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23.07% A Parallel Chance / Chapter 3: The "Other" World

Chapter 3: The "Other" World

"Swoosh." The wind blew my body as I tried to open my eyes. I searched the source of the wind as I saw something incredible happened in front of my eyes. A barren of green meadow below the blue sky horizon. I was so mesmerized by this scenery. The wind blew my body again, it felt so refreshing and peaceful. This feeling I never once find back then.

"Is this after life or perhaps I am dreaming?" I talked to myself. I noticed something strange, I wear a leather-cloth set, the set model that I never knew before. Suddenly pain surging as I slap my cheek. "Ouch! it hurts." as I growl stupidly. "This is no dream, but where am I?"

I tried to stand up and looked behind me. I saw a lot of trees. Many small plants and trees that seemed unfamiliar to me. I am more or less an expert of plants in America but all of this plant seems new to me. I can only identify some plant in this forest. There are trees that caught my attention, the height probably about 7 meters with cone shaped, There are also a leafy big tree with some of its vines like roots hanging downward. "Wow, if I tell this to my colleagues they will give me thousand thanks because I found a new species of plants!"

I have been tracing this forest for almost a day now until I found a river. The water is very clear, so clear that I can see the fish swimming at the bottom of the river. "Grooowl." My stomach rumbling so loud. "Good, it is a very fortunate to find this place. I will make an emergency camp here. This place will provide me food and clean water at least." I murmured to myself.

Without taking a lot of time I prepared the camp. I searched a lot of dried branch nearby, some long branches and also found some leaves. The dried branch that I collected, I stacked them together and start to lit the fire. I tried to find some flints earlier and with that I lit the fire. Fifteen minutes later the fire is lit. "Thank you, survival lesson! you have helped me a lot." I mumbled to myself as I remembered the hardship of passing that lesson back then. Some of the long branch were used to make the emergency shelter as well. To close the roof I used some big leaves that I found. "Tadaaa, finally it is done! an emergency camp of Genada Oswalt!" as I proudly exclaimed.

I took a wood and sharpen the tip of the wood. "Voila!" A spear have been made. I used the spear and stabbed it to the body of the fish in the water. "Pyaak" The sound of surface water and my wood spear made the fish run. Oh my, it seems that using wooden spear to hunt fish is vey wrong since the mass of water is heavier than my wooden spear. "Wait a second, I must change my equipment." I grabbed the limestone I found near the river. "Ah this will works!" I chose the sharpest limestone that I found and combine it with my wooden spear by tying it with the vines.

"Baats." A fish has been skewered by my spear. This time it becomes easier for me to hunt the with spear, as it has become heavier now. Half an hour later I caught a lot of fish. Three of them looked similar to that of a catfish and two of them is close enough to resemble tilapia. All of those fish were grilled right after I went out of the river. Thirty minutes at least the time I needed to cook the fish to ensure that the parasite of the fish such as the worms have died as well. Better safe than sorry, I guess.

"Ahh, just so-so. my cooking seems disappointing me so bad, but what can I do? this is an emergency situation." As I eat the first fish. I was really wondering while eating, this place surely is weird like it is really untouched by technology at all. the air literally so refreshing, the flora and fauna are also diverse, so diverse that even I find it difficult to identify. The earth that I know literally don't have any open space anymore. There shouldn't not be any open space this big not even mentioning about the forest. Every part of the land in my place back then has been changed into futuristic building, skyscrapers here and there. Only a small portion of forest and jungle seems well cared near the artifact site. "Well more or less, I think this is a golden opportunity for me to experience these kind of privilege.

"I have to sleep now, tomorrow I must trace the river again, who knows that I will find a city after I follow the river." as I tried to shut my eyes. Honestly it is so hard to shut my eyes due to the anxiety and excitement to this place. What will I find tomorrow, is this even America to begin with? Those questions really haunt me. However I tried so hard to force my way to sleep.

"Chirrrp-chiirp." The birds chirped as if they tried to wake me up. I saw a lot of amazing things again today. a lot of colorful birds that I never seen before presented in front of my eyes. "I think they are docile." I mumbled and tried to reach the river to wash my face.

