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Chapter 17: ...I will

In a meeting room, a man with unparalleled beauty sat right in the middle of the long conference table with a somewhat giddy expression. In either side of the table, there was a line of people wearing office suits and they each exuded a professional aura. They were the board of directors. But at this moment, beads of cold sweat were forming on their heads.

"President..." A 'brave' and 'courageous' middle-aged man standing in front of the presentation, supposedly explaining a project snapped the beautiful man out of his daze. He had the most troubled expression of all the people in the room. The reason being he had been talking for hours until his voice was hoarse because a certain president had been asking the same question as he wasn't even allowed to drink any water.

"What were you saying?" Long Min asked with the same giddy face.

"Like I said, the…"

And again, the torture kept going on for a couple more hours until he was finally let go.


(A/N* Another unlucky victim hehe)


"What do you mean by this?" A clear and melodious voice sounded throughout the room as her eyes focused on the file held in her hands.

"Kim Do Jin, the man who killed both your parents and made your brother handicapped." Jiang Yue exposed the man's identity with no hesitation.

"That's…my uncle. But he was the one who helped me and my brother when our parents were gone." Mei Xiu said with a distorted expression on her face as she was in disbelief.

"It was all a façade. I can even give you more solid evidence if you'd like too. That is, when you decide to take up my offer." Jiang Yue stated her condition slowly with confidence.

"But of course, it's not enough to take him down, given his current influence. Our power isn't sufficient enough." She continued.

"How can I know if all of these are true? It may be fabricated." As Mei Xiu had been a cautious and wary woman all her life, of course she wouldn't blindly others' saying.

"You can take your time to consider my offer again. After all, I won't be needing a disloyal partner." Jiang Yue declared with an amiable smile.

"Thank you for your consideration. I'll be sure to inform you within 3 days." Mei Xiu stood up and left the door.


In the middle of the night.

The door of Jiang Yue's bedroom slowly and quietly opened and a man with long legs came in. He carefully walked towards Jiang Yue who was sleeping peacefully like a log.

Unbeknownst to him, Jiang Yue's senses were so sharp that she had already woken up long ago when he reached this floor. After all, given her identity in the previous life, this kind of ability is a necessity.

She just let it be as she didn't sense any killing or murderous intent and was curious as to what this unknown person wanted.

The man stopped beside her bed and sat down on the edge. He slowly raised his right hand and tenderly caressed her face as if it was the most precious thing in the world. There was gentleness and affection oozing out of him that even made Jiang Yue's heart wavered.

'Why is this so familiar? When has this happened?' She thought inwardly.

What the very next thing Long Min saw shocked him senseless.

Jiang Yue slowly opened her eyes and a tear rolled down her left eye without her consent.

That scene broke Long Min's heart terribly and a flash of hurt was seen in his eyes.

It was beautiful but yet, sad. It was as if Jiang Yue was the most fragile thing in the world. And that sadness in her eyes left a deep mark in him.

"Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere? Wait here, I'll call the doctor." Long Min panicked.

But before he could stand up to get his phone, Jiang Yue had hugged him tightly. He noticed that his baby's hands were trembling and so he let it be.

He responded by hugging her back and gently stroking her as to calm her down.

They stayed in that position for nearly 20 minutes until she finally let go of Long Min.

Then, she saw what a mess had she made out of his shirt. She embarrassedly apologized. "I'm sorry for messing up your shirt. I'll get you a spare one."

"En." Long Min just lightly nodded.

Jiang Yue got up and opened her closet in which she found a pink shirt with a big heart shape in the middle. That was actually a shirt that she previously bought for Jian Ming. She actually had another one of her size as she wanted them to be couple shirts but who knew that the future would turn out like that?

Memories of her and Jian Ming instantly flooded her mind. Realizing there was someone else in the room, she shook her head to snap out of it.

She shoved the shirt to Long Min and said. "You can change in the bathroom."

"Why don't you help me change?" He said with a smirk.

Jiang Yue just smiled sweetly and pushed him into the bathroom.

In less than 5 minutes, Long Min came out in his 'new' outfit. He grumpily said. "Don't you have any other shirt?"

"Hahahahaha!" Jiang Yue laughed out loud that even tears came out from her eyes.

"Who knew that the handsome and cool Second Young Master Long would wear something like this?!" She commented.

"So you do admit that I'm handsome and cool huh, missy?" Long Min said with his usually playful smirk (that was devoted only to Jiang Yue).

