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100% Can You Feel The Love / Chapter 1: Can you feel the love?
Can You Feel The Love Can You Feel The Love original

Can You Feel The Love

Author: PastelPlatnium

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Can you feel the love?

beep! beep! beep! *the sound of the alarm is being echoed throughout the quiet room. suddenly a hand slams on the button to stop the alarm. the time on the clock said 7:00 a.m.*

"Augh....."*A girl at the age of 15 grumbles in annoyance slowly sitting up as she looks around. while yawning loudly and stretching; she jumps out of bed to head to her bathroom to brush her teeth.*"Sigh, great another year to go by slow."*The girl looks in the mirror as she looks at her appearance. she had long blue straight hair, her eyes are honey brown colored. She was standing at 5"3 ft, although her chest was a bit small her body figure made up for it. Even if people don't look close enough, this girl had an hourglass figure. To bad hides it underneath the baggy clothes she wears. After the girl was done brushing and looking at herself she jumps into the shower.*

-meanwhile downstairs-

*The household was lively as always due to the cooking in the kitchen, and the tv turned on in the living room. a woman who looked about to be in her mid 30s was humming while flipping a pancake.*

"Mom! Luke stole my favorite eraser!"*a cute little girl who looks to be of the age 9 comes running in face red full of anger. she was so upset because her twin brother took her favorite eraser and never gave it back. The little girl had cute blonde twintail hair, with green emerald eyes*

"Oh calm down, Lana, I didn't steal it. I borrowed it*a boy who seemed to be the identical twin of Lana, came strolling in leisurely. this boy's name was Luke. He had dirty blonde hair with multi-color eyes, his left eye is emerald green like his twin; and his right eye is Honey brown like his eldest sister. although the twins are identical he was the only one out of the siblings who had two different eye color.

"No, you stole it. because i didn't give you permission to touch my stuff"*Lana said angrily as their mom sighs and smacks the spatula she had on the counter to get the twins attention*

"Now listen here kids, it is to early in the morning for this. Luke you shouldn't have taken your sisters things without asking first, a true gentleman would've asked.*As their mom said this Lana smirks and showed tongue to Luke. meanwhile the mother turned to Lana to scold her next*"And you little missy, you should know to share and help each other out. One of these days i'm not gonna be around to support and help you. so its up to you, my lovely children to help each other. Do i make myself clear?"*She looks at the twins who nodded quickly*"Good now go and finish getting ready, and call Dawn down. its almost time for you kids to head out"

*After their mother said those words the twins ran to finish getting ready and Lana knocks on Dawn's door*

"Dawn, Mom said to hurry. its almost time for school!"*Lana says softly; but loud enough for her sister to hear*

-After the shower-

*Dawn finishes showering and heads to her closet to see what clothes should she wear today. As she tilted her head, their was a knock at the door and Lan's voice telling her to hurry up*"Ok! I'll be down in a minute"*she decided to use a blue hoodie that matches her hair, denim skinny jeans and high top sneakers. she fixes her hair in the full body mirror as she grabs her bag and heads downstairs. once she reached the bottom stairs a baby girl, in a pink tutu was crawling and latched onto Dawn's leg*

"Hehe Well good morning to you too, my little princess"*Dawn giggled and bent down to pick up her youngest sibling who is only 7 months old*"Where's dad?"*She looks at the baby who was babbling away like she can actually talk.*

*Dawn made her way to the kitchen, smelling all the good food her mother made. their sitting in the chair reading his newspaper was her father*"Morning dad"

"Morning Pumpkin, I see Holly crawled and waited for you huh"

*the kid's dad looks at his eldest and youngest child smiling softly. Dawn smiled and places Holly in her highchair and sat down to eat breakfast before leaving. The twins joined in after they finished getting they're school stuff ready.*

*Dawn looks at her phone while eating a pancake, to keep track of time. she wondered when her best friend will get here, knowing her bff she would be lagging to go to school too. As right on cue the door bell rang after Dawn finished her food*

"Ok, bye mom and dad, that's Kristy"*She said as she grabs her bag and shoes while opening the door*"Hey good morning Kristy"*as she greeted her bff, Kristy looked up from her phone and smiled brightly. Kristy had light brown hair with lavender highlights, golden sweet eyes; standing at 5"7ft tall and a body that will make any man drool*

"Morning Girly, how was the family summer vacation in Italy?"*Kristy asked as they started walking to school. best part of living near a school, is that you never have to be in a cramped bus or using to much gas where it'll pollute the place.*

