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Blurry Memory


After eating they arrived home and sakura was very excited to see their house.  Sakura held chaeyeon 's arm  as they entered the house and the first thing that caught the attention of sakura is their wedding  picture on the wall . She come near it and looked at it happily.  Chaeyeon didn't realize that he was smiling while looking at sakura.

While looking at their picture, she tried to reminisce the story that chaeyeon told her and she feel her head hurt. Blurry pictures came out of her mind but she wasn't sure what those are.

Chaeyeon saw sakura looking unwell and started to stumble in place. He quickly held sakura on her shoulder.

" You ok?  " Chaeyeon asked and sakura smiled weakly and chaeyeon noticed it.  " You must be tired.. Let's go to our room " 

"Ok.. " Sakura weakly said.  Chaayeon felt that sakura is having a hard time walking so he carried her bridal style.  " Oh! " Sakura said in surprise.

" Let me carry you to our room " Chaeyeon said and once again sakura saw pictures on her mind,  two hands intertwined and someone kissed her hand and said "I love you forever ".  She couldn't see who said that because the pictures she saw in her mind was blurry. 

Sakura leaned her head on chaeyeon's shoulder as they went inside their room.  Chaeyeon carefully put sakura on the bed and covered her with the blanket.

" Sorry.. " Sakura said

" For what? " Chaeyeon replied. Sakura held chaeyeon's hand

" I want to remember everything so we can live normally " Sakura said and it somehow made chaeyeon's heartache because sakura's words seems familiar. 

" We can make your memories go back slowly " Chaeyeon said and he started to get worried and denies that fact he likes sakura being with him again. " Just remember that I'll always be there for you and we don't need to rush bringing your memories back.. We can live normaly even without it." Chaeyeon added and gave sakura a sweet smile.

Sakira pulled the hem of the T-shirt of chaeyeon signalling him to come closer.  Chaeyeon leaned closer to sakura and sakura gave him a peck on his cheek

" Thank you.. " Sakura said and chuckled when she saw chaeyeon's face become red.  Chaeyeon covered his cheeks as he can feel it become hot.  " I just feel like giving you a kiss.. "

" You can kiss me anytime you want " Chaeyeon said and kissed sakura's forehead " You better sleep now and take a rest. " Sakura nodded and when chaeyeon was suppose to leave. Sakura held his hand

" Can't you stay here a with me " Sakura said.

" I won't.. You need to take a rest and I have something to do down stairs " Chaeyeon said and sakura pouted.  Chaeyeon can't believe he saw sakura pout after for so long. "I'll be down stairs so get some rest " Chaeyeon caressed sakura's head and  went down stairs.

He held his chest and felt how fast it beats.  It's been a while since he felt that way again. 


Woah.. I can't believe what's happening to me. i thought i've already moved on , why am i feeling like this.. i'm scared that i'll be hurt again when sakura remembers everything. Chaeyeon what've gotten in to you in the first place!


Chaeyeon threw himself on the sofa thinking deeply and didnt realize that he fell asleep.


Morning came when chaeyeon wake up because of the smell of something burning.  He quickly stood up and went at the kitchen which is now full of dark smoke.

Until he saw Sakura hurriedly putting the burned chicken on the sink and pouting because of the mess she made. Chaeyeon chuckled and caught the attention of Sakura.

"I-I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" Sakura said looking guilty for what happened.

" It's ok I was about to get up anyway" Chaeyeon said and laughed  " As long as you don't burn the house,  I'm ok "

" I-I was cooking breakfast for you but i-it didn't turn well... " Sakura said. Chaeyeon couldn't resist the cuteness of Sakura, he softly pinched her cheeks

"You're cute" Chaeyeon said and sakura's face reddened. " I need to fix myself and go to work"

" Wait I'll cook you breakfast " Sakura said and chaeyeon nodded.

Chaeyeon went upstairs and fixed himself to work.  He wears his usual clothes to work which is his navy shirt, black khaki fitted pants and black blazers.  After fixing his hair, he grab his compact backpack and went downstairs.

He look at his watch and he's getting late for work.  He went at the kitchen.

" Sakura I need to go,  I'm gonna be late for work..  Sorry I couldn't eat breakfast.. " chaeyeon said to Sakura who was cooking

"O-okay.. Uhmm don't forget to eat when you get there.. " Sakura said and she closed the stove and followed chaeyeon to the door.

Chaeyeon went out and Sakura leaned on the door looking at chaeyeon hurriedly puts on his black shoes.

"Uhmm.. Chaeyeon" Sakura hesitately said "can you give me your work's address? "

"Why? " Chaeyeon Asked

" I-I wanted to give you your lunch because you couldn't eat breakfast.. " Sakura said

"Oh ok " Chaeyeon said and chuckled "I'll call later and give you the address and my break time,  I need to go bye" chaeyeon added and hugged Sakura goodbye. He run to his car and drove to his work place.

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