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56% Reincarnate Into High School DxD / Chapter 12: Chapter 11 - Meeting With Sona Sitri

Chapter 12: Chapter 11 - Meeting With Sona Sitri

(Author's Note - This chapter will be on episode 4. Maybe half of it? Not sure yet. I plan to freestyle this first part of the chapter away from the anime happenings by having Angus meet Sona and her peerage. This is in order to get the "response" about their request for him and if I can't get enough to freestyle to write this part then I will include the second half of the episode... Which is pretty much how I usually have been doing it so far as I don't plan to change points of the story until certain points hit. Though you can already tell two points as I have already explicitly stated that I want to change the deaths of the three female Fallen Angels and the fight against Riser... SPOILER will likely be changed to Angus vs Riser's peerage instead.)

Upon Angus arriving at the student council room.

(Angus) - "The lights are on. So I can hear a bunch of voices talking at once excitedly. I can hear the word Kaichou once in a while so I assume she's back now."

Walking up to the door, Angus knocked twice on the window of the door. After waiting a minute and still not hearing anything different about the room he knocked twice again. But, this time, with a little more strength. Shortly after the sound in the room started to quiet down. Immediately after that, the voice of Sona could be heard.

(Sona) - "Come in. The door is open."

With the response from Sona, Angus opened the door and walked inside the room.

(Angus) - "Hey, seems your back from the underworld Sona?"

(Sona) - "I just got back around half an hour ago. I was planning to meet you tomorrow. However, since you're here already, I can go ahead and tell you what they said if you don't mind it."

(Angus) - "Certainly, please, tell me what they asked of me. As long as it's something that I can do then I will do it."

(Sona) - "*Sigh* Ughhh, my parents, the clan heads, said and I quote 'What perfect timing! Please tell Angus-sama that we wish you would earn Sona's affection to become our new Son-in-law.' is exactly their response about your return and hearing about your appearance."

(Angus) - "Huh? They want me to court you?"

(Sona) - "*Sigh* Yes, that's what they asked of you. Though my Onee-sama said 'Nooo! I won't let So-tan be taken away by some man we don't know! What if he ends up like her last fiance!' in a complaint to my parents."

(Angus) - "Well, to be fair, she isn't wrong. You all don't know me that well. Though, to be fair, I have no qualms trying to take your hand in marriage Sona."

(Sona) - "Wha-?"

(Saji) - "You- You bastard! I will not let you marry Kaichou!"

(Angus) - "... I see the anger in your eyes and a bit of passion? Hmm... I see- so you like Sona. That's why you're mad. Well, if what I said made you mad, I apologize. However, I will not take back my words. I meant what I said."

(Saji) - "Wh-Wha-What are you saying!?"

(Sona) - "*Sigh* Anyways, Angus-san, as I told my previous fiance, I refuse to marry someone who is not smarter than I am. If you wish to try your luck feel free to beat me in a game of chess. However, just know that I won't be going easy on you. Finally, in response to my Onee-chan, my parents said 'Then let him attend the school for a while and let them get to know each other. If he manages to pass Sona's test then it would be for the best.' so you are now a third-year student of Kuoh Academy."

(Angus) - "Huh? I'm suddenly a student? Well if that's what they want then I shall do it to the best of my abilities. Though I can't say this kind of book smart scenario is great for me considering how long it's been since I've done something like that."

(Saji) - "I won't let you marry the Kaichou!"

(Sona) - "In the first place, it's not even your right to decide Saji. What makes you think you have a right to decide that for me. Ultimately, it is my decision."

(Saji) - "But, Kaichou, I was just worried about you."

(Sona) - "*Sigh* While I appreciate your concern Saji it has nothing to do with you. This is my own decision we are talking about."

(Angus) - "I understand, in that case, I shall take you up on that offer. I hope we can enjoy a game together later on."

(Sona) - "Yes, that would be nice, thank you."

Meanwhile, while the conversation between Angus and Sona was going on, Saji was staring at Angus with a look of complete anger for openly courting the woman he has feelings for.