"Its was good, I got you a souvenir"*Dawn said and gave her bestie matching phone strap like the one that she has only in Kristy's favorite color. Purple.*"It's in my favorite color!"*Kristy said while hurrying to put the strap on her phone*

*As the girls nears the school gate, someone was running and not looking where he was going. While bumping Dawn from behind, she fell forward and landed on all fours wincing in pain from the ground to skin contact*

*The guy who was running and is now on the ground with Dawn saw what he had down and got up quickly to help her up. But when he got even closer to him and stretched out his hand to help her. Dawn slapped his hand away and looks up glaring at the guy who bumped into her.*

"I-I'm Sorry"*The guy huffs to catch his breath and looks at Dawn*"I didn't mean to bump into you. i wasn't looking where i was going"*the guy says as Dawn suddenly realized who had bumped into her. 'It had to be him huh!?'-She said in her mind- while looking at the guy. Kristy helps Dawn up, as the guy was nervous at what would happen next. The guy shouldn't be this nervous around girls, all considering that a bunch of girls wanted to get with him; since he was in fact the number one popular senior all the girls wanted to date. But since he didn't say anything else he felt nervous meeting this particular girls stare. For some reason her eyes fascinated him, he wonder what her smile will look like with those honey brown eyes shining while looking at him. As if not noticing he wasn't alone, he shakes his hand to get back in focus at helping the girl*

"Here let me help you, by taking you to the nurses office."*As he stepped closer to her, Dawn takes a step back still glaring at him; and in the most harshest way possible her next words left her mouth.*"No thanks, i can make it to the nurse just fine. You should know that running on school campus ground is breaking school code. Not only did you run, but you hurt another student. That's why this rule has been placed."*As Dawn said that the guy's eyes widened in surprise. Not because he didn't know the rules, but because he was talked in a harsh way to a girl. A GIRL!. not even his mother yelled at him. Though he did admit, it was his fault she got hurt. But what was he supposed to do, he was trying to get away from a one of his fangirls that snuck in his room!. when he had woken up, he kicked the fangirl out and when he was leaving for school the same fangirl chased him.*

*Dawn looked at him from head to toe, noticing every feature of his; from the soft silky short black hair, to the grey almond shaped eyes. She was afraid to look lower, but she did it anyways; she looked down to the straight line of his nose, as well looking at his soft pink lips and chiseled sharp jawline.'oh god! what was she thinking!?'-she shook her head to erase him from his mind-*

*Kristy cleared her throat and caught the twos attention*"I hate to break this up, but the bell is gonna ring any minute and we need to get your wounds checked Dawn"*she said and pointed to Dawn's bloody knees*

"Oh right, lets go then"*Dawn held onto Kristy and limps to the school. the guy wanted to help Dawn, but Kristy glared at him now telling him to stay away from her. As he stopped in his track the fangirl that stalked him finally caught up to him*

(Fangirl): River darling there you are~"*The fangirl made it sound like she was closer to him*

*River tensed at the annoying voice and turns to glare at the girl*"Stay the hell away from me or i'll get a restraining order against you. I allowed you and your group of annoying friends to have a fan club of me. But what i hate the most is that someone clingy. Now leave me alone"*he said that and left towards where Dawn and Kristy went to. He wanted to make sure her wounds were perfectly fine.*

*As He made it to the nurses office, there was already noise of pain coming from behind closed door.*

"Ouch!"*Dawn says as she winced in pain*"Can't you at least be gentler Kristy?"*she looks at her best friend*

"I'm not a saint Dawn, besides its that senior's fault not mine."*Kristy said while finishing up cleaning the wound and puts a band aid on both her knees. Normally the nurse isn't in the office, but it's open to the student body whoever gets hurt.*

*River heard their conversation and knocks on the door. the conversation inside died down quickly as Kristy opens the door and was face to face with River unaffected by his manly aura. which was fine with him since his main focus was on Dawn. As he walks in he sees Dawn sitting on the bed as she looks at him with wide eyes wondering why the hell he's here. she choose to ignore it and glares furiously at him*

"What?"*Dawn said as her tone dropped a few degrees and River being the gentleman he is, he went right up to her face to face and looks at her honey brown eyes and sighs softly*"I truly am sorry for running into you. I just needed to get away from a crazy fangirl"*He told her honestly*

"Fangirl?"*she raises her eyebrow at him indicating she doesn't believe him. As River sighs, he looks at Dawn just noticing how pretty her face is, even though she has a fiery personality he couldn't be mad or insulted by her*

