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61.76% A Forgotten Hero / Chapter 21: Tsukahara Bokuden

Chapter 21: Tsukahara Bokuden

So after the "trial" I went through, the maids tended to my injuries by giving me a health potion which treated most of my injuries while the rest were bandaged. They instructed me to rest for at least an hour which I decided to comply with and now it's nearly evening. I don't have much time left before most of the blood vampires from that cult gather and I still need to make the barrier have an opening for the vampires here to infiltrate.

With sufficient rest, I got up from my bed and changed into my black robes but before I could walk to the door, it already started to open!

The son that lead me here walked in and his dull face brightened up when seeing me.

"Your injuries healed!" With a big smile on his face, he said.

He started explaining that his father told everyone in the mansion that no one should enter this room while you were recovering which displeased him as it meant he couldn't check up on me at all. So he waited for at least an hour but as I still didn't leave the room, he decided to take a sneak peek.

What a troublesome child that father has.

After seeing I was able to stand properly, he went out and told his father. A few minutes later his father came in with his son however the father seems a little different....does he smell of alcohol?

"My you woke up earlier than expected! I would have guessed it would take a day rest hahaha"

With a surprised tone, the father explained his thoughts about my recovery.

"Sadly I don't have that leisure. I need to go and sort out the barrier as tonight most of the blood vampires will gather at the church."

The fathers let out a shocked expression.

"Tonight?? That soon! Alright, I will gather my soldiers but our attack won't work if you can't deactivate the barrier."

"I will do it, don't worry, just do what you meant to."

After I said those words, I told them I had to get going which they bid me farewell until we meet tonight.

I go through the forest, to get near the Tatis kingdom and luckily this time I sprinted as I was alone which shortened the time it took me to get out of the forest. However, now my time is shorter so I have to prepare even faster.

Truthfully though...I don't know how I am meant to deactivate the barrier!

I just spouted complete lies as I was desperate in getting people to become my distractions but I didn't expect that I needed to deactivate a barrier, many levels higher than mine!

Though this doesn't look good on me, I am still the ultimate hero! It's not like I have never come across magic barriers in my life!

Though as grand as barriers are, even the most complex magic circles that are used to create them have weak points! If I can pinpoint the weak points then the barriers should just vanish however I don't know how advanced the barriers in this era are!

From what I already witnessed, civilization has advanced quite well, to the point and they can even learn moves so much easier and faster! Even the techniques and magic I have seen they do on a regular basis would be considered at least medium to high tier quality! Yet it seems the ranking from my generation is meaningless here...I wonder what else from my knowledge became meaningless?

Maybe even the lowest tier barrier here is probably be considered high tier from my era. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if their barriers in this era no longer had weak points haha....

The more I thought about the advancement of this world, the less confident I started to feel about breaking the barrier made from vampires of level 70+ which is considered powerful here.


While Jack was thinking of how to deactivate the barrier which is giving him the most trouble to his "perfect" plan to get the Rose. There is another fellow who is having some trouble of his own in the Tatis kingdom.

Earlier today...

"You're fired! Get out!" A very angry lady shouts at a young lad, who is on the floor outside of the building named "Herbs feel good".

"You are so useless! It was your third day working here yet you managed to get 27 complaints from our customers! A few times you gave them the wrong herbs which lead to some of the customers' life to be endangered! broke a lot of our containers! You also-"

The very furious lady kept going off on the young lad about his mistakes while the young lad gave a gloomy expression due to being lectured of his mistakes.

Finally, the lady cooled off as a crowd started to gather and all her frustrations that bottled up for 3 days finally died down. Once it did, she slammed the door indicating for him to get out of her site which the young lad did with his head down.

"Isn't he that person that managed to get fired from every job he takes?"

"I heard he hasn't managed to hold on a job for more than 3 days"

"Even my grandpa who manages the 'creams bakery' fired him"

"Really? Your grandpa is one of the kindest businessmen and is very tolerant of mistakes...that guy must have messed up greatly"

"I think this is the 40th job he got fired from since he came here"

"I believe he is only 18 yet can't keep a job...poor fellow"

All kinds of talking could be heard from the crowd that gathered and it seems they are all aware of this boy, that got fired.

"*sigh* I guess I will have to find another job.." The young lad said with barely any confidence.


