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73.52% A Forgotten Hero / Chapter 25: The food is just too great!

Chapter 25: The food is just too great!

The stars shine across the sky, not having the slightest care. The midnight breeze shivers some while giving peace for others. The full moon hovers above the world, watching over the joys, the depression, the cunning, the pure, the wars or peace; everything at night can be seen by the moon, and in turn, giving them light. Yes, it's not as bright as the sun yet people are grateful for the moon's existence. It prevents the world from being swallowed by darkness and when humanity couldn't produce their own light, how do you think they go around at night? Simple, the moon light allowed them to continue their journey, the dim light gave them hope thus allowing them to continue living.

Though dim, the moon's light is always there in the darkness while stars are unreliable, they don't care what happens to people, stars die out eventually while the moon has always been there.

Jack, while lying on the field of grass, was lost in thought, looking at the moon with deep contemplation. He failed his task, though he could have risked his life grabbing the rose, he just didn't have an attachment to this mission; viewing it as an inconvenience to paying back a favour but failing hurts his pride and all his work was meaningless thus wasting his time where he could have leveled up or tried to earn gold a different way.

"I wonder how Zurie will react to the news" staring mindlessly, Jack began to wonder the consequences once he returns to the kingdom.

"Better meet the victors." He stood up and walked towards the rubble left by the church.


Looking under his foot, a small red sphere was on the ground at the old church site. Jack of course picks it up thinking it might be a gem or crystal that's worth a lot of gold!

"Here you are!" Where have you been?!"

Before he analysed it, one of the four vampires that resent Jack called out when they saw him.

Looking towards him "Of course I was hiding? You think i could kill vampires? My agreement only said to take the barrier down which I did."

"Tch…...thank you, this means a lot to us" He thanked jack sincerely as he was proven wrong. Plus though he shows a tough attitude, he has a kind heart deep down ...even if he doesn't show it. In fact all four of those vampires are like that but since they have a higher status politically and thus gained this bad habit.

"Your welcome." Though shocked, Jack kept an indifferent attitude.

After cleaning up the battlefield, they retreated back to the forest before anyone notices the rubble and after effects of the fight. Though they managed to clear the bodies and most of the blood, there are still ways to understand what happened and with the Tatis kingdom's resources it could more or less understand what happened, especially as it was only a few kilometres away!

An hour later….

"Well done!" Ian was praising Jack talents, giving off a big smile.

Though the fight has just happened, vampires have insane recovery speed so most of them are mainly recovered thus decided to have a party of their victory! They have been in conflict with them for so long and now they are eradicated! They are able to finally move on to complete their main objective but before that…... they have to celebrate!

As Jack played a big role to allow them to attack, he was invited which he accepted.

The hall was filled with vampires, some vampires were playing music from different instruments, while some female vampires were dancing with their beautiful dress and the men were chatting with others with wine. Honestly, if an outsider saw this they would not think that they were just in a life and death battle.

There were tables full of delicacies of different kind that Jack has never seen! Some felt squishy, while some looked burnt yet they ate with smiles. Some portions were tiny yet people fought for them. Some were tougher than others, requiring a lot of strength to chew and swallow but in the end they were happy.

Only very few dishes, Jack knows about but they were served for royalty at his time but these are mixed with ingredients he is unaware of.

"I have missed so much." When you go from being all knowledgeable to knowing only a fragment of the world, who wouldn't feel regret? The regret that he was tricked leading him to miss so much advancements!' At least I will be excited to see the new world' he thought to himself, trying to get rid of his regret and isolated feelings.

Jack saw a type of fish but it was all white and mushy, in fact it looks quite unappealing but he saw a lot of vampires smiling when tasting it; so he grabbed one and slowly placed it, while closing his eyes, in his mouth. The fish was very soft and easy to chew. The taste was quite odd, it felt tasteless while also salty but it was very easy to eat as it just melted in his mouth.

'It's alright' Jack thought. He went around the hall, trying various foods which some he loved but some he hated like he came across this red food and took a piece of its leg off. He then tried to bite it but instead his teeth took damage! The surrounding vampires laughed lightly and showed him how to actually eat it. Apparently you eat the stuff inside and what Jack tried to eat was the shell. One of the vampires showed Jack how to get the actual edible substance out of the shell.

Jack followed his instructions and then ate the long white substance. Immediately, he covered his mouth, trying his hardest to swallow it. It was disgusting to him, tasted so salty and felt awkward to chew but he did not want to throw up in front of everyone thus swallowed it whole.

After that, Jack vowed to never eat such a disgusting dish ever again!

He moved on to the dessert section, he saw a small fountain that poured out this brown substance. Jack did not like the look of it as there are other brown substances that should not be eaten….

Yet why was it here and why did people dip this pink squishy substance to the fountain?

'Are people able to digest shit?' This thought actually came across Jack when he first saw them dip their food in the fountain.

Jack took a deep breath ...grabs the pink squishy food… slowly sticks it in the fountain…he swallows the entire thing!

Instantly his heart screamed in joy, his eyes sparkled brightly, he unconsciously started to smile and was in a world of pleasure!

'What the hell is this!? Why does it taste so good!' Jack's mind started going all over the place, lost in the taste.

He kept having more and more of the desert, the surrounding vampires started to take notice but they found it amusing as they saw Jack's expressions to the food and assumed he doesn't usually have such cookery.

At this moment, only happiness filled Jack to the point where he forgot about the reward or failing to obtain the Rose. In fact at this point, if someone would reward him with food he would probably accept it in a heartbeat! At his time, normal commoners would have soup or potatoe and the higher nobles would have meat from beasts but it would undercooked or simply plain which at the time would be considered a delicacy! Though Jack was a hero, in the beginning he wasn't provided "delicacy", unlike the other heroes. So when he ate meat it was due to hunting them himself.

The quality of food then and now just can't be compared! It would be an insult to this generations skills!

"If this is the quality of food from a small kingdom like this ...I can't imagine the level from the larger kingdoms!"

At this moment, Jack has another reason to explore this new world and become stronger!

Plus a reason to allow this world to continue…

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