"I'm telling the truth i swear"*River says as he runs his hand through his black hair and sighs heavily*

"I believe you"*As She said those words River looks at her dumbfounded. Dawn sighs heavily and shakes her head, and looks at him back.*"You do realize i'm part of the council's disciplinary committee right? I know who you are River Stones."*with those words he was even more dumbfounded at her. Its no wonder she knew the school rules so well. she was in the council committee, he laughs lightly under his breath and sighs*

"I see"*River said and when he was about to say more, the school bell rang indicating the class has started. he looks at her and gave a side smile making him look handsome*"I guess i'll be back to see how you are."*He turned around and head to his classroom*

-meanwhile there was a hidden shadow staring at the back of River from afar. this shadow was none other than that stalker fangirl. the fangirl turned her attention to the nurses office and sees Kristy and Dawn walk out and head to class as well. the girl clenched her teeth as she was seething with jealousy at Dawn-

*As everyone went to they're respective classes, it felt like forever before it'll hit lunch time. Dawn and Kristy were working in self study as soon as the bell rung for lunch; they immediately got up*"Yay! Lunch!"*Kristy said as she raises her arms up to stretch. Dawn on the other hand sighs softly shaking her head and grabs her wallet while heading to the door. the door to their classroom opened up and standing on the other side of it was none other than River Stones.*

"Ladies!"*River smiled as he sees Dawn and Kristy in front of him. But soon the other girls in the class screamed and squealed from excitement when they saw River. Kristy and Dawn looked at each other and winced from the screams*

"What do you want River?"*Dawn asked as she folds her arms looking him. 'Great just Great' -she rolled her eyes and sighs-*"I have come to ask if I can join you for lunch?"*After River said that all the fangirls glared venomously at Dawn and Kristy; which by the way the two girls felt it and ignored it*

"No"*Dawn pretended to think and said no. after she said that the fangirls glared even more and wanted to pull Dawn's hair and punch her for refusing their prince. "River, if it's not to much you can join me and my friends"*The fan girl that stalked river smiled as her followers nods their head in unison*

"Whatever, come on Kristy"*Dawn leaves with her bestie with River following behind them, for some reason he's a bite nervous around Dawn and her friend. he's never hung out with girls before hence why he doesn't know what to say to start a conversation with them. as the three entered the cafeteria the whole hall became quiet as everyone's eyes were on them.*

"Uh....why are they staring at us?"*Dawn said as she cringed at their stares. while Kristy shakes her head and looks around.* "Because someone is with us and its freaking everyone out as to why he's with two girls which he's never done before"*Kristy said looking back at River*

"Sorry, i can't help it. im not use to being around girls; and when i am it's the fangirls that surround me"*River said shrugging his shoulders but looks at Dawn and tilted his head. he doesnt know why, but he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Dawn felt his gaze and turns to see him gaze at her to long and blushes lightly but quickly hides it and clears her throat*

"Lets just get our lunch and head to a table"*As Dawn grabbed her lunch and made her way to the table she was tripped by someone's foot and fell hard as she got covered in food. The whole cafeteria started laughing. Kristy and River helped Dawn up as she looks at her clothes. Suddenly a voice so evil can be heard in front of her. that voice belonged to the fangirl was was stalking River.*

" sorry Dawn, but it really is your fault to be honest. you didn't look where you were going"*The fangirl said and looks at River as she tried to look cute*"River its best to stay away from a girl who is smelly. come i have saved you a seat"*She smiled and patted the seat next to hers. River gritted his teeth and glares at the fangirl.*

*River helps hold Dawn up because her knees started bleeding again and looks at her with soft eyes*"Lets get you treated again"*He ignored the fan girl and walks with Dawn and Kristy to the infirmary.*"I'm sorry, you got hurt again because of me"

*As Dawn sat down on the chair, she turns her head up and smiled softly.*"It's fine, i can just tell the head of disciplinary to give that girl a write up. she will have to think twice if she doesn't want to be expelled" * little did Dawn know, was that the head of disciplinary committee was a fangirl of River as well. the school day is just gonna get even harder for her*

*The bell for the lunch has just rung, Kristy and Dawn were walking back to class alone because River's class was on the other side of the school. As the two girls neared the class. someone called Kristy saying that a teacher needed her. As much as Kristy didn't want to go and leave Dawn. she had no choice but to leave, Dawn assured her that she'll be fine and to go. When Dawn went to get a drink from the water fountain which is next to the girls bathroom. She was suddenly pulled in and shoved into the bathroom stall and locked in*

