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The meeting with the Secretary General

"The entirety of UN fully support the program Mr. Maximus" UN Secretary General Midas said.

"Then I can assure you that with the help of other agency like JAXA, NASA,PhilSA,Roscosmos, we can advance Earth Space Industry as well as make it a fruitful venture." Alex replied.

Midas was very much satisfied of Alex reply as thoughts of rare metal mining on asteroids would be great in energizing the World's economy opening new opportunities to tackle massive projects that was scrap due to lack of funding.

Midas then turn his attention to the other purpose of this meeting.

Before this meeting various Officials who knew his upcoming meeting with the illustrious man have met with the Secretary General to make a few request for Maximus.

"Mr. Maximus due to the recent invasion, it has come to light that Earth is wolly unprepared for an Alien Invasion so the UN body would like to gain your support for the S.W.O.R.D. initiative." Said Secretary Midas.

Alex' interest was piqued when he heard the familiar name for the initiative. "And what would you need my assistance for, Mr. Secretary?"

Happy that Alex showed interest on the subject, the Secretary General happily told Alex the goal and purpose of the Initiatives.

"S.W.O.R.D. or Sentient World Observation and Response Department is created to detect extraterrestrial lifeforms as well as response to various extraterrestrial threats." Explained Midas. "Now we want your expertise in designing as well as funding, a new Space Station that will become the headquarters of SWORD that will help safeguard Earth as well as a lunching pads for future Space Flights."

"Hmm....and what of the Justice League?" Alex ask the important question as the Justice League already has a space station.

"The UN is already tackling the problem right now but the good will they've gathered during the invasion will assure their continued operation in the near future albiet with some type of oversight." The Secretary General responded. "Now about their Space Station, that we can't say and like I said earlier it's still being discuss by the members of UN"

Alex nodded before accepting the terms "Okay, I'll help fund and design the Space Station but I will have conditions"

"Thank you sir and what condition may that be?"

"I will own a percentage of the Space Station and I want to be put as a consultant for both SWORD Operation and the League's Oversight." Alex stated.

"The Percentage is a given but I still need to discuss with the body for the last two though with how effective your Security Company in the past invasion, I'm pretty sure the other council members will wholeheartedly agree." The Secretary General said.

The two then iron out the few remaining kinks of the contract before proceeding to different topic.

"So who would you put as the Director of SWORD?" Alex ask before suggesting "Amanda Waller seems like a good fit for your SWORD initiative, (now that was a very one mean woman) although I would advise against putting General Eiling as the head though."

The Secretary laugh at the mention of the two infamous person before shaking his head "I'm afraid I would have to disappoint you Mr. Maximus but we already have a guy in mind." He said before putting a file infront of Alex.

"Although this would be a top secret but considering that the council will readily grant you the consultant status because of your popularity with various heads of state then you might as well know it's future Director." the Secretary General said giving a few hearty laughs.

Alex took the file and he couldn't help but laugh at the irony. He turned to the Secretary General and said "Well, the guy could really use an Eye patch."

On the file written was a familiar name he had only seen in an MCU film.

He chuckled "(Nicholas) Nick-Motherfucking-Fury"


After a productive meeting with the Secretary General, Alex decided to unwind a bit and called for Karen who was currently checking SEC New York branch.

"Hello Alex, what can I do for you?" Karen voice sounded from the phone.

Alex smiled and said "the meeting with the Secretary General was a success"

"Well that's good! Should I call the chauffeur to ready the car for pick up?"

"Nahh....How about you meet me at central park and well go on for....shall we say adventure." Alex said with a grin.

Karen the adventurous girl that she is, just laugh and said "why not"

So about 30 minutes of waiting, Karen arrive via company car and proceeded to stun him with her outfit.

She was wearing a white shirt with a brown leather jacket and jeans. She gave him a smile and walk closer to him "Like what you see sir?"

"Hmm...pretty much though I guess I need a change of clothes as well." He said before looking down on his Armani suit, he then proceeded to move where he park his very own custom built Motorbike, whose form is similar to a beige green Ducati monster.

"Nice ride" Karen said.

Alex smirk and said "built it myself"

"I can see that" Karen muttered, she was quite shock at how advance the motorbike was compared to others and she would bet that it could hover too but the thing that drew her eyes was the power source, It was some sort of reactor producing a ridiculous output.

"Come on, let's go to the mall." Said Alex as he got on the Motorbike.

Karen nodded.

The two then zip through New Yorks traffic arriving at the nearest mall.

After awhile of browsing through tons of clothes, Alex now wears a black shirt and leather jacket and black pants.

He couldn't help but snicker.

"Haha I feel like an edgy teenager with this clothes" He gave a hearty laugh.

"Well the women on the store say so otherwise" Karen gave a smirk pretty much liking what she sees.

The two then hop on the motorbike and proceeded to go to various tourist traps of New York.


"And in other news Billionaire Alex Maximus was seen around New York's tourist spots with what seems to be his secretary Karen Starr. It was speculated that the hiring of a secretary was just a farce by his adopted daughter to make him settle down.

Now it seems like there's something of a truth to this conspiracy, could this truly be it? How would the women around the world handle this, the lost of opportunity alone would break their heart.

Hopefully we could get a few interview with his daughter to confirm this conspiracy, now this is Cat Grant and stay tune for more updates."


At the watch tower, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman and Flash were watching the feed when Alex made news.

"Woah! Seriously? I seriously thought Bruce Wayne and Him have a bet running!" quip Flash. "And what's with that woman, she's really beautiful" he added.

A crack was heard in Wonder Woman's direction as the glass she was holding shattered.

"Yow! Are you alright!?" Flash said before moving towards her but stop when he saw her smile.

"Thank you but I'm fine, it looks like I forgot to control my strength again so if you would excuse me I'm going to clean this up...and also if you don't mind please tell batman I'll be indisposed of for a few days" she said before moving back into the kitchen.

"What was that all about?" Ask Flash looking at Hawgirl's way.

Hawkgirl look on in interest before saying "my, looks like we have a jelous little princess"

"A what now?" Ask flash in confusion.

Hawkgirl sighed and gave him a look "men" she muttered.

CenturionGuard CenturionGuard

Good Morning Guys! Keep yourself Safe through this hard times.

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I would be grateful, if you could donate even just a tiny bit because I'm currently broke as you can see but don't worry as I will still publish even if you don't donate so no worries and I just wanna thank you all for supporting my story even though I took quite a long haitus due to some unforeseen circumstances like finding a job.

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