(Angus) - "By the way, why is it that it took you a few days to come back? Does it take that long to go to the Sitri Clan territory and back?"

(Sona) - "Ah, it's not that it takes a long time to go there and come back. Just a day or two if I decided to make a fast round trip. *Sigh* It's just my Onee-chan happened to be home as a break from her Maou duties."

(Angus) - "Maou duties? That's not possible. The 4 Maou fell in the great war before I was sealed and ultimately, the Fallen Angels led by Azazel should have been the winners in that conflict."

(Sona) - "Ah, so you didn't know yet. The current Maou are the four that were chosen based upon a few reasons such having the strength of a Maou and a bit of popularity to be put into their position by the current Devils. So they are not actually from the Maou lineage. Although there are some rumors of surviving members of the original four Maou."

(Angus) - I would like to believe it's possible Lucifer and Leviathan still have their lineage alive. I met both kids before after all. *Sigh* So, what Maou has your sister taken the position of?"

(Sona) - "My sister the current Maou Leviathan. Though, she tends to try to baby me a lot. *Sigh*"

(Angus) - "Hahahaha, well it can't be helped. Most siblings just can't help but want to spoil one another."

(Sona) - "*Sigh* I guess you're not wrong about that. Saji, if you're going to keep staring like that go make your self useful and get the uniform I prepared for Angus."

(Saji) - "I understand, Kaichou."

With that Saji left the area around Sona to go to the back end of the room where a bag was sitting on the floor in a corner of the room. After grabbing the bag he came back to where he was originally and passed the bag to Angus.

(Saji) - "Don't think just because your a student here now and I'm in the student council I'll be going easy on you!"

(Sona) - "Saji!"

(Angus) - "Don't worry about it. I can understand where he is coming from after all. Well then, before I go back. Do you mind introducing everyone here to me? I'll introduce myself after you all are done with your introductions if you don't mind."

(Sona) - "Certainly. Saji I need you to go along with the others and stand in line."

(Saji) - "... Yes, Kaichou."

After waiting a while for them to line up Sona began to introduce them to Angus.

(Sona) - "Alright let's begin then. I am Sona Sitri, the king of this peerage. We have already met so I will continue. Next to me is my queen, Tsubaki Shinra."

(Tsubaki) - "I'm Tsubaki, Nice to meet you."

The one that introduced herself was a female with extremely long black hair. She had glasses in a square frame and contrasting blue glasses in comparison to Sona's glasses. She was also relatively tall. Her eyes are light brown.

(Angus) - "Nice to meet you Tsubaki."

(Sona) - "Next is my two bishops to the right of Tsubaki. The one with white hair is Momo Hanakai. The one with red-brown hair is Renya Kusaka."

(Momo) - "I'm Momo, nice to meet you."

(Renya) - "I'm Renya, nice to meet you."

The two bishops consisted of a white-haired female with bluish-green eyes. Along with a red-brown hair girl with brown eyes although unlike Tsubaki and Momo, Renya's hair was in pigtails instead of a straight hairstyle the other two girls had. They were Momo and Renya respectively.

(Angus) - "Nice to meet you Momo. Nice to meet you Renya."

(Sona) - "Alright next up is my knight, Tomoe Meguri."

(Tomoe) - "Tomoe here! Nice to meet you!"

The one who introduced herself as a girl with red-brown hair and brown eyes. Her hair was tied in pigtails. Though kinda like Sona she tended to be more on the flatter breast size in Sona's peerage.

(Angus) - "Nice to meet you, Tomoe."

(Sona) - "Next is my rook, her name is Yura Tsubasa."

(Yura) - "I'm Yura. Nice to meet you."

Yura is a blue haired girl with dark blue eyes.

(Angus) - "Nice to meet you Yura."

(Sona) - "Next is my two pawns. The female is Nimura Ruruko she took 1 pawn piece. The one who is staring at you with a mad expression is Genshiro Saji he took 4 pieces."