"Well, it is time to move on." I said.

Two hours I have been tracing the river until I see in front of me a big wall with great gate and some carved wall that seems familiar to me. "I remember! That relic pattern is similar to the artifact site on that island." as I steadily walk closer. I wish I can understand my exact location today. In front of the gate I see two person with light leather armour guarding it. Those two halted my way. The two soldiers talked not with English but some familiar language. it is Javanese language, one of the language that I learned before I go to the artifact site on Java Island. I started to gather my opinion and draw conclusion that I am in Java Island right now.

"Wait, who are you?" The soldier shouts to me. Their glares are icy cold and unfriendly. I tried to calm the situation by introducing myself.

"Genada Oswalt from International Artifacts Federations." I announced myself.

"What is International Artifacts Federations? Haven't heard of it." Tell the soldier.

Strange, very strange. They don't know about the Federation? Am I in isolated area? even though it is very isolated area I hardly believe that they never heard of federation. If I can say probably 99% population of the world already heard about the federation.

Now, I doubt again that I am on Java Island that is why I asked the two soldiers. "Is this Java Island? If I may know where am I now?"

The two soldiers looked at me with confused looks as they try to digest my question. Probably they think that I am a stupid person to ask such a question. They looked each other with uncomfortable looks. Even so, they answered my question."This is Srivimojo, one of the biggest kingdom in Tenggara Continent."

"Wait, Tenggara Continent? I never heard of it. Srivimojo as well is an unfamiliar name to me." I mumbled.

"Are you serious?" I asked them once more.

Feeling agitated, one of the soldier bare its tip of spear to my throat. His glare become vicious and full of suspicion. "What do you mean? Do you think that we, proud soldier and guardian of Srivimojo would do something disgraceful and lied to you?"

The situation suddenly become so tense. I think I might chose the wrong words this time. I smiled sourly. I don't doubt their firm answer, but I find it hard to accept the fact that I was in unknown region called Srivimojo. However the tip of the spear still pointed at me. I tried again to melt the tense situation.

The guards still point its spear at me. Luckily behind me there are some people who called for them. There are two people, the one who looks like a knight and the other one who looks like a beautiful and fair maiden. They stopped and the knight asked the guards. As the knight nodded lightly to their story, slowly he put them at ease and lowered their spear.

Later, the knight slowly approached the maiden and asked something to her. As they both agreed on something the knight quickly turned his gaze to me. "My name is Hamengku Suro and this maiden here is Sri Puspa. I am sorry for this inconvenience. My soldiers have made a mistake. I am fully responsible for their action." the knight approached me and slowly bowed to me. "I should be the one who thankful, I don't know this place yet you even tried to help me sort the problem with the soldiers." I replied honestly. "May I know your name and what do you want to do in our country, adventurer? Our soldiers said you asked some obvious question to them, so they become very suspicious of you." Hamengku Suro asked.

"My name is Genada Oswalt, I come from International Artifacts Federation of America. I am looking for information about my whereabouts now in order to inform the federation team to extract me and take me home to America."

"I am afraid that you wishes can't be granted adventurer because as far as my knowledge reach, there isn't any federation in this world that matched your description. I know exactly a lot of ongoing information from every continent in this world, but the name that you mentioned don't exist." reply Hamengku Suro.

I already grasped the content of information given by the knight and my brains slowly develop a scary scenario. Scenario that I often found in the novel books where the protagonist transported to another world. I tried to calm my mind and slowly asked the knight. "Is this the earth?"

Hamengku Suro deeply stared at me before he firmly said. " I don't recognize the words of earth you tell. However I can tell you one thing, this is Gehr, a world with 8 continent.



[Author's note]

Hello this is my first time creating a fantasy story. I wish you all enjoyed this original story of mine. I tried my best to deliver a good story for you! I know I have some grammar mistake and also some writing error, but I will always check up again for that possibility.

I wish to update the story as fast as I could, maybe just maybe you can help me to contribute to this story by grammar checking.

please kindly leave me any comments if you want to ask something

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