he had already disappeared. Both helped bring her to her room. Meanwhile, it got dark outside. They sat together at a table. "What do we know about the witch?" asked Gabriel. Tina looked at her phone on which she has all her documents. "Not very much. I know she has handball training every night. Favourite food, place of residence and hobbies.» Knowing this was enough, Gabriel said, but he still wanted to know where there are such facilities where you can train. "Not very many." Nearby is a single gym that is available, otherwise there is a public place where you can play handball. "Anne, we need your magic to defeat these witches, is that clear to you?" he asked her. She nodded, agreed. Gabriel got up, telling the others in the group where they were trying to find the witch. In Tina's car, they drove out of the garage, on the way to the only largest sports center, which was the only one in such a city. Upon arrival, the three members noticed that the lights weren't banishing, not knowing if they could be inside. They looked around, nothing happened. Everyone walked in wisely. Already at the entrance they heard voices speaking. They sneaked and were only allowed to make signs with their hands. They approached the voices, which became louder and louder. They stood in front of an almost closed door into which one could see through. Three of us could see a group of wizards in dark coats standing around a circle. One of the members standing around these circles pulled down the hood. You could see the person's face, and Gabriel was amazed. It was Louisanne who was one of the members. Tina makes the remark when she saw Gabriel's face that he knew her. Anne, Tina and Gabriel wondered what the group of wizards would do. The inner circle glowed brightly. Something should come out of the circle. Suddenly they began to say something: "therists". A wind has started to blow through the whole sports room. The front doors flew away, for which the three heroes had been discovered. It was too late, but they did. They stepped in. Gabriel and Tina took out their swords. Anne took out her hands. A dark, black cloud began to form over the circle of the wizards. This took on a shape that had red eyes. They were still talking to their master. Although the wizards had seen the trio, they were not allowed to move, otherwise their mission would fail. The wind blew stronger and Gabriel, who did not give up, was first. The red eyes were directed at Gabriel. Lightning then fell on him, which he was able to fend off with his sword. Gabriel struggled with pain. Anne and Tina, who were repeatedly blown away, tried to get to Gabriel as soon as possible, but the wind didn't make it easy for them. Gabriel fell to the ground heals his sword in the right hand in the air. His hair was scattered. With his last powers, he has severed a sorcerer's leg. Despite losing his leg, he tried to stand sincerely. This person, however, lost his balance and fell to the ground. It was over. The wind has stopped blowing. The two women knew what was coming. The rest of the sorcerers wanted him to repent of what he did to them, what he did. In this important second, without saying anything, fire shot out of Anne's hand. Tina ran off with her sword. One by one, she beheaded the wizards. She wanted revenge for Gabriel, which is why she put her sword on Louisanne through flamen. Only a few magicians who were in their clothes targeted Tina or Anne. Suddenly, men appeared around the group.

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