"sorry we have enough workers"

" Not hiring kid"

Who is this person that is currently being rejected a job? His name is Tsukahara Bokuden or usually people call him Boku for short. He has black hair like Jack but its much neater and he is shorter than Jack, with a height of 5'8 and he has a thinner figure which leads to people thinking he has no muscles when in fact he is quite physically strong, as he is seen always having a katana in its sheath at his waist. He usually presents a very calm and laid back demeanor which leads to others thinking he is very capable....until they find out the truth.

As hard as Boku tried, he kept being rejected until lunchtime. His reputation has spread all over the Tatis kingdom that with a glance they know it's him and instead of dealing with his mistakes, they immediately refuse to give him a job.

Checking his pockets "I don't have enough gold....."He checked how much money he held which made him a little sadder seeing his extremely small wealth.

"Maybe..its time to continue my travels...before that, I probably should say goodbye to Ellen as she will be very mad at me if I vanished"

Making up his mind that its time he left this kingdom, he wanted to say goodbye to a friend he made when he arrived in the kingdom a month ago. Her name was Ellen and he helped them with a job of theirs, thus they decided to provide lodging for his time here. Boku feels a lot of gratitude for there care for him.

Once he arrived at their residence, he opened the door to see her mum pleading to him!

"Boku please help" Ellen went to the forest to collect some berries but she hasn't returned and I fear she may be in danger!"

Boku immediately nodded and ran out to the forest, to find Ellen.

swoosh! swoosh!

Running through the leaves and bushes, Boku heard something.

"How low can you be! surrounding me like this!" The voice of a furious girl can be heard.

Boku immediately travelled to the sound of that voice. The sight that greets him is 5 grown men ganging up on a girl on the floor. Who is the girl? None other then Ellen,Boku was looking for!

"Ellen, are you ok?" He asks.

When she noticed Boku, her worries completely vanished and she became relaxed.

"No Boku! These men are trying to capture me!" She shouted out, hoping for him to take them out fast. The 5 guys turned around to see Boku and they drew their swords.

You see, even though Boku is completely and utterly useless at all the jobs he has taken, practically having no skills nor talent for other occupations but he is good at one thing which is his swordsmanship! His talent for swordsmanship is so high that at the age of 13, he has surpassed his family and most of his village! At age 14 by pure swordsmanship, he has already surpassed his dad, who is the strongest swordsman in the village, who is known as a master in the art of the sword. At his 16th birthday, he beat the strongest swordsman of the entire continent! Of course, his father and the strongest swordsman lowered their strength to his level but if he managed to still beat them with their experience, once he reaches there levels and gained more knowledge, what say he can't win again! In fact, his talent for swordsmanship is so terrifying that it's like all his talent points, before birth, went to just the way of the sword, making him be awful at everything else!

When he heard Ellen's command, he grasped his Katana in its sheath and readied himself. A strong pressure started to emit from Boku.

The 5 men charged him with their swords encased in aura! Each of them using a special Technique!

"Mystic mist style first step vanish!" Boku called out calmly

One of the men struck at Boku but as the blade made contact, he dispersed leaving a trail of mist!

"W-what?" The man said.

Suddenly "Mystic mist style second step pierce" The katana stabbed straight through the man even though he was wearing Armour!.

"Mystic mist style third step burst"

The man that was pierced suddenly was torn apart from within! 5 slashes were emitted from the spot that was pierced which tore the body to 5 pieces!

Before the other men could comprehend what had happened, Boku called out "Mystic mist first step vanish and mystic mist fourth step delay"

Boku vanished and went to each of the men and slashed but the sword went through each of them!

"W-what?" The men thought they would die by his slashes..but nothing happened!

Boku appeared in front of them and sheathed his katana "Mystic mist fifth step....release." He finally says.

"hu-" Before the men could comment, their body was slashed in half! There slash was where Boku "attacked" them!

As the battle ended, Boku was about to check on Ellen but then he was toppled to the ground by her! She was hugging him in tears "Do you know how scared I was!? Why did you take so long dummy!"

"Sorry." Seeing her in this state made Boku angry at himself for taking too long to the people that were kind to him.

"Of course you just say that *sniff* lets head home now *sniff*"

"Alright," Boku said calmly.

Ultra Ultra

So you know how I wished for notifications for comments etc last time. Well as if someone from webnovel heard me, a few days later in my inbox it showed a author notification thing which tells me when someone comments or reviews or votes for my novel!!! Amazing isn't it!

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