"HEY! let me out!"*she yells but only heard sneers and laughter. she wanted to tell them to let her out or else, but she was suddenly drenched by the sudden water that was slashed over the stall. Shivering as she sneezed, she heard laughter again.*

"Severs you right Dawn, who do you think you are?. Some kind of princess from a fairy tail. let me tell you; your not. River is mine and mine alone stay away from him"*The voice of the fan girl, is the voice Dawn will never forget.*

"Let me go or else I'll tell the disciplinary head"*Dawn thought that if said that they would let her go. who would've thought mean fan girls will laugh again.*"Oh please! the head disciplinary won't care, after all she's hates how close you've gotten to River too.*The fan girl said and laughed. Dawn was shocked at how petty the girls are at this school who only knew how to flip their skirts for some senior who doesn't even like them.*"Stay there till you learned your lesson haha"*The fan girls laughed once more and left, leaving a shivering cold Dawn in a locked stall for hours.*

*Kristy came back to the classroom and worried when she didn't see Dawn in her seat. she heard laughter as the mean fan girls looked at Kristy and grins while laughing. She didn't like the feeling she had, as she ran to find River to help look for her bestie.*

*Meanwhile River was sitting in history class bored out of his mind. suddenly he jumped a bit when the door to his classroom slams open revealing a worried and panic Kristy*"T-They did something to Dawn, i can't find her!"*She said in a sobbing voice as River stood up and ran out of the class to find Dawn. But first he headed to the girls classroom and slams the door open and he found the fan girl who's been chasing him. he was towards the girl as she blushes and smiled. when she was about to wrap her arms around him he slapped the fan girls cheek so hard it left a hand print and growls in disgust at her*"WHERE IS SHE?!"*River was surprised at himself, he's never raised his voice at anyone before. but his gut was so furious that if something bad happen to Dawn; he would never forgive himself. The fan girl was sobbing as her makeup became messy. River asked again as the fan girls around the mail one said they locked her in the bathroom. He bolted out of the class and went to the girls bathroom and yells for Dawn's name. He knew it was worse than he thought when she didnt responded to his call. He breathes in heavily and walks in the bathroom and finds one of the stalls locked at the back. he ran and unlocks it seeing Dawn passed out from a high fever and drenched in water.*

*River picked her up and brought her to the nurses office again, this time the nurse was there as he laid her on the bed. the nurse got right to it and took care of her.*

*Kristy got to the nurses office as she saw Dawn passed out. it hurt her to see her best friend like that as she stood by Dawn's side while the nurse took care of her. the nurse informed them that she has a very high fever and since she has her period it enhanced even more. River went and reported to the principle about what happened. They're school does not tolerate bullying. so the girls who harmed Dawn were expelled and the disciplinary head who didn't do anything was removed from her post and expelled.*

*The whole school day ended and River was besides Dawn holding her hand. she hasn't woken up yet, but he was worried that if he didn't confess to her. she would be gone before he knew it; he's just afraid that she'll reject him*

*Kristy called Dawn's parents and informed them of what happened. as the time ticked by, Dawn slowly opened her eyes. She turns her eyes to see River sleeping soundly holding her hand tightly. She wanted to pull her hand away, but he woke up and was face to face with Dawn awake and fine. He got up and hugs her tightly like she's gonna run. which she was planning to anyways since he was so affectionate to her for some reason.*

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry"*River said in a low voice; but Dawn heard it as she patted his back in the embrace.*"Its ok, its not your fault River."*She said that and he moved to see her face even more clear and shakes his head sadly*

"No it is my fault, i should've told the principle earlier. if i had, none of this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry"*he said looking down. Dawn didn't know what to say as she just hugged him tightly*

"Dawn, i have something to ask you."*He said as his voice was horse. as he cleared his throat he blushes and looks down*"W-Will you be my girlfriend?"*Dawn was surprised as she blushes deeply as well. she didn't think someone like her would be asked out by a popular guy. As she pondered she smiled and nods yes. After all it has been while since their childhood back then. since they promised when they got older they would be together. who would've thought that fate and love works in mysterious ways*


PastelPlatnium PastelPlatnium

Hai! ^-^ I hope my story was ok. as you see I'm not the most literate when it comes to story making. i mainly do script type of writing but i guess literate writing wouldn't hurt in awhile right? I hope you all love and support this one shot story thank you

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