"No! The headlines said so." Jiang Yue quickly denied.

"Oh really? If it's true, doesn't that mean you like reading articles around me?" He shamelessly said.

Jiang Yue rolled her eyes at his reply. "It was just a coincidence."

"Who knows." He replied.

"Enough with the nonsense. How did you get in?" Jiang Yue asked with a serious expression.

"I have my own ways. Curious?" He arched one of his eyebrows.

"Whatever. Don't you know that it's illegal to break in a lady's room in the middle of the night?" Jiang Yue once again rolled her eyes.

"Nothing is illegal for me. Besides, is it so wrong just to visit my girlfriend?" He declared and again, Jiang Yue was defeated by his shamelessness.

"Ugh. Now, can you please get out?" Jiang Yue asked.

But what she got the next thing wasn't an answer but an action that made her mad.

Long Min walked towards her bed and lied down on the other side. Moreover, he dared to close his eyes on her.

"Long Min, get out!" She finally lost her calm and shouted but it was to no avail.

Since it didn't work, she directly went near him and tried to drag him out of the room but who knew that he would be so strong that he didn't even budge an inch? Plus, she was not in perfect shape, contrary to her previous life.

'UGH! WHY IS THIS GUY SO STRONG?!' She shouted inside her head.

She did that until she was finally tired. And so, she finally gave up and laid down on the other side that she was sleeping on before.

Then, Long Min rolled towards her and hugged her from the back which made her stiff. She wanted to shout but was interrupted. "Don't move. Just let me stay like this for a while."

She didn't know why but his voice sounded so sad that she just obeyed him.

"Yue'er, I know that you have a lot of secrets and that you aren't willing to share it with me yet. But, I will wait and wait, until you finally love me back and trust me with your everything. No matter how long it is, a year, 3 years, 5 years or even decades. I know my confession was hurried but I just want you to know that I had loved you when my eyes laid on you for the first time. I just knew, like 'she was the one.' I know this sounds ridiculous and absurd but please, just give me a chance to get in your heart. I don't know what had happened to you in the past. I don't know your story. But please give me a chance and I will work hard until you will finally accept me as your boyfriend, your man, your husband, your soulmate and the love of your life. And don't worry, I won't do anything to you until you allow me to. I will wait for you until you're ready, okay?" Long Min said with a somewhat desperate tone.

After a long pause, two words came out of Jiang Yue's mouth.

"...I will."


You're the first woman I love and will also be the last one I love. -Long Min

Author's thoughts:

I'm truly sorry for my long disappearance. Like really really sorry. I apologise that I had disappointed y'all. I know that as time passes by, my schedule becomes even more inconsistent. I don't really expect you guys to forgive me but to those who do, I appreciate it. I love you all.

You guys can skip the part below if you want. It's just about my personal feelings through making this story. (warning: this is hella longg)

At first, I was just inspired by other cliche CEO novels and decided to make one myself for fun. I even doubt that there would be someone reading this story. I was super excited when I released the first chapter and at the same time, a little anxious. I don't know why lol. When I saw there were quite a few positive reactions, I decided to continue. Each one of your comments made my days. Honestly, those were happy days. But as time passed by, I became lazier and unmotivated (just being honest). I became less and less excited. I lacked of any inspiration and motivation. I even thought of dropping this story. But then I thought, "Wouldn't it all be a waste?" So in the next minute, I would say, "Okay, let's just continue." But again, I would change my mind again and it kept on repeating for a hella long time. And I also thought. "Do people even like my story?" and all so yea. I'M VERY MUCH SORRY ABOUT THAT. I KNOW I'M BEING TOO MUCH OF A BITCH. I APOLOGISE FOR MY MISTAKES.

And also, I've been quite busy lately since I just moved in to a new house and transferred school. Okay, that shouldn't be an excuse. I'M SORRY.

If some of you wants to quit, it's fine. I'm still thanking you for giving this story a chance.

So I just checked my novel not long ago and saw that a few of you wanted me to come back and I was shocked but also extremely glad that you guys like my story! So I hurriedly made a new chapter for ya all and even made this one longer than usual. Hope ya love it!

Honestly, those comments restored my excitement and confidence which made me come back. Yay!

Anyways, I just wanted to say that your comments saved me! Even though I don't reply to your comments, I'm still reading it. And I'm not just thanking the ones commenting or sometimes dropping power stones. I also thank you all who read my story.

I love each and every one of you❤️ -Morpheus

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