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36.84% My Elementary Lover / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Beach Day.

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Beach Day.

The birds chirped as dawn approached. Annie woke up to find herself, alone. She woke up and quickly got dressed. As she got ready, she headed outside of her room, and to the elevator. As she was heading down to the first floor, the elevator stopped at the second. When the door opened, Annie didn't notice. She was too busy worrying about getting to the lobby. However, from the stranger's point of view, Annie looked like a perfect, gorgeous beauty. As he got into the elevator, Annie finally looked up. She blushed because of his handsomeness, she couldn't stop looking at him.

"Which floor are you heading to?" He asked. The words perfectly came out his mouth which started to make Annie drool.

"Oh, I'm heading to the first floor!" Annie shyly said, then smiled. The stranger blushed due to Annie's beauty.

"Me too." The stranger smiled.

Finally, when they got to the first floor, they came out together, acting like they were best friends that never seen each other in such a long time.

"Wow! They're such a perfect couple!"

"I didn't know the CEO president got a girlfriend!"

Cameras clicked and flashed. Annie got so blinded by the light, she fell. Luckily, the stranger caught her before she got into a serious injury.

"No cameras please! You are making this beautiful lady get hurt!" The CEO president got angry.

"WHAT?! She isn't your lady?"

"You guys should date! You look perfect with each other!"

The stranger started to get angrier. He then picked up Annie and bought her to a luxurious couch.

"Stay here, I'm going to try to get the paparazzi and reporters out of here." The stranger waved goodbye and winked at Annie. Annie shyly nodded and stayed. Before Annie could take out her phone, she is approached by James.

"Annie! There you are!" James went up to Annie and hugged her tightly.

"I went into the room, but you wasn't there. I got so worried." James held Annie.

"I was looking for you! I woke up to be alone so I went to the lobby." Annie said then slightly pushing James aside.

"I went to buy some clothes for you, after all today we're going to the beach." James smiled then showing Annie the shopping bags. Annie slowly blushed.

"Come on let's get going! Everyone is waiting for us there." James said then grabbed Annie.

They got in the car and drove to the beach. When they got there, the beach looked amazing. It was a private beach filled with many CEOs and other business groups.

"Now go get changed, I'll be right here waiting for you." James smiled then handed Annie a very revealing bathing suit.

"WHAT?! I am not wearing this! I look like I'm not wearing any clothes!" Annie was flustered but begin to realize she should take a break and have fun.

"It's fine I'll wear it." Annie slowly said. James face filled with excitement and blushed.


As Annie came out the changing room, all eyes laid on her. The bathing suit she was wearing revealed her perfect figure. The sun made her skin radiant with sun rays which made her glow like a angel walking on the beach. She got shy so she wore a beach poncho to cover her body. As she approach James. He stared at Annie and couldn't take his eyes off of her. He didn't see her body yet since it was covered with a poncho, but was happy Annie came with him.

"Shall we go in the water?" James asked then laughing for acting proper.

"We shall." Annie felt comfortable again and laughed.

They walked towards the beautiful crystal clear water. Then Lanzo found the perfect place for them. James was helped Lanzo set up the chairs under the umbrella. Annie carefully took off her poncho letting her beautiful figure be revealed again. She put on some Gucci sunglasses and looked at the water.

James sighed.

"Whew, these chairs are hard to-" James stopped talking. His eyes caught Annie's perfect figure making him get excited. Annie saw James and started walking towards him. James thought this was a dream, Annie walking towards him, saying I love you... he couldn't snap out of it. Annie called James' name.

"James! Hello??" Annie waved her hand in front of James' eyes.

James couldn't snap out of his day dream. Annie finally gave up and looked for some sunscreen.

"Hey Lanzo! Could you rub some sunscreen on my back?" Annie eyes lashes fluttered as she talk.

"Yeah! Of course Annie!" Lanzo got excited. Finally he could get closer to Annie. As Lanzo squirted the sunscreen on his hand, he gently put some Annie's back and shoulders.

