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82.35% KHR fan fiction + Different World / Chapter 12: Lambo and Something Impossible Happens

Chapter 12: Lambo and Something Impossible Happens

Asuka: 5 years old

Tsuna: 8 years old

Ieyatsu: 13 years old

"Tenth's otouto, you don't have to do this," Hayato said as he tried to push the bento back into the pale hands.

"It's fine Haya-nii, you and aniki are friends, just call me Tsuna," said Tsuna as he pushed the bento back into Hayato's hands while dragging him to the kitchen, so he could have breakfast with Reborn, Ieyatsu, Asuka and him.

If you look closely, you would see Hayato's cheek is a little red because of the new nickname Tsuna gave him.

"But, I already troubled you last night by taking care of my injuries and then letting me stay the night. I can't trouble you for breakfast and lunch, Te-Tsuna," Hayato said at the last second as Tsuna released a little KI and turned a scary bright smile to him. Not arguing any further he was placed at the chair on the right side of the table with Reborn on the left and the brothers at the ends. As always, Asuka sits next to him.

"It's fine and eat up while the food is still hot," said Tsuna happily for he finally, after 85 years, he got Hayato to say his name, and started eating with Reborn and Ieyatsu.

Hayato having no comeback started eating and froze at the first bite.

Feeling déjà vu, Tsuna was about to ask if he was okay. Hayato quickly says that it was the best food he had ever tasted, which earned a small blush from Tsuna.

"Aniki, you drag Takeshi-nii by the ear today after school here; I have something to say to him for not coming yesterday or the day before. Asuka, you would go bring him if necessary," said Tsuna as breakfast continued.

Asuka: "Okay, Onii-chan"

"Asuka you stop there. Tuna, I can't just do that and he will come when he does. He has been practicing a lot lately," Ieyatsu said while finishing his breakfast.

"He shouldn't be practicing so much, or he will hurt his arm," Tsuna said with a concerned face that got everyone at the table mad at Takeshi for worrying Tsuna.

"Don't worry Te-Tsuna, I'll bring the baseball freak here, right as the bell rings," yelled Hayato as he got a determined gleam in his eyes.

"Hey, baseball can't be used in an insult, it's the best sport ever!" said Ieyatsu, defending the club he was captain too.

"I'm very sorry Tenth for my inconsideration, I shall commit seppuku," yelled Hayato as he grabbed a knife from nowhere and was about to stab himself when Ieyatsu tackled him to the ground yelling no.

"It's fine Hayato, just don't use baseball in an insult," Ieyatsu said as he took the knife away.

"They're so lively~, it's so good to go to school and have friends ~," said Tsuna smiled happily and a hint of lonely as he took his and Reborn's plates to the sink, where he proceeded to clean them. (That was an act! After live 7 years acting like a kid! He is an expert now! well except the lonely part).

Well, this caught their attention, especially his aniki. Feeling bad that his little Tuna-fish didn't be able to play with another kid in his age.

"They are apart of the Vongola Famiglia," said Reborn as if that explained everything from his seat on top of Tsuna's head and started playing with his hair.

"Oh, the mafia game you, aniki, and Asuka are part of? Does that mean Hayato-nii joined to?" asked Tsuna as he put the dishes away and then walked to the kitchen while both Hayato and Ieyatsu were getting ready to go to school.

"Of course Dame-Yatsu would choose the people I recommend." Said Reborn.

"Maybe I should join your mafia game. It would be fun! Right?~" said Tsuna playfully.

"No! Tuna! I would play another game with you later, but not the mafia game, it's a dangerous game!" said Ieyatsu with a scary and worried expression. He really didn't want his otouto to get involved with this mess.

Asuka: "Yeah, onii-chan should not play mafia game."

"It's okay aniki and Asuka, I won't play mafia game," said Tsuna as he regrets saying about joining their mafia game.

"Good," said Ieyatsu as he sighs in relieved.

Asuka: I bet that Tsuna is laughing his mind off.

"Also, Dame-Yatsu, I will be staying with Tsuna today. Get Takeshi to join your family or else I will shoot you," said Reborn as he watched with Tsuna as the two got ready for school.

"I don't want Takeshi to be a part of-" Ieyatsu started to say but was interrupted by a bullet next to his head.

"Reborn, no playing with toy guns; they are dangerous and are a bad influence!" said Tsuna as he took the gun from Reborn's hand.

Asuka: 'I bet Reborn is surprised by now. Well, Tsuna understanding of Reborn can be the best of best out of all here.'

