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66.66% Terani Mara

Chapter 7: It's Not That Overwhelming.. Yet

I stood before the ministers and people who were invited to bear witness my coronation. The Palace square was packed, people from the other Kingdoms also came.

I was trying so hard not to meet anyone's eye, afraid that they'll see the storm inside of me through them. My knees have been shaking all this time.

Earlier, Cass had found me on the floor sobbing, my hands on my chest. It took her quite a time to calm me down and when she succeeded, she cleaned my face up and redone it. it was then I realized that Cass has a great talent with makeup. I thanked her repeatedly for fixing me up and she gave me a genuine smile, a smile I haven't seen for a long time.

I heard the first gong, signalling the start of the ceremony.

As practiced, I started my way from the north side of the square to the south side. A pathway was created for me. When I reached the middle where the crest of Saquiro is painted, I looked up and searched for my mother.

There she was, looking at me from the podium where the Royal seats where together with Parih Ando. Looking at her, anyone could tell she was a ruler with her strong stance and head held high.

I started to do the bow of the highest respect on the crest. When I was done, I continued my walk until I reached the foot of the podium.

"Behold, Saya Mara Renalta, daughter of the late Hangko Liro Renalta and Sadaya Mirana Tavoros Renalta," the Parih announced.

I turned around to see the people where they gave me the bow of the highest respect while the Royals of the other Kingdoms gave me a normal bow. Turning around once again, I met the gaze of my mother. She was wearing a warm smile and nodded to me.

The Parih began the ceremonial speech just when my eyes wandered to my fallen family's seats.

/This is Ahma, Kugo. I am now being crowned as the Saraya of Saquiro.

I looked up at the sky where it was turning orange and almost no clouds were visible.

/Are you watching me from there?

I looked down, closed my eyes and breathed in deeply.

/I will make you proud.

"Saya Mara Renalta, do you accept the throne? Do you pledge on serving this Kingdom as the Saraya?" Parih Ando said.

I kneeled down, both knees on the floor.

"I do. I accept the throne and everything that comes with it," I said loudly keeping my eyes on the floor.

Three gongs were heard, the signal for 'the coronation'.

I stood up and watched as my mother stood before me with two round cloths. The crest of Saquiro was embroidered on the cloths.

She went to my left side and pinned the crest to my left arm and did the same to my right one. She then walked back in front of me and kissed my forehead.

Both of us walked to the center of the square where the crest is. When we got there, we faced each other and once again, for the last time, did the bow of the highest respect.

When we stood, the Parih announced, "I present you, Mara Renalta, Saraya of the Kingdom of Saquiro."

Upon hearing this, everyone kneeled to me and I gave a long relieved sigh. I looked at my mother who was looking up at the sky making me do the same.

/It is done.

When I looked back at my mother, she was already looking at me with a warm happy smile. She cupped my cheek and took hold of my right hand. It felt so awkward.

"It's time for the party," she said, giggling.

We moved to the Great Hall, the biggest hall in the palace, where most banquets and feasts are held.

I noticed that not everyone who attended the coronation were there. The people present were all ministers' families, businessmen and women and Royals from the other Kingdoms and their companions.

"Saraya," I heard a familiar voice called. Smiling, I turned to Byce, who was giving me a charming but teasing smile.

"Iro Ando," I said, matching his tone making us both laugh.

"So," he started rubbing his non-existent beard, making me laugh once more. "How does it feel to be the Saraya?" he finally asked.

He laughed out loud upon seeing me grimace.

"It's not that overwhelming," I answered. "Yet," I added, groaning.

We talked a bit more until my mother whisked me away to meet some people.

We approached a man whom I think is in his late-50s who was with a woman who's probably in her early-50s. They greeted us with a smile, the man complimenting my mother and the woman agreeing.

"This is my daughter, Saraya Mara," my mother said, putting a hand on my back as she pushed me softly forward. "Mara, this is Imo and Ima Wade and Clara Greydal. They are from Landis and were great friends with your father.

I smiled at the couple who bowed to me.

"It is a great pleasure to meet you after so long, Saraya. You've grown to be as beautiful as your mother," Ima Greydal said with a warm smile.

Smiling back at her, I replied, "Thank you. The pleasure is all mine but, forgive me for I do not remember meeting you," I added trying to remember if I did meet them somewhere.

"Oh, it's understandable that you wouldn't remember. You were just a month old infant when we last saw you," said Imo Greydal with a chuckle.

"They are great voyagers, Mara. They were originally from Landis but found love in voyaging. The main reason why I haven't seen them in ages as well," my mother informed me which I answered with few nods of understanding.