*her skin is so soft and smooth* Lanzo thoughts flow through his head. Before Lanzo could put some more he felt somebody grabbed him and pulled him back.

"Lanzo? Are you finished?" Annie asked waiting for a response. Some sunscreen went on her back and gently massaged her shoulders. The figure got close to her and whispered.

"Honey, why didn't you ask me to put sunscreen on for you? You don't want other people dirty hands on your perfect skin do you?" James smirked then kissed her skin.

"James not here!" Annie felt uncomfortable again. She suddenly got picked up and headed to the water. She got put down and felt the cold water. She shriek.

"Too cold!" Annie then hugged her James. James blushed and could feel his heart beating in his chest. Finally, Annie adjusted to the water and she carefully held on to James. Together they splashed each other with the crystal clear water, laughing together. The sun was going down, and James Annie needed to head to the party. They went back to the vacation mansion, and changed.

Annie had to wear a white velvety dress that was tight. Her dress went down to her toes, which made her chuckle because she never had a dress this long. The dress was off the shoulder, which Annie liked. Her cleavage was revealed slightly. Her hair, was done in a bun with some little hairs pulled out and curled. Annie looked beautiful. She went outside the room where she saw James. James was talking on the phone, but suddenly hanged up when he saw Annie. Once again, he could not take his eyes off Annie. They drove to banquet hall where the party was held. As James and Annie walked into the party, camera clicked. Reporters shipped the bond. Then it was down to introducing Annie. James introduced Annie as his designer but the others knew that she was his future wife. Annie looked around the party, until a familiar face caught her eye. She couldn't remember where she remember him from but before she could think she was pulled to meet another person. She was then introduce to the familiar face she remember.

"We meet again, beautiful lady." The stranger from the lobby smiled.

"So you guys met?" James becoming a little jealous.

"Yes, we met in the elevator, when Annie was looking for you." The stranger said.

"I don't recall getting your name." Annie said shyly.

"My name is Jeon Yao. I own Yao's Business group." He winked at Annie and kissed Annie's hand. James quickly separated the two.

*WHAT?! This guy owns one of the largest business groups and I didn't even realized that?!* Annie's mind flowed.

"James, later we're playing our tradition betting game, will you be able to join us?" Charles asked properly.

"Of course I will." James smirked then held onto Annie's hand.

"Wait what are you doing?" Annie asked James about the game.

"Every year, we play a traditional betting game against other business groups, whoever has the highest cards in their hand, wins. Jeon, is one of the best players." James said then looked at Jeon and rolled his eyes.

"It's starting, lets go." Jeon said then properly escorted James out.

"Wait for me here." James said. Annie nodded her head yes.

The business groups are taken to the poker room. The total number groups playing are 5. Already, it was down to James and Jeon.

"James how about we place a bet." Jeon smirked.

"Deal, what's the bet." James mischievously smiled.

"If I win, I get to take Annie on a date, and kiss her." Jeon smiled as a picture of Annie flew across his mind.

James got angry real fast. He didn't want anybody near Annie.

"And what if you lose?" James smirked.

"I will give you 1 million and give up on Annie, but no promises." Jeon smiled then looked at his cards.

James thought careful. He didn't want Jeon to kiss Annie, but 1 million would be nice to spoil Annie.

"Deal!" James shook hands with Jeon

James placed down a stack of all kings. He smiled and looked at Jeon.

Jeon looked at his cards. Then smiled real big. He placed down a stack of aces. James smiled disappeared.

"This game is bullshit!" James got up from his chair and walked out the poker room.

"James, you are a dumbass to be fooled by me." Jeon smirked, he called out a person from the back and handed them 10 grand.

*Annie, you're going to be mine* Jeon pictured Annie in bed.

James found Annie and hugged her tightly.

"Woah, woah, woah. You ok?" Annie pushed James away and looked at him.

James smiled, "Lets go back to the mansion."

He picked up Annie and walked out to see the beautiful moon and looked Annie. Annie enjoyed the beautiful view.

*I can't lose you Annie, I just can't...* James thoughts flew through his mind.

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