Reborn didn't know that Tsuna took his gun away because he didn't want him to shoot at his aniki but he did know tthat he just let Tsuna, a civilian, take away one of his precious guns. He would have to be on guard more often around Tsuna since he couldn't let just anyone take his gun away just like that.

"Now aniki, Hayato-nii, and Asuka don't forget to share the bentos and bring Takeshi-nii here," Tsuna said in a commanding voice and giving both boy and the girl a hug.

"Will do Tsuna/Tuna," said Hayato and Ieyatsu at the same time.

Asuka: "Okay."

"Good," Tsuna said as he ushered the two boys and his sister out the door.

"Itekimasu!" said Hayato, Ieyatsu, and Asuka in unison.

"Iterashai!" Yelled Tsuna then he closed the door.

Walking to the kitchen, Tsuna put the gun in a drawer above the counter so that someone Reborn's size couldn't get it. But Reborn wasn't a normal baby, so he would get the gun later when Tsuna wasn't looking.

"Now that it is just the two of us, why don't we get you into some comfy clothes and go to the park to have a picnic," said Tsuna

Not having any time to say anything, Reborn was carried to Tsuna's room. (If this was the previous world, he would definitely get a smack from Reborn for treat him like a baby). Once inside the room, Tsuna put Reborn on his bed while he went through a closet and pulled out a pair of blue jean shorts and a yellow tee-shirt in Reborn size.

When Tsuna was getting Reborn clothes, he was looking at Tsuna's room and saw that it was clean and sparkly. As Reborn was musing deeply about how an eight-year-old could keep their room so clean.

Reborn: 'Maybe because he wishes for his family to be happy, not worry about them which make him become more mature.'

When Tsuna took off his fedora and changed his suit into a pair of comfy clothes before he was picked up by Tsuna. He put his fedora back on his head with Leon before he was carried out the room.

"There we go, now we can go to the park," said Tsuna as he let Reborn sit on his head as he walked downstairs and picked up a picnic basket as he walked out the door.


When Reborn and Tsuna got to the park, Tsuna asked what Reborn wanted to do first as they could go play on the playground, take a nap under Sakura trees, or go for a walk around a lake.

Reborn, not tired for once and didn't want to walk, and he thinks a kid like Tsuna would like to play once in a while, then he decided they would go to the playground.

Tsuna couldn't believe that he was now pushing his, home tutor Reborn on a swing. When he was a boss and someone told him he would be doing that, he would have sent them to Ryohei to see if they were okay or Mukuro to see if he was mental sane. But here he was eight years old and pushing Reborn on a swing.

The rest of the afternoon was spent going down slides and doing other things around the park. At one point one of the girls that were playing near Reborn and Tsuna, fell and scraped their knee. Being the kind-hearted person he was, Tsuna ran to her and pulled out some disinfected and a band-aid that he always carries with him.

As Tsuna was taking care of a girls injury, Reborn was thinking that Tsuna was really too nice and that people in the mafia would use it to their advantage if they found out about him. With that thought in mind, Reborn went through a list of people that owed him favors and that could take care of Tsuna when he was making Ieyatsu Vongola boss, and when Asuka is to leave Tsuna for a period of time. (Asuka can just tear the space apart to help Tsuna so Reborn doesn't need to worry about it. Tsuna would at most disabled them from fighting without hurting them too much.) Realizing that he had a lot of people that owed him favors, he decided to choose someone at a later date as Tsuna came back to him, with the little girl yelling thank you behind him and Tsuna giving a smile in return.

"Ready to have lunch, Reborn?" asked Tsuna, as he bent down and picked up Reborn.

Reborn, just realizing that he was hunger quickly agreed.

Sitting under a Sakura tree, on a blanket, Tsuna had spread out, Tsuna started to take out two bentos and a small container of food for Leon. As the three started to eat, a boy in a cow suit started running at them.

"Reborn I, Lambo-sama, have come to kill you!" yelled the boy as he threw pink grenades at Reborn and Tsuna, who was right next to Reborn.

But Reborn just kicked the grenades and the kid away.

"Reborn, don't be so mean to other people!" scolded Tsuna as he walked to Lambo, who had large tears and snot streaming down his face.

"There is no need to cry, Lambo," said Tsuna in a sweet motherly voice, as he produced a hanker chief and started rubbing the snot away.

Making Lambo instantly stop crying and held onto Tsuna as he started carrying him to where Reborn was sitting with a death glare that would make anyone want to commit suicide just to get away from the glare.

