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42.1% My king : Alex's story / Chapter 8: My father ( Eli's pov) 18+

Chapter 8: My father ( Eli's pov) 18+

I woke up to see Alex staring at me, then he kisses my forehead. He always kisses my forehead what if I kissed him back. I kissed his cheek and he was so shocked. He looked at me and I gave him a smile before getting up and turning the shower on. While I was in the shower I thought about how it would feel to kiss Alex on the lips. No it wouldn't happen he doesn't like me that way. I Take a long time in the shower , to feel the hot water touch my skin relaxs me. I turned the shower off and grabbed a towel and put it around my waist then went back to the room. Once I was tin the room I saw the door open and saw Alex walking in. I just stared at him , I was so embarrassed but then I realized that Alex was checking me out. He walked up to me and he started to play with my hair and he said

Alex: you're so fucking sexy

Alex:oh god I'm sorry Eli I couldn't control myse-

Before he could finish his sentence ,I grabbed his shirt and kissed him. Just has I thought his lips were sweet and soft. He kissed me back and picked my legs up and put them on his waist. He pushed me to the wall without breaking the kiss. I let out a small moan and I started to blush , that was so embarrassing. After that happened while Alex was making breakfast I changed into some clothes. When I sat down I saw that Alex made my favorite, pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream. For some reason he likes to have Chocolate and bananas but I just find that gross. We went to the pack for a walk but then I saw him. My father. H-he's coming for me , I need to leave but I just stood there frozen. Alex asked my so many questions but I only heard one if I wanted to leave. We started to walk away but he yelled at me and I thought he wouldn't say those words at me again. I know Alex couldn't here it but I heard it loud and clearly. He said,


We got back to the dorm and I started to cry. Alex picked me up and we went to the bedroom. He just hugged me the hole time when I finally stopped crying I told him,

Eli: y-you need to know what happened

Alex: you don't have to

Eli: I want to, you deserve it


It started when my mom took too many drugs and died. My dad started to blame me for her death , so he started to hit me. I thought it couldn't get worse but it did. He started to drink and I looked just like my mom, people thought we were twins. Then he started to call me by my mom's name and flirt with me but one day he just stopped drinking like someone had did something to him and he just stopped. One night he came in and he did things to me.

Alex: what kind of things

I could tell he was pissed and I told him sexual things. He got so mad but he claimed down and let me finish my story.


The day I met you and got your number really came in hand for me. When I got come he got mad and started to things but he kinda knocked me out or I just passed out. I woke up and just ran with my phone. I called a random person and it was you. I was so glad I called you , you were so nice to me and I bet I was a pain to be with and that's my story.

Alex: I'm so sorry that happened to you

Eli: well I met you so and I'm really glad

Alex: you know we should finish where we left off

Eli: oh really

We were already on the bed so I pushed him so he could lay down and I got on stop of him. I started to kiss him and he kissed back without breaking the kiss I take off his shirt and he takes off my shirt. He breaks the kiss and softly puts me on the bed and he gets on top of me and starts to kiss my neck. I let out a moan and he gives me a smirk and carries on going lower.

Alex: you sure about this

Eli: yes I want this

Alex: you positive

Eli: yes

He takes off his pants then starts to take off my pants. After I stop him and tell him to get on the bed he does then I get on top of him and kiss his neck then going lower. I get down to his croch and I look up at him.

Eli: may i

Alex: s-sure

I take his hand and make him sit up at the edge of the bed. I make him stand up and take off his boxers then make him sit down again. I sit down on the floor and start to suck his dick , he lets out a moan and puts his hand in my hair. I go faster and he lets out a louder moan and says

Alex: E-eli don't stop

After 10 minutes I stop and he picks me up and puts me on the bed. He takes off my boxers and he passionately gos slow at first then he starts to get rougher and I let out a loud moan and say

Eli: faster Alex

He goes faster and rougher and I let out another moan. He starts to kiss me and he finds my weak spot on my neck, I let out a small cute moan. He smirks and says

Alex: you like that

Eli: y-yes

Alex: good

Alex: I would continue this but we need to shower and go visit my dad and his girlfriend

Eli: "we" you want me to come

Alex: hell yeah you're the only one who clams me down and we get in alot of fights

Eli: okay, wanna take a shower with me

Alex: thought you'd never ask

after the shower and at Alex's dad's House

We walk in and his dad looks at me with death eyes like he wants to kill me, so I go behind Alex.

Dad: who's this

Alex: this is Eli, Eli this is my father , Kelly , and Sarah

Eli: h-hello n-nice to m-meet you

Sarah: you got yourself a shy one huh

Alex: yup

Kelly: is this your boyfriend

Dad: my son is no gay

Eli: *mind* well shit

I look over at the girl Sarah , she waves at me and I smile and wave back. I slowly make my way over to her and go behind her.

Sarah: shy much

Eli: not really but Alex's dad is super scary and he gives me the death eyes

Sarah: hmm, well you got me I'm like really strong

Sarah shows her small arms and we both laugh I look over to see Alex smiling at me.

Sarah: someone as a crush

Eli: idk what you're talking about

All of the sudden Alex and his father start to argue and I see that he's about to hit Alex so I ran in between them and get hit I'm the face.

Alex: E-eli are you okay

Eli: I'm fine are you okay, you shouldn't argue with your father.

Alex: I'm fine and he deserves it

Father: just get out of my house

Eli: thank you sir for having us over

Alex: but

Eli: no we'll go outside now and we will leave

Alex: fine

Alex's walks out and leaves the door for me but he doesn't wait for me he just starts the car and waits for me.

Eli: really sorry sir

father: he's never listen to anybody like that

Eli: guess I just clam him down as he says it

Father: I like you, tell my son I'm sorry and I except him for being gay

Eli: thank you sir

I walk out and softly close the door and get in the car.

Alex: what took so long

Eli: he wanted me to tell you he's sorry and he expects you for being gay

Alex: finally but right now I just wanna leave.

We get home and Alex....

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