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27.27% How the Winds Howl / Chapter 3: Was it just a dream?

Chapter 3: Was it just a dream?

"I'm so sorry Scar... I never meant to hurt you."

The words echoed through Scarlett head and she roused, fluttering her eyes open. She abruptly sat up, fear clutching onto her heart with a death grip. She took in her surroundings and could finally breathe when it clicked in her brain that she was laying in her bed, safe in her own home. The fear relinquished it's grip on her heart and her breathing settled. The confusion gripped her. How in the hell did she get here? Wasn't she in the forest on the outskirts of her town? And where was Cameron?

She faced her palms towards her and noticed that there was only smooth skin there. Her brain also registered the fact that her right hand and the two fingers on her left weren't broken at all. She stared at her hands in amazement for a few moments until she suddenly remembered Cameron biting into the flesh of her shoulder. She lept from her bed and rushed to her full length mirror, pulling her sleeve on her shirt up and again gaped in amazement.

There was nothing there? Her brows furrowed and her reflection frowned back at her in confusion. How was this even possible? She was completely fine! There was no marks on her skin, nothing to show that what had happened was even real. She shuffled back over to her bed and sunk down onto it, sitting on the edge of it, her brain still scrambled and confused. She went back over the memory of what happened and analyzed everything.


She had been walking home from the cafe she worked at part time and had heard some weird noises coming from an alley. She had called out to see if anyone was there and heard someone yell in response. They had sounded like they needed help so she had rushed into the alley, hoping that the person was okay. The next thing she could remember she was waking in a clearing in the dark forest to screams and cries of agony. She looked around her and saw bodies and blood. She saw a group of strange looking people torturing and killing people in the clearing. She was frozen solid as she took in the horrifying scene. The people pleaded and cried as they were killed and the screams had terrified her. Suddenly one of the people who was attacking the innocent had turned and Scarlett had taken in her horrific visage. The woman was unnaturally tall and she had pale white skin with long red hair that framed her skull like face. Her clothes were tattered and ripped as if she hadn't changed them in years. But the most terrifying part of this woman was her eyes. There was no pupil and all Scarlett could see was the glowing red that filled the woman's eyes. After seeing her eyes Scarlett had pulled herself from the ground and ran for the edge of the clearing. At first they didn't seem to notice that one of their prey had escaped until Scarlett heard a cry of anger and people starting to follow her. After a while of running she could no longer hear the people following her and only the cries of pain and agony behind her until light footsteps started to follow her again. It had turned out that it was Cameron but he didn't look like the Cameron she remembered. He had strange yellow glowing eyes and had a ton of muscle he had never had before. People had found them and once they had successfully hid, Scarlett had questioned Cameron to no success. Then everything got weirder and Cameron had looked horrifying. And he had bit her.


She shook her head, shaking the images away and coming back to reality. She pondered her memory and something suddenly struck her like a bolt of lightning. Was it just a dream? It had all felt so real but she had none of the injuries that had occurred and the only conclusion she could come to was that it was a vivid dream.

Her alarm sounding off suddenly snapped her back to the present. She sprung from the bed and shut off her alarm before it awoke her parents. She sighed and reluctantly pushed herself off her bed and hurried to dress herself and prepare for her day. She brushed her long black hair and pulled it into a ponytail after she dressed into her school uniform. This was her last year of school and she was looking forward to the end of it. Especially since Cameron had disappeared. She sighed and checked herself over in the mirror before picking up her bag and exiting her room. Once she had stepped outside of the house and made sure it was locked she started to make her way towards the school on foot. She couldn't believe that she had another nightmare about Cameron. It had been months since the last one. And this one had been completely twisted and strange. She had never had a nightmare about Cameron like this one. She usually would have nightmares about what had happened to him and the horrible day he had disappeared.

She looked up and suddenly realised that she was at her school. Her body had obviously kept walking to her destination while she was lost in thought. She sighed and walked into the grounds towards the main entrance. She saw all of the other students either lounging around on the grounds, playing some games before the start of school and others walking towards the entrance like she was.

She started contemplating what she had experienced again and the vision of blood and screams suddenly filled her head and she shuddered in fear. Suddenly a hand grabbed onto her shoulder and she froze. Her body suddenly kicked into action and she spun around, her fist connecting with her assailant's stomach.

The person bent over in pain and Scarlett heard the people around her gasp in reaction to what she had done.

"W-What the f-fuck Scar?" her assailant gasped out and reality returned to Scarlett. She realised she had just punch her friend Abby in the stomach.

"Oh jeez I am so sorry Abby!" Scarlett cried as she lept to her friend's side as she realised she had winded Abby. Abby was still bent over, clutching her stomach in pain.

"Screw your parents for getting you self defense lessons," Abby wheezed out as Scarlet helped her friend to stand up straight and assisted her to the entrance of the school. "I know it was for a good reason but that doesn't mean you can just randomly attack me." Abby winced as Scarlett opened the entrance door and walked them both through it.

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