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Chapter 277: The Last Loose Ends...(1)

Devils were species created for war.

The Great Old One designed our Power System to have the strongest attributes of the Arcane Path, Warlock Path, and Evolutionary Path. As long as there were sufficient resources, it was easy for devils to advance almost effortlessly to the Tier 8, aka Super Devil.

After that, it was all about comprehending Laws, and that was where many were stuck and could not move on. While our power system gave us overwhelming combat prowess at the Apocalypse-Class and higher compared, for example, with Warlocks or Fiends, but reaching it was extremely hard.

Sirzechs was stuck for centuries at the Super Devil Class and was very slowly comprehending the Law of Destruction; his average rate of comprehension was 1% per 3 to 4 years, but even that could be considered as very fast, and he also got pointers from Zekram who long ago became Being of Law when he comprehended Law of Destruction.

My own comprehension of the Law of Destruction has already reached 65%, Darklight was at 60%, and Slaughter was at 22%. In contrast, my Mastery over the Law of Devour has reached Perfect from Advanced not long ago, meaning that I could Devour Laws more effortlessly.

Now I was meeting with Sirzechs and Diablo to decide the next course of action.

"My Lord, we have located Rizevim hiding in the same pocket dimension where the Trihexa is sealed; by our observations, he has been hiding there for entire years. It is highly possible he has managed somehow unseal it and will use it against us."

Reported Diablo as I nodded indifferently, while Sirzechs looked stressed.

Indeed, Trihexa was a very powerful Apocalypse-Class Monster. As the Baator recovered, there were a few Tier 9 Monsters that popped out, precisely two. Still, neither of them was strong enough to threaten the Empire. Additionally, Crom Cruach hunted one of them down so he could eat it with his family.

Apparently, it was mainly for his hatchlings.

"Trihexa will not be a problem; even if it was at full force, I would be able to subdue it, not to mention now, after it was sealed for several centuries, it will not have even a fraction of its power. Rizevim probably has broken some seal on it, so it could partially recuperate, but maximally it would be at 40% of its peak, and even that is an overestimation."

I stated, as killing Trihexa, even if it was at its peak, won't be that hard for current me.

In truth, I wonder how many gains I will obtain from killing that creature. From what I have observed during its fight with Yahweh, Trihexa had comprehension of several Laws. Still, due to the Law of Chaos that messed with its mind, it couldn't control them properly. Also, it made it impossible for it to advance into Dimensional Level Monster.

I wanted to obtain a crystal that contained its comprehension over the Law of Destruction to reach a 100% comprehension rate. With the Law of Slaughter that I will finish comprehending when I will help refine the Three Realms for Okhwang and Dark Light, I would be lacking only one Law to comprehend to ascend as Dimensional-Class and pursue the path before me.

I could trade the Crystal of Law of Chaos within Orden for something of equal value to either Mercurius or Khaziklu Bey. Both of them would surely be interested in such an object, as the Law of Chaos is one of the Universe's Fundamental Laws.

"Also, we will take with us several legions of Mechs and 5th Fleet. Trihexa has a troublesome ability to spawn something akin to spores like Dou Dou, so they will be dealt with by Mechs and Fleet. The corpse of the Trihexa will be used to feed my familiars and as Dou Dou's fertilizer."

Currently, Empire has five fleets. Each Fleet consisted of 1,000 Lunar-Class Cruisers, 500 Avenger-Class Grand Cruisers, x100 Destroyer-Class Battle Cruisers, x10 Emperor-Class Battleships, and one Adjudicator-Class Juggernaut Capital Ship, which acted as commanding post for the Fleet. Thanks to our plunder, we were already constructing the 6th Fleet, and even one Phalanx-Class Space Fortress was in construction, though it lacked a power source for now.

I have then telepathically called my familiars.

Each of them was at the pinnacle of the Tier 8 and could already participate in the more high-leveled fight.

Jin and Heishen were even bigger than before, looking like ferocious predators, but they were nice little goofballs that liked to play with me. While Isla's size didn't change a lot, but she was more graceful, and her illusions and mind-controlling abilities were an absolute pain in the ass.

It was predicted she could easily mind control weak-willed Warlock Monarchs, and her Illusions could fool anybody below Tier 11 Powerhouse, meaning they were pretty powerful.

Isla jumped in my lap as I scratched her behind her ears, exactly like she liked it, while Heishen attempted to approach Isla, only to get hissed on by her. While Jin just laid next to my chair and barked happily.

I let out a small chuckle as I observed their interactions, especially when looking at Isla and Heishen. Both of them were felines, and apparent, Heishen wanted to mate with Isla, to leave behind a strong progeny.

I wonder how strong it would be descendant between Wampus Cat and Dark Devilgod Tiger.

Trafford Trafford

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