"We are very sorry that we weren't able to come to Hangko Kunan's and Ingko Kugo's..," Imo Greydal didn't continue what he was saying, sadness visible in his eyes.

"We didn't know," Ima Greydal added matching her husband's sadness.

"It is alright. I understand and really, this is not the time to be sad," my mother took a step back and looked around.

She lifted her goblet and with a loud voice she said, "Everyone," making everyone's attention shift to her. "I am very grateful that you have come here for my daughter's coronation. I would like to have a toast, for the new Saraya of Saquiro! For our Kingdoms! For Theros!" she exclaimed as everyone lifted their goblets and repeated, "For Theros!"

Everyone shouted in joy and laughed together as the music began. Some people went to the middle and started dancing.

"Good evening, Sadaya Marina, Saraya Mara," said a deep voice and we all turned to see a man, probably in his early-30s with a woman whom I think is in her mid-20s. The man has bluest eyes, as blue as the morning sky and hair as yellow as the sun while the woman has green eyes, as green as jade and chestnut hair.

"King Raffor! Queen Ferida!" my mother exclaimed.

"Sadaya," King Raffor said with a laugh and embraced my mother, Queen Ferida doing the same. King Raffor turned to me and I bowed my head to them.

King Raffor and Queen Ferida are the rulers of Kingdom Landis. I remember that my mother and brother went to their coronation last year. I wasn't able to come due to a fever.

"I congratulate the Saraya Mara," the King said to me, he offered his right hand to me which made me give my right hand and he kissed the back of it. "Congratulations," the Queen said with a smile and gave me a warm hug.

"I see that we're the only ones who came. What of King Marcus and Queen Lucinda?" the King asked and was looking around referring to the King and Queen of Zamir.

"Silly boy, the Queen is expecting and is going to give birth any time soon!" the Queen said slapping her husband's arm.

The King narrowed his eyes playfully and said, "I am not a boy." He pulled his Queen by the waist, "You, more than anyone, knows that," he whispered but we all heard and saw the Queen go beet red.

They all laughed except for me. I felt my cheeks warming up.

"His brother came, though," Ima Greydal said looking at someone across the room.

When I looked, I saw a man. A goblet on his right hand and mouth on a maid's neck. I instantly looked away, I know my cheeks are as red as a tomato.

"Ah, of course," my mother said.

They started to talk about stuff that I do not know of. I looked at the King and Queen of Landis, they look so happy and in love.

But, speaking of the King and Queen of Zamir, one Kingdom was not mentioned.

"What about Kingdom Teranos?" I asked out of nowhere and making them shift their attention to me.

Feeling awkward for the sudden attention, I added, "Their King, I mean."

"What of him?" King Raffor asked.

"Did he attend?" I asked, looking at each one of them.

"The Terano doesn't really attend such ceremonies," Imo Greydal answered. This made me curious.

"Terano? Isn't that the name of the first King?" I asked confused.

"Yes, but it means King now in their Kingdom," Imo Greydal explained.

"Ah, well. Why does he not attend these kind of ceremonies?" I further poked, which made King Raffor laugh.

"The people of Teronos isolated themselves from the rest of Theros. Especially, Terano Kael," he explained which made me even more curious.

I was about to ask why but, my mother spoke. "He did attend my husband's last moments," she said, making everyone quiet.

"It's alright to talk about it. It's been so long," she explained, taking a sip from her goblet.

"Is it alright if I kidnap the Saraya for a bit?" Byce, out of nowhere, asked making everyone look at him with interest.

"This is Byce, Parih Ando's son," my mother introduced. They all nodded in acknowledgement and introduced each other.

After the introductions, Byce turned to me. "May the Saraya grant me the opportunity to dance with her?" he asked, bowing to me and offering his right hand.

Smiling, I took it and answered, "Yes, it will be a pleasure." I excused us and Byce lead me to the center of the hall. I did hear my mother say, "Oh, I miss being young and in love," which made me roll my eyes.

As soon as we got to the center, the music changed to a slow-paced one. And I know the reason behind it. I saw my mother near the musicians.

"The Sadaya is really something," Byce said as we started to dance.

"She is many things," I corrected, making us both laugh.

We danced for two more songs until Imo Greydal asked if he could dance with me, too. Byce agreed and said he'll talk to me later.

"How are you feeling?" Imo Greydal asked.

"Good. A bit overwhelmed but, good," was my answer which made him chuckle.

"I understand," he told me, giving me a fatherly smile.

I looked at him intently and my eyes searched for Ima Greydal in the crowd. She was talking with some women, laughing heartily.

"Imo Greydal," I started which he responded again with a chuckle.

