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"The unintended first encounter.. and my unpredictable first kiss"

wow I should say he is soooo damn good

..that was an impressive n motivational speech ...well what else you expect from the HR of design Dept of Lin Corp Sara mo.?!

well I'm really inspired...

and I'm finally out ..

oh wow it's already night...

I actually forgot to see the time while being in the meeting... oh wow it's already pass 5:50...well it's quite late n I need to reach home n have to do my college assignments

...OK let's take the bus now ...hey hey hey stop the bus!!!!

gosh how can I sleep in the bus!!!! that's to clumsy of mee..


what to do now I already missed my stop...

.hmm my house is pass this lane but it will also take at least 20min ...


the other lane is a shortcut but that lane looks too scary without any proper street light...

but I'm already this late n need to go home as soon as possible ....

gosh ...let just take the shortcut ...thou this deserted Lane looks so gloomy but it's a nice shortcut..n it'll only take 5- 6 minutes to reach home n its only pass 6:00 so I guess it's OK.


...tap tap ...tap tap tap.*running...


hey what's happening someone is running and coming towards me !!!!

shit I'm in a huge huge mess!!!

oh God where's my pepper spray...

*one hand inside the bag trying to find the pepper spray ...

God where is it....

*whispers in her ear *

cold voice..hey sorry.

startled !!! chill ran down her spine

...chu~~...*sudden kiss .....

frozen on her soon

he just came running grabbed her head twirl her around n pressed her on the cold wall and


...tap tap tap....

*few people running and coming nearer....

hey did you see him.. boss 'gee ' told us to catch that brat....

it's known that he 's someone important in the underworld ..n boss 'gee' was given a large sum from some upper hand n gehehe ..well also get a hefty amount if we can catch him n hand him over to boss gee!!!

..let's goo let's see that's side

sudden saw two people kissing....

..uff couple now days...

go get a room kiddos...


hehehe...hahaha.!! let's go

...tap tap tap ...

*running away..



Hey you freak just let me goo...

...pushed him away..

n staring at him directly...

*her inner thought —what the..hack just happened ?!

.after 30sec of blank staring n complete silence.

. he averted his gaze n started walking away towards the opposite direction...

hey you ..ya you ..

.hey..?! I'm talking to you

walk with huge strides!!!

..hello Mr stranger..

*grabbing his masculine hands ...

he stops n turn around...

hey I think I saw you ...

*inner voice..damn he is so breathtakingly he an angle...hey Sara mo snap back girl ...he is the devil the one who pushed you earlier took your life's first kiss ..which was meant for your lover..which you obviously don't have n not gonna have anytime sooner thou...

*snapped back to reality..

hey you are the one who pushed me earlier right

..n you didn't even say sorry for that !!!

...n now you just kiss me out of the blue..don't you think you should say something to me n be responsible for what you just did..!!!

.staring at him aggressively ...

.shrink back a little when she met with his fearsome fiery hazel eyes ..if anyone can kill just with eyes she might have died a hundred times ....


.coming closer

leaning down n grabbing her soft chin harshly

..develish smirk on his deathly handsome face

and speaking in a horse cold voice..which can send chill down your spine little fragile creature..

asking me to apologize and take responsibility.. huh..!!?

you must be dreaming ...


.you women only know how to throw your body n spread your legs in front of me..your not even worth my time..

evil smile spread on his face and

.released her face harshly and walks away...

she's fuming in overbearing rage..

n her whole face turns pale n then red listening to his shitty talks and was utterly humiliated

.. without any reasons...

*it was him at the first place who pushed me and it was him again who took my first why am I the one who is humiliated ....

walks rapidly

.hey you ....

catches him by his hands

..turns him around harshly ...

tip toed ...

and ..


*she slapped him directly on the face with all the power she has dare you humiliate me was you who pushed me

..and it was also you who took my life's first kiss.

..n now you humiliate me by saying those useless pointless words ..

.how much do you know me


.you scumbag.. jerk...dirt bag ...go fuck you self you ..son of a bitch

do you think with your dick or you have dick in place of your brain you fucking dick head!!!

sikko dump head...


*walks away rapidly.

...leaving him completely blank..and surprised.

by her sudden action....

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