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36.36% Re:Monster - Soul Eater / Chapter 8: Day 36 - 40

Chapter 8: Day 36 - 40

- Day 36

The first thing I did this morning was finally slip the {Yin-Yang Gloves} onto Fu's hands while she slept, meaning I had some time to do what I wanted to do before she woke up and stole me away. I spent the morning working with Emery to determine what I wanted for my new weapon. We went over a few different designs but in the end we settled with something I think suits me and my race quite well. With that done, all I needed to do was find the right materials. Of course, we could just use regular steel but if I'm going to be fighting more creatures on the level of the Golem then I need something stronger. Though it would be a waste of {Sword Mastery} if I didn't wield a sword at all so I'll be using one temporarily and most likely in battles that don't require my main weapon.

After figuring out all the little details, I went to find Sei as I had promised to show her my magic. When I found her, she was sitting next to Rou as he was hand sowing something together using the pelt he got from his life or death confrontation. They seemed to be talking about something so I didn't interrupt but they went back to silence pretty quick allowing me to stroll up and call out. Rou simply said "hey" while Sei didn't say a word, instead opting to stand up, grab my arm and start pulling me in another direction. I didn't move for a moment because her strength is so much lower than my own but I surrendered and went with her after seeing her cute struggling face.

When we arrived a fair distance outside of the settlement, Sei didn't beat around the bush and told me to show her my magic. I think she's a little annoyed or embarrassed about earlier. I relented and showed her the rank 1 spell <Bolt>. I told her to get back just in case but I wasn't expecting the level of power we saw. <Bolt> has become a straight line of pure, dark orange electricity that burned its way through everything without effort, leaving a hole in everything it hit in a straight line for about 60 metres. Not only that but it still had the extra electricity that scarred the area around it for 50 metres.

When Sei asked if this really was a rank 1 skill, I told her yes but currently even I'm a little unsure. Perhaps it's because of the {Blessing of the God of Lightning}. To test it, I got her to stand back a little more than last time and I used the rank 1 magic <Flare>. This was more like what I was used to. It's meant as a simple flare and, although it's bigger, brighter and burns hotter than before, that's the kind of thing I'd expect from a rank up. Not suddenly being able to shoot lasers.

Anyway, after putting out the fire before it really got started, we found a nice, large stone that reminded me of that damn golem so I figured that it would be the perfect test for my rank 2 spell <Pressure Crush>. When I pushed my open palm out towards it and clenched my fist, the stone began to collapse in on itself before crumbling into dust. Wow, that's...How much pressure is needed to crush a stone? Considering how easy that was, I'm actually a little averse to using that on a person. Maybe if they piss me off.

Sei seemed impressed, at least I think she was. It's hard to tell since she doesn't change her expression very much very often. We then moved on to a large cliff face where I used the rank 3 chaos magic <Sunder>. The cliff...split vertically in two. I should probably close that up with {Earth Control}. I sighed as I thought about how I actually held back with that one but it still did something insane. Come to think of it, I wonder why the {Great God of Chaos} even chose me in the first place? Oh well, food for thought another time I suppose since Sei actually appears to have stars in her eyes. We ended up returning with her around my arm but when she asked me why I didn't use Lightning based magic for the 2nd and 3rd ranks, I told her that I didn't want to completely destroy the forest. She understood after a little more convincing. Speaking of which, since {Sense Presence} was on tonight, I noticed Sