Title: The new beginning of Sun Wukong part (2)
He asked the Taoist how much the cheats sell for.
The Taoist is a sly fox.. He tries to trick sun that it is a very
ancient book which he has to sell for living.
Sun was so excited that he bought them with all of his savings.
He goes to his home which is in streets.
He got in his bed and memorized them all quickly..
He first tries to cultivate Body of the Crane. As he was not
prepared he felt pain at first he ignoed it but as time went
on the pain increased so much that he could not bear it anymore.
Blood was flowing out of his nose and mouth..
As he was feeling that he was dieing he only felt
was not the fact that he was cheated but he thought
why he could not cultivate..
He died sitting in his bad..
Or he thought he had died as he finds himself in
a dark place.. After sometime he finds that he
reincarnated as he hears some people talking..
He quickly got bored and decided to cultivate
Meditation which he bought from the Taoist..