(Ruruko) - "Nice to meet you!"

(Saji) - "... I won't let you have the Kaichou."

The female has brown hair and green eyes. She also has twin tails for her hairstyle. Unlike the other females, she wears a sort of thigh high sock that switches between green and light green. While the Male named Saji was a blonde hair and gray eyes. At the same time as a guy, he doesn't have the black piece that wraps around above the waistline the females have on their uniform.

(Angus) - "Hahaha, well that's not for you to decide. But, I shall be more than willing to take that as your introduction."

(Saji) - "Tch."

(Angus) - "Now then, I guess it's my turn. Let's see, what information can I share to you all."

(Sona) - "Are you going to hold information back from us?"

(Angus) - "If it's just you, no. However, with the others around there is some sensitive information that might put a few more to have a negative impression of me."

(Sona) - "Alright, then, please continue."

(Angus) - "Let's see. My name is Angus Apocalypse. I come from a near-extinct vampire clan, the Apocalypse clan. I am currently the only surviving member of the clan. I am also some who existed from back in the great war."

(Saji) - "There's no way that's possible!"

(Angus) - "It indeed is possible. You see once a person reaches the God-class then their lifespan is essentially nonexistent. While I might not be a God-class I fall in the second category. That is a being that has been sealed away using a special way. For me, that was the chains of the ancient hero Gilgamesh whose chains called Enkidu sealed me at the end of the major battle in the great war. Well, though it wasn't Gilgamesh who sealed me but someone else instead."

(Sona) - "Can you tell us how the battle ended then."

(Angus) - "It's something I consider to be sensitive information so I can't. If it's just us two, then, as the next in line to one of the two clans that helped me avenge my mother's death I would tell you if you asked in a private scenario."

(Sona) - "You mentioned two clans and that one is mine the Sitri clan. Then who is the other?"

(Angus) - "The original Leviathan clan. Although I already completed my promise wish Leviathan by surviving the final battle so the only ancient promise left is with your clan."

(Sona) - "Ancient Promise? I remember reading some texts about it but it was quite vague. Can you tell me what they are?"

(Angus) - "It's basically a contract that is created using the powers of this world to bind your soul to your promise until you complete it."

(Sona) - "Isn't that extremely dangerous!?"

(Angus) - "Indeed but for me, that's how much I was willing to offer for my revenge."

(Sona) - "Alright, sorry for interrupting you. Please continue."

(Angus) - "Well, all that's left to really say is to is that after breaking the chains that sealed me after a long time I ended up in this era. Well, that's it for my introduction. "

(Sona) - "That's it?"

(Angus) - "Most of the other things are too sensitive to be said around others who are not related to the core of the Devil faction."

(Sona) - "I understand. I expect to see you in classes tomorrow. Do you have any requests before I finalize the information?"

(Angus) - "I would prefer to be put in the second year classes as I'm not very good at Japanese. I looked into it but I feel I would have difficulty with the third year classes currently."

(Sona) - "Alright, I understand."

(Angus) - "Well then, if that's all then I shall take my leave."

(Sona) - "Yes, that will be all."

(Angus) - "Alright, I shall see you a few days later then Sona."

(Sona) - "A few days later? How come?"

(Angus) - "Well, I'm willing to challenge you to the duel in chess soon. I shall see you later then Sona!"

(Sona) - "Wha-"

(Saji) - "You bastard your not someone fit for her!"

Leaving the stunned Sona, her stunned peerage, along with the raging Saji behind Angus headed back towards the Occult Research Club building while looking forward to the chance to take Sona's hand in marriage with her consent.


(Author's Note - Some personality differences exist due to me choosing to have it as a small butterfly effect from Angus appearance in this world. This is mainly due to me being bad at completely replicating their personalities and their responses.)

Raikou1688 Raikou1688

Also just due to time restraints recently... might drop word goal count from 2k to 1.5k. (Without Author's Note word count... hopefully.)

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