"Reborn, apologize for hitting Lambo," said Tsuna as he took his seat with Lambo in his lap, making Reborn jealous as he wanted to sit there since it was comfy.

"Yeah, stupid Reborn, apologize and then I will kill you!" yelled Lambo.

"I don't apologize to people of lesser status than me," answered Reborn as he started to eat again but was stopped as Tsuna took away the bento.

"Reborn, you don't go hitting people without a reason and just because Lambo threw fake grenades at us is not a reason; there is no way a pink grenade actually works and you won't get this bento back till you apologize," said Tsuna with a stern voice, that if he wasn't trying to not laugh at the hitman's face, would have made him run around in circles in his head for speaking in that tone of voice to Reborn. (Tuna really tried his best to not laugh, ganbate~! Tuna~!)

Knowing that he could easily get the bento back Reborn was about to use Leon when he remembered he can't blow his cover and let Tsuna know about the mafia. Reborn debated about letting him keep the bento but he really wanted to have the heavenly made food and he was hungry.

So, swallowing his pride for the first time for someone else besides Luce he apologized to Lambo.

Reborn: "Sorry"

'I can't believe he apologized,' thought Tsuna, for he thought he would never see the day Reborn apologized, least of all to Lambo; he just wanted to see what Reborn would do.

He automatically put the bento in front of Reborn as he started to eat while feeding Lambo some of his bento.

"Haha, the Great Lambo-sama got out an apology from Reborn," Lambo continued to laugh but was stopped by a stern look from Tsuna.

"Lambo, Reborn apologized, it's only fair you do the same for saying you will kill him," said Tsuna.

"But, I don't want to," said Lambo with puppy dog eyes and directing it at Tsuna.

"You're not getting out of the apologue," Tsuna said sterner.

"I'm sorry Reborn," Lambo said not like it but getting a smile from Mama making it worth it.

"So, how do you know Reborn, Lambo?" asked Tsuna as he was curious if it was like back in the old world being chosen by Reborn.

"The Great Lambo-sama was at a bar and Reborn, with a bubble coming from his nose, and I talked, Mama," said Lambo deciding to call Tsuna, Mama because the food was great and he was really nice and warm.

"Lambo, just call me Tsuna," said Tsuna quickly once he saw a gleam in Reborn' eyes and feeling weird for being called Mama.

"No, Mama you need to be addressed correctly," Reborn said with a small smirk before Lambo could answer. (He just want to get revenge to Tsuna for making him apologized to someone with lesser status than him, he want to see our little Tuna fish expression by being called Mama.)

"Well, I hope aniki understands," said Tsuna with a thoughtful face that covered up the grin he wanted to wear when he saw Reborn lower his fedora hiding his anger at not getting a reaction from Tsuna. (You should have become an actor Tuna, you're amazing!)

"Speaking of Mama, where is Mama's Mama?" asked Reborn, curiously as he finished the bento that Tsuna gave him back. (What am I write here? I don't understand too)

Peaceful and prideful eyes made it to Tsuna's face before it was quickly replaced with a bright smile.

"Mama's mama is helping papa so Mama is taking care of the house," said Tsuna.

"Where are Mama friends?" asked Lambo, thinking someone as nice as Mama had to have a lot of friends, especially nice ones he could get candy from.

"Mama has aniki and Asuka because Mama is weak and doesn't go to school," said Tsuna looking at Lambo with a small smile.

Tsuna: 'I would like to go to school again. But my body would get to much stress from the activity' (you are actually happy for not going to school again, aren't you? you just really bored and want to have friends to talk to)

"Why is Mama weak and not going to school?" asked Lambo.

"Mama got sick a while ago and hasn't gotten better," said Tsuna with a smile that neither Lambo nor Reborn could place.

"If Mama is weak, then Lambo will take care of him because Lambo-sama is strong," said Lambo as he started to flex his non-existing muscles.

Tsuna couldn't help it but laugh.

The laugh that Tsuna made which sound heavenly even though he is wearing a veil, had everyone in the park look at him, with blushes, a few noses bleed and made others stop and stare. That is still a glare from two children made them look elsewhere.

Sora no Bara: Sky Rose

Sora no Majo: Sky Witch

Otouto: little Brother

Aniki: Big brother

Imouto: little sister

Otto: husband



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Unknownisthetruth Unknownisthetruth

I am still alive

I need to change my bad habit of when to sleep

When I focus on anime, manga, and light novel I always forget about time which makes my schedule go wary

I am so sorry, I think I can get my schedule back to order

Also, recommended I updates some of the chapters so please reread.

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