"It would be nice if you just call me uncle," he told me. "And my wife would be very happy if you'd call her Aunt Clara."

"Oh, uh," I stuttered. Chuckling again, he said, "It would make an old couple happy."

I laughed at that and nodded. "Uncle Wade," I called him which made him smile wider.

"What is it?" he asked, twirling me around, making me giggle.

"Why did you become voyagers? Don't you miss home?" I asked. Uncle Wade glanced at his wife, love showing in his eyes.

"Why would I miss home when I'm always with her?" he asked and turned to me. "My wife and I love travelling, we actually met each other overseas. She was a young woman, she wore man's clothing. That's the reason why everyone but me thought she was a man. I saw past it, what I saw wasn't a young man but the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Her eyes were like the ocean, her hair a perfect brown." he looked at his wife again, as if remembering something.

"She hated me at first, didn't know why I was so keen on pursuing her. But, who could ever resist my charms?" he joked, making us both laugh.

"And your children?" I asked. His eyes saddened a little.

"We don't have any and we probably never will," he answered giving me a sad smile. I didn't know what to say so, I just kept quiet and listened to him.

"It's the major reason why Clara always pushed me away before but, I love her. I love her more than anything and even if we'll never have children, as long as I have her, it's more than enough," he told me, still looking at his wife lovingly.

My heart suddenly ached. It's as if.. as if I wanted what they have.

Uncle Wade's eye shifted to someone else and made a confused expression. I turned to whoever he saw and saw the guard who always helped me climb my carriage.

"Do you know him?" I asked Uncle Wade and he nodded.

"Really?" I asked. "He's a guard. One of my guards, to be exact," I informed him, smiling at the guard.

"He's no guard, Saraya," I looked at Uncle Wade, confusion written all over my face.

"He's a knight," he said making me more confused.

I was gonna asked further but, we heard my mother's booming voice.

"Good evening, everyone! I hope you are all having fun. I just want to once more present to you my daughter, newly crowned Saraya. I know she has a few words to say," she announced making me nervous.


"Mara?" she called and everyone's attention was on me.

Uncle Wade smiled encouragingly at me and guided me to the podium.

"Ladies and gentlemen," my mother started again. "Mara Renalta, Saraya of Saquiro," she introduced.

Everyone cheered and clapped as I climbed up the podium but, all of that were replaced with screams of horror.

A loud bang was heard as something exploded inside the hall, near the doors. Panicked, everyone ran away from the explosion.

I saw bodies on the floor from where the explosions came from.

"AMBUSH!" a palace guard shouted and everyone started to run to the exit.

I was stunned, unable to move when someone grabbed my arm. It was the guard Uncle Wade was talking about earlier.

"My princess, quick! We have to get you out of here!" he screamed as another explosion was heard. I looked at where the explosion came from and more bodies were on the floor.

We ran outside, only to see more chaos. A great number of masked men were fighting our guards and soldiers.

We kept running and I remembered my mother. I stopped dead on my tracks and started looking for her.

"Princess, we need to go!" the guard shouted as he tried to pull me back but I pulled away, trying to find my mother.

"Yna! My Yna! I need to find her!" I screamed.

"She is in good hands, trust me!" he shouted again, pulling me once more.

More explosions were heard and the palace was filled with screams, grunts and cries.

As we started running again, my eyes caught Uncle Wade running hand in hand with Aunt Clara. But, what happened next made me scream my heart out.

An arrow pierced Aunt Clara's back making her hit the floor, Uncle Wade screamed her name and was immediately by her side.

I was about to go to them when the guard tossed me on his shoulder and started running away. I screamed and kicked demanding him to put me down.

I tried my best to search for Uncle Wade and Aunt Clara and when I did, my mouth went dry and my heart tightened.

There, on the cold palace floor was Uncle Wade, cold arrow pierced on his neck while Aunt Clara wept, trying to reach him, an arrow pierced on her back. Blood surrounded them. Aunt Clara was about to reach him when a masked man came and stabbed her with his sword.

Aunt Clara's head fell with her eyes wide open, a sign that she too was dead.

I screamed and screamed while we went further and further from the chaos.

I screamed until dark spots slowly starts to cover my vision.

Before my vision clouded me, I saw my mother running towards me. But an arrow came flying and pierced my mother's back making her fall, unconscious.

"YNA!" I screamed as I stretched my arm out to her.

The last thing I saw were guards protecting her and then, her bloodied body was carried somewhere.

"Yna?" I called, voice filled with despair.

And then darkness consumed me.

The night was painted red.

TheMarCaSa TheMarCaSa

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