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84.21% My king : Alex's story / Chapter 16: My sister ( Eli's POV )

Chapter 16: My sister ( Eli's POV )

I woke up to Alex sleeping on me and two pizza boxes next to us. I woke Alex up because I totally forgot today is the last day of college.

Alex: babeeee let me sleep

Eli: we over slept we're graduating today

Alex: oh heck I totally forgot about that

We both quickly get up and Alex starts the shower while I got our outfits ready. Alex lets me take a shower first so he could clean up the dorm. After out showers we change really quickly and go to school campus, They asked for our dorm keys before giving us the hat and robe I guess you could call it.

???: please give us the number of out dorm and keys

Alex: may I ask why

???: well we need dorms for next year's batch of kids so the students graduating can't live here anymore.

Alex: thank you and my dorm number is 589, here are the keys

I give her the keys and she hands us two hats, two robes and papers with our names in it. We got in line and waited for about an hour before they actually started calling out names. It was my turn and I walked up to the man reading out names and gave him my paper. He read my name out loud then gave me a hand shake and my papers with my degree. I walked off stage and waiting for Alex's name to get called. Once we got his name called and got his papers and walked down the steps. I ran up to him and kissed him.

Eli: we did it

Alex: yes we did babe

We saw Kelly and Sarah and Alex's dad waiting for us. I ran up to Sarah and we hugged tightly, then I hugged Kelly and gave Alex's dad a hand shake and a hug. Alex finally made it to us and gave his dad a hug and a kiss on the cheek to Kelly then he rubbed his hand in Sarah's head making her hair a mess. They looked like a happy family I'd only mine was like that.

???: Eli

Eli: yes

I turned around to see my lovely sister, what is she doing here. I grabbed her hand and she closed her eyes in pain. I didn't grab her that hard why is she in pain. I took her to a place where there was no people and no one could listen to us talk. I rolled up her sleeves and saw bruises. I looked up at her , I know my sister hates me and all but I still love her and no one is allowed to do this to her .

Eli: who did this

Ella: n-no one

Eli: I tried so hard to protect you from this and it still happened

Ella: well you shouldn't have cuz it still happens

Eli: why do you hate me Ella

Ella: because Eli , you were always the favorite , whenever mom has time she only played with you

Eli: I took beating for you , I cared for you , I did everything for you , WHY ISN'T ANYTHING ENOUGH FOR YOU ELLA

Alex saw me yelling and ran up to me and saw my sister , he was shocked at first then paid attention to me after

Alex: you okay babe

Eli: yeah I'm fine

Alex: you sure

Eli: yeah , just get her somewhere safe and don't let her do anything stupid

Alex: where you going

Eli: I need to be alone

I handed Alex my hat , robe and papers, then walked away from them. I can't believe my sister , I tried my best to keep her happy , I worked every hour of the day for toys for her and candy when she was feeling down. I even protected from our father and got her out of that life. She has a life now because of me I let her free. I looked up and saw where I was , I walked back to my father's house for some reason. I know he's in prison but I feel like he's in there waiting. I walk in and see that all our stuff is still there. I walked into my mother's room and saw all her things. I saw her favorite necklace that also is Ella's favorite necklace. I walked back to the dorm and saw Ella sitting down while Alex started to pack things up. I close the door and walk up to Ella , I soon her around so her back was facing me. I put mother's necklace on her then walked away , I can't even look at her, I loved my mother and that necklace but I know Ella probably deserves it. Ella followed me into the bedroom and turned me around to face her, I grab both of her hands then look her in the eyes.

Eli: mother only spent time with me because she felt bad that I got beating from father and that I wasn't her favorite.

Ella: oh my God

I let go of her hands and go through some of the things I actually had with me. I grabbed a picture of me and mother and handed it to Ella.

