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96% Reincarnate Into High School DxD / Chapter 22: Chapter 17 - Finding Kuroka?

Chapter 22: Chapter 17 - Finding Kuroka?

(Author's Note - I don't know if you realize this or not. But, I'm trying to purposefully have Angus have certain character flaws. A) He's gone mad enough to the point he is desensitized to killing others, I mean he did fucking fight in a war for a year. B) His obsession with Yves to the point of being like a little kid with their favorite blanket. You know some flaws like these two. C) I'm purposefully trying to downplay Angus' character as a character without growth seemed to be a bane rather than a boon for writing as an archetype in general as you have to remember he is technically only having just turned 18 years old before he entered into HSDXD so theoretically he's not very emotionally mature yet like an adult would generally have more control over themselves. I'm sorry for the late chapter as I was moving to college. I didn't have time to write a chapter out beforehand for this week as last week was just busy at work and the internet at the apartment is so bad it's literally in kbps it doesn't even reach 1 Mbps most of the time and often disconnects me when I am using it. I'm trying to get an internet provider to hook up service for me that or for them to fix my damn ethernet port so I can at least have a stable connection. )


Time passed by slowly as Angus waited for when Sona finished with his new updated documents to attend school. During this time Angus spent more time with Sona and her peerage. Throughout his time with her peerage, he got to know a bit about them. One thing Angus decided to do was push the girls interested in Saji to him so he could get Saji off trying to stick to Sona while having other girls staring in jealousy when they interact or having Saji staring in jealousy while interacts with Sona. Finally, when it was around a week before Angus was about to head to school as a transfer student he received a request from Sona's parents to meet with him. Agreeing to the request since they wished to meet their possible new son-in-law both Sona and Angus headed to the Underworld for a week before the classes started for Angus.


Thus the time came for Angus and Sona to head to the Underworld had arrived.

(Sona) - "All of you better take care of things while I am gone alright? Otherwise, you better expect some punishment if you don't."

(Angus) - "Sona, if you're ready then let's leave. I believe you can trust them, for the most part at least. Before we leave, I think it would be best if you ask anyone of your classmates to take notes for you while you are gone."

(Sona) - "Tsubaki can handle taking some lecture notes for me while I am gone. I hope you can help me study as well." Then Sona smiles and says. "My fiance~."

(Angus) - "That will not be a problem. I'll be more than happy to help you study as well, Sona."

(Saji) - "You bastard! You better not try anything funny to the Kaichou while you are gone!"

(Angus) - "*Sigh* You should deal with your problems first. Man, I feel sorry for Ruruko-chan... Your so fucking gung-ho about a girl yet you ignore one starting to show affection to you..."

(Sona) - "Alright, Angus I am ready. We should head off now. When we leave the Underworld, Father and Mother will give you the papers you need for your transfer. They wish to meet you first before letting you go off to school. That way if they don't feel comfortable handing me over to your care they will just rescind the papers."

(Angus) - "That's fine with me. As parents, they have every right to care for the safety and well-being of their children after all."


After having them be teleported over to the Underworld, both Angus and Sona rode on one of the magic trains in the Underworld towards the Sitri Clan territory. Upon arriving at the station, Angus barely sensed some large non-magical fluctuations. Turning to Sona, Angus explained to her what he noticed and wanted to check it out.

(Angus) - "Sona, I feel like I just noticed some strong non-magical fluctuations. I'm going to go check that out real fast. If it's something dangerous then I'll get rid of it. After all, this is your hometown, right? Let me take care of this first. Hold on to this bracelet. It's a trinket that just sends out special signals that I can sense and I can track you down as long as you hold it and aren't in another world. I'll go deal with the problem so you don't have to bother your territory's people over it."

(Sona) - "I understand, make sure to be careful out there though. I know you are strong, but it won't hurt to have some prudence over the matter. I will go-ahead to the family's mansion. I have a feeling I have to deal with my Onee-chan first anyways so it might be best if I deal with her before you arrive anyways."

(Angus) - "You be safe as well. I wouldn't like to come back and see you hurt."

(Sona) - *Smile* "Thank you for your concern. You should take this. If any troubles arise feel free to use my name in this territory to clear any problems when you're doing this."

(Angus) - *Smile* "Thank you as well, Sona. See you later."

Saying those words, Sona got the bracelet from Angus, put it on and head off with her stuff to the mansion first. Angus on the other hand immediately bolted off towards the west. After traveling for around 15 minutes he found a site he didn't expect to be seeing in front of him.


