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Chapter 3: Midnight of 25

"I think we're safe here" said Martin. The two of them have been walking non-stop to find a temporary place to stay. Away from this rain and from they pursuers.

They were able to find a small cave near the river. Seems like this cave is like a maze for it has quite several holes that you can enter to.

Its a perfect place for them to escape as well just in case the enemies are able to catch up to them.

"Good thing this place is not so humid. There are still dry twigs we can use to start fire", said Elena while picking up some woods.

Being the eldest among the six children, Elena learned what kind of food they can pick up on the mountain to get by. She also knows how to start a fire using just twigs as matchsticks are quite expensive to buy.

While Elena is adding some twigs to the fire, she noticed Martin was murmuring something the entrance of one of the caves they were at. She also thought to herself, "Please dear heavens, protect us from our unknown enemy" prayed Elena.

Martin came back to her with some edible mushrooms on his hand so they can roast it in the fire. Seeing the smile on his handsome face makes Elena's heart skip a beat.


Elena woke up in the middle of the night. She noticed the time on her phone already strikes midnight.

Ahhh, she is now officially 25 years old. Time really do flies so fast, she thought to herself.

After receiving the call about her job interview, it took a while for her to go back to sleep because of her excitement.

When she finally managed to sleep, she had this weird dream. Seeing a man smile made her skip a heart beat but most of his face is blurry.

Argh! now that I finally turned 25, I'm getting this sort of dream. Is it because I haven't had one since birth? Elena blurted out.

She suddenly sat on her bed, feeling frustrated. How is she to have a relationship when she can even properly fend for herself. All she cares about is how to pay all the bills and make sure Mrs. Garfield won't kick her out.

It's not that she isn't pretty, but she don't have extra cash to buy some beauty products. She would wait for her friend Catie to give her some free samples from the beauty store she works at.

Thank heavens for Catie, otherwise at my age, wrinkles will be showing all over my face.

Oh! Speak of the devil~~ Her friend is calling her at midnight.

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy, happy, happy!! Hahaha! Happy birthday to my bff forever and ever! Catie is practically yelling at the phone.

Are you drunk? It's my birthday Catie. I should be the one drinking, says Elena.

Awhh... my dear friend, how bout you come here and drink with me? Huh? Huh? I mishu shooo much!

As much as I love you my dear bff, I have an interview tomorrow Catie, Elena slightly brag to her friend.

Really?? And what company are you going tomorrow? Asked Catie.

Its with EN Geo Catie. Can't you believe it?! They considered for an interview. Me, who only graduated from a vocational school? I still cant believe it myself Catie!

OMG my friend! Congrats! Its hard to get an interview from them so make it count! Do you understand?!

Yes maam! I will give it all and get in to EN!

Hey Elena, remember the last sample I gave you? Make sure to use it! That's one of our newest product and it will give you a healthy, professional glow.

Now go back to sleep dear and we can celebrate tomorrow once you get the job.

Uhm, thank you Catie. For everything. A small sob came out from Elena.

Its not time to be melodramatic Elena. You need your beauty sleep.

Ever since her parents died, Catie was the only person who stood and supported Elena. Catie's family is not rich but they were good people.

When her aunt forcedfully kicked her out of the house because she already turned 18, Catie and her family let her in until she manages to find a job and a dorm.

Everything you did for me Catie, I will make sure to pay them back, thought to herself when they ended the call.

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