Eli: read the back

Ella: my dear Eli , I wanted you to know what I actually didn't love you for a really long time. I only planned for your sister and I only loved her. If you ever find my necklace please give it to her. from Melody

Eli: you can keep that picture if you want

Ella: she didn't sign was mother

Eli: she felt pity but I still loved her even tho her love was fake

Ella: I'm sorry Eli

Eli: just promise me one thing

Ella: anything

Eli: whoever is doing that to you , leave him

Ella: I will

Eli: you live a better live from now on

We walked out of the bedroom and I saw Alex listening to us, he had a some tears run down his face. Me and my sister said our goodbyes and she left for good this time I hope. She deserves way better than this life she has now. I turn around and smile at Alex then help him with the packing.

Alex: you okay

Eli: yeah, she had to know the truth if she was going to move on

Alex: I guess your right

Eli: come on

I grab his hand and we leave the dorm, there is a little ice cream shop next to the dorm we never went too for some reason but I think right now is the perfect time. We get there and we both get bubble gum. We get our ice cream and sit at a table outside.

Alex: this is nice

Eli: it is isn't it

I get a little of my ice cream and out it on Alex's nose, I started to laugh.

Alex: really, you know what

Alex gets some ice cream and puts it on my face and laughs , we both start laughing and finish our ice cream. We make it back to the dorm and Alex closes the door and starts to kiss me. I kiss back and he pushes me back making a mess everywhere. He picks me up and lays me down on the floor. He starts to kiss me again but then the door opens.

Sarah: hey guys they-

Eli: oh my God


Alex: how old are you god

Sarah: welp you better stop that funny business cuz I'm spending night

Eli: yesss girl , I'll start making your favorite macaroons and meal for dinner

Alex: WHAT

Sarah: awe yeah

I push Alex off me and go into the kitchen and start getting everything out.

Alex: you really gotta do that to me

Sarah: I didn't do anything

Alex: yes you did , I was gonna get lucky

Sarah: sureeeee

Me and Sarah start laughing and Alex goes to the couch and starts to pout.

Eli: don't pout

Sarah: yeah

Eli: I'll make your favorite macaroons

He gets up and puts his hand on his neck and smiles.

Sarah: seriously

Alex: yeah , wanna play this game we got

Sarah: hell yeah

They don't on the bean bags and I start cooking and cutting things for lunch.

Eli: once your done Alex you need to start packing again

Sarah: where ya guys going

Alex: we don't know yet , we'll have to start looking for apartments

Sarah: when do you guys have to leave

Eli: some time tomorrow

Sarah: that sucks , I'll ask my mom if you guys can stay in tell you get a apartment

Alex: thanks , and watch out

Sarah: HELP ME




Both: sorry

Eli: damn idiots

I finish everything up and they finish their game and eat. Alex and Sarah started to go back to the game but we have to pack.

Eli: what are you guys doing

Alex: playing

Eli: no we are packing , come on

Alex: not now

Eli: I will unplug that ps4 and pack it right now or we'll do it last and you can play it later

Alex: ok but give me a kiss

He walks up to me and puts his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his shoulders.

Eli: Sarah's right there

Alex: so

Sarah: please don't

Alex: ughhhhhhhh

We let go of reach other and we start packing. A couple hours later it was almost dinner time and I didn't want to cook do I made them order pizza.

The pizza got here and we made Sarah get it and there was a boy delivering the pizza and he was flirting with her. Me and Alex watched from the corner and saw that he asked for her number and she gave it to him. We walked over to them and we looked a little scared.

???: who's this

Sarah: this is my brother and his boyfriend

???: sweet

Eli: come in , would you like some macaroons I just made some

???: um....sure

We walk in and Alex grabs the pizza and turns a TV show on. I grab the macaroons and give some to this guy Sarah likes.

???: these are really good

Eli: thank you

Sarah: Eli is the best cook

Eli: what's your name

???: Daniel

Eli: well Daniel welcome , you hurt Sarah tho your life is over

Daniel: got it

Eli: it was nice meeting you

Daniel: have a nice day

I sit next to Alex and give him a kiss on the cheek before grabbing a piece of pizza.

For the rest of the night we packed and made jokes.

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