On the one hand, it was a girl. A girl with a black kimono and a yellow obi around her waist. She seemed to be rather slim yet busty. She was a youthful girl, who had long black hair, eyes like a cat as well have cat-like features of the Nekomata. This girl was Kuroka. She seemed to be under attack by Devil authorities from the area. She didn't seem to be heavily damaged, but it was obvious even from a slight distance that she already was being slightly pressured as there were a few dozen soldiers in formations attacking her from up close and afar.

Angus headed into the mess to dissolve the situation. Arriving before them quickly Angus decided to intercept this problem as a few soldiers already were down for good because of the gas around her. Pulling out the thing Sona had given him, Angus stepped forward.

(Angus) - "Soldiers, stand down. I will handle this matter here. The rest of you are to return to your patrols or whatever. This girl will be dealt with by me. I am the fiance of Sona Sitri, this is the proof."

Upon seeing the thing Sona had given him they all seemed to hesitate before the one that seemed to be the leader started to speak.

(Guard Captain) - "Sir, we are unable to back down while the others are still in the SS-class criminal Kuroka's poisonous gas."

(Angus) - "Un, I understand. I will bring them out. You guys take them."

(Kuroka) - "Nya~ Do you think I will just let you take them away to be healed like that!"

(Angus) - "It will be in your best interest to stand down as well right now. Allow me to take them out of the poisonous gas and we can talk or whatever it is you would like. I have some information that might prove interesting to you as well."

(Kuroka) - "Interesting? Nya~ I wonder if that will be so. Well, I will see whether or not it is interesting, otherwise, don't expect to get out of here so easily! Nya~. You can take them away then."

Quickly the soldiers removed the ones in the gas by grabbing them by their feet and pulling them away from the area the gas was affecting. Thanking Angus they ran back to the town to get them treated from the poison.

(Kuroka) - "Neow speak!"

(Angus) - "Kuroka, I want you to come under me and -."

(Kuroka) - "You must be joking!"

(Angus) - "Let me finish. Come under me and I will help you fix your relationship with your sister, Tojo Koneko. Who you know by the name Shirone."

(Kuroka) - "Nya! You know where Shirone is?"

(Angus) - "Indeed. I know exactly the town and person who took her in. As well as how she thinks of you. A week ago, I managed to get her to speak to me just a little about you. Seems you have quite the relationship problem to fix. But, I will help you start to meld the relationship back together. I want you to come under me in return. Do we have a deal?"

(Kuroka) - "... Nya... this is a problem. I can't just split from Vali and them like that... But, Shirone is everything to me Nya. The last of my family. What can I do..."

(Angus) - "... Seems I'm putting you in between a rock and a hard place. I'm not saying to not interact with them anymore or anything. I know your sister is everything to you, yet, at the same time, you can't throw away the obligations with your allies you have already bound yourself to. I will say it like this. I want you to join as a peerage member under me, by becoming my peerage you will not only become a Super-class which would give you the strength to protect your little sister, yourself, Vali's group, while I will also help meld your relationship with your little sister back together. You don't have to be with me always, I just want you to stay around when you have nothing to do. If something comes up that you have to leave to deal with at that relates to your problem with the Chaos Brigade I will ignore it. No, depending on what it is, I might even help your team under Vali."

(Kuroka) - "Okay, I understand. I agree as long as you don't try to bind me too much Nya~."

(Angus) - "Then, I look forward to working with you, Kuroka, my first Bishop."

Pulling out the Bishop piece from the box with the super pieces in it Angus began the ceremony and got Kuroka under himself as a new part of his peerage. He also imparted her an ability to temporarily shapeshift as long as she had the magic to hold the form.

(Angus) - "Kuroka, if you don't have anything to do for now. Come along with me, though, shapeshift into a cat first. I will take you along when I go back and you can go to meet your little sister."

(Kuroka) - "I still have something to do. We should meet again later Nya~"

(Angus) - "6 days after today, here at around the same time. Meet me here. Otherwise, you will miss the chance to see your sister again for some time. Now then, I have to go leave and see these in-laws of mine. I shall see you again later, Kuroka."

Kuroka and Angus split ways and went to go what they had to do. Angus headed towards his in-laws while Kuroka headed towards Vali and the others before she got ambushed on her way back.


(Author's Note - A Hiatus Notice - I'm putting the series on hiatus until I can put my ass in gear and get my lazy ass up to write more so I don't have only 0 chapters saved. I will start posting this series again after I build up 5 chapters saved and a 6th one on the way. Is it mean of me to put a hiatus after B.S. the story and having Kuroka come in... depends on you... though I plan to make her one of the Waifus.)

Raikou1688 Raikou1688

I'm probably going to put this series on a hiatus until I build up more chapters when I have time and to work on the other series I am working on. Since the new one, I am working on is the main one I plan to work on.

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