Queen Erin of Yuhin was sitting on her couch in her chamber, sipping on tea as she watched the soldiers train through her window. It was noon, the sun has begun to set and storm clouds brewed and rumbled in the distance. She was awaiting the arrival of Ignis whom she sent to retrieve the fangs of a vampire which were necessary for a spell that was in the making by the clergy for use in war by the Yuhinic Mages.
She wore her silky white garments which stretched from her head to her toes. She had a translucent cloth made of silk which covered her body and silk slippers which she used whenever she was inside her chamber.
The death of her father came too early, with the death of almost everyone in the dynasty except her. The enemies who wanted to seize the throne have been moving in the shadows and awaiting the perfect opportunity to strike. She knew this so well but she was ill-equipped to counter them. She had very little education about being able to rule a kingdom since the heir which was her eldest brother was given most of the education.
She was caught in such a tight spot that even the most influential allies she had within the nobility and the clergy were surprised that she was still in power. In order to combat such growing threat of expulsion and destruction of her own dynasty by her own people, she reluctantly went to the clergy for help.
This obviously granted her many favors and allies amongst the holy church and her position was somewhat secured for she was displayed as a saint and the beloved monarch of the gods and goddesses thanks to the massive influence of the clergy to the people.
But, she was still not entirely safe and she obtained more enemies by siding with the clergy, particularly within the ranks of the military and that's where Ignis is brought in. Ignis is supposed to assume direct control of the entire military of Yuhin, a purging of high-ranking military officials has already been planned and was awaiting execution.
Ignis knocked on the door five times in specific intervals, this was his way of ensuring the Queen he was not an unwelcomed guest. The Queen stopped sipping her tea and placed the cup on the table to her left.
"Come in." She said speaking in a quiet tone. Ignis, who by now is being spied on by agents from various powerful families of nobles, was carrying the two scissors which had the fangs of the vampire. The door swung open and Ignis walked in, his armor resounding with each step he took and a small smile was carved into his face.
The Queen then sat upright on her couch and looked at Ignis directly in the eye. Ignis proceeded to stand a few feet from his Queen and presented the fruit of his mission.
Kneeling down, he removed the leather which covered the scissors and the fangs. As he removed the leather, the faint smell of rotting blood began to become more apparent and the queen was faintly enjoying the smell.
"I hereby, present to you the fangs of the vampire, my Queen," Ignis presented the two fangs still stuck between the blades of each scissor in a deep, sultry voice. Erin inspected the fangs by moving her head dangerously close.
"My Queen, may I suggest you maintain a safe distance? You may tou-"
Before Ignis could finish what he was saying, the great warrior was abruptly interrupted by an abrupt opening of the door of her majesty's chamber. The Queen leaped to the backside of the couch as the unknown assailants made their way through the room.
Ignis immediately dropped the two scissors and the fangs fell onto the leather which he placed on the ground. He unsheathed his long sword and confronted the two assassins. The assassins were wearing scribbled masks with the markings of a notorious organization, the great warrior felt confident that these rats were merely low-grade assassins.
The symbols on their masks suggested they were under the criminal organization Tiger's Den. The organization was notorious for going against the clergy and performing heinous and heretical acts against anyone as long as they are paid for, this time it seemed someone hired them to kill the Queen.
The two assassins tried to circle around Ignis and pounce on the queen who was just a few meters behind him, behind the couch she was sitting on. Using a skill, Ignis casted a wall of protection that went sideways and blocked the two assassins from getting behind him.
"Tsk..." The assassins clicked their tongues and were annoyed that they were forced to confront him. Ignis concluded that these were amateur assassins. They didn't think when they burst through the doors thinking they'd be able to quickly kill the Queen. Bursting through the doors itself was a dumb move for an assassin.
With a long and powerful swing of his sword, the Great Warrior of Yuhin flung the two assassins against the walls using a wave skill and charged towards them. The assassins crashed into the walls at high speed, cracking several of their bones and the wall itself. They didn't use any form of protection magic nor did they even expect the Great Warrior to have such a skill, they were one of the worst assassins Ignis had ever faced.
They lacked information, a solid plan or any sort of countermeasure against him, much to his pleasure and the disappointment of the assassins who knew they struck badly. In a desperate move, one of the assassins charged at the Great Warrior and decided he'd blind him using a potion.
Ignis saw through his scheme and quickly charged to engage him. The two then met with their swords and the overwhelming power of Ignis' swing shattered the thin sword of the assassin, as he tried to activate the potion, Ignis pierced his blade through his stomach and going through his back.
Ignis then lifted his sword with the assassin still stuck on it. The assassin cried out and coughed blood as he was lifted by the Great Warrior. Seeing this, the second assailant was horrified and tried to escape through the windows, this was another incredibly stupid move as the moment he broke through the windows he was greeted by a barrage of arrows from the archers over at the walls.
His body riddled with arrows fell from the top of the castle and splattered on the ground below.
"Your Majesty!" Soldiers burst into the queen's room to assist as they heard sounds of a struggle coming from her chamber only to find that the Great Warrior has finished the job.
The Queen slowly stood from her hiding place, seeing that the soldiers were in her chamber, she immediately stood up and radiated her Queenly aura.
The soldiers then went to the Ignis to inquire about what happened.
"Some amateurs, it surprises me how they got in here if they were so terrible," Ignis voice was with filled with displeasure and obvious anger.
"Bring me the head of the palace guards!!" The Great Warrior shouted in a fury, determined to punish the head guard for being laid back and allowing assassins to come near her majesty, he also suspected that he deliberately let them in.
"Get some maids over here, dispose of the body and stand guard outside, we may not know another assassin may be hiding in this palace!" The soldiers all complied. They took positions outside of the royal chamber and flooded the halls, the soldiers then dragged the corpses off for investigation.
Then night arrived. The storm has begun its thunderous wrath over the capital. The Queen was sitting on her couch just as before, this time Ignis was standing beside her as she skimmed through various documents. Candles were lit which illuminated the room, the sound of rain thrashing outside was vibrant and somehow was a calming experience for Ignis and Erin.
Erin glossed over to Ignis who had been standing in attention since the assassination attempt.
"You know, Ignis. I recommend you relax for a bit, you've been like this for hours already."
"Nonsense, it is my duty as the Great Warrior of the dynasty to ensure the last full-blooded Yuhin survives and has a heir to ensure the continuity of the dynasty, that is my mission, oath and personal glory."
The Queen was about to convince Ignis further but realizing that the warrior's will was determined she backed off and returned to skimming through the documents.
The Queen was always very fond of the Great Warrior, ever since her personal knight died from a previous assassination attempt, Ignis has been by her side ever since then. He was with her father, brothers and now he was with her, protecting her to the best of his ability.
"I thank you, Ignis, for your service to this kingdom... and my family,"
Ignis simply nodded, he continued to maintain his stance.
The head of the guards in the palace was found dead in his own office. Someone was still in the palace and is awaiting the perfect chance to bring down the dynasty. The vampire fangs have been given to the clergy, their support for the monarchy have further increased as with the jealousy and greed of the powerful noble families in the kingdom.
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