Someone once said to rise we have to fall and that we cannot begin anew if we do not learn our end. This was what Aziell had begun to teach me the more I got to know him.
" Now if you're done arguing with me, prepare to be amazed. " And with that comment, Aziell stepped off of the path behind me facing somewhat in the direction of the wall. I remained silent.
" What no lip this time? Alright, come stand just to the side of me. " he followed up with another comment.
Aziell took a deep breath in, then out, in again, then out. I could see that he had also closed his eyes and his hands began to follow his breathing motions pressing against the ground beneath him.
A dual-ring or blue light phased into existence at chest level and began to rotate in opposite directions replicating itself downwards setting the ground around us ablaze.
A flaming ring began to form drawing itself outward in a circular pattern that pushed inward almost to our feet. Unfamiliar symbols started to etch into the dirt in smaller triangular shapes as a shockwave then cracked the ground outside of it right up to the wall ahead.
Everything else around us, the city, the trees, the path leading up to this point faded except the wall ahead.
Aziell's eyes opened fully white with the same emanating blue glow as before when he saved me the first time. I could hear him chanting these strange words in a low key tone...
" Portos..
Arcos.. "
A double line of blue light shot pulsed then quickly out of the front circular symbol in the shape of an arrow hitting the wall drawing itself upwards in a large rectangle that fit inside of the entire section of the wall ahead. Everything in the center section of the archway then blurred folding in upon itself glowing blue with yellowish white light beaming out of it. It was a doorway. But, I wondered, a doorway to what?
The next thing I knew Aziell had snapped out of his peculiar trance looking at me briefly as an unfamiliar voice echoed from the portal, " Welcome to the Order of Alpha & Omega Vyth Drydenn, we've been expecting you. " Aziell then unpaused and we entered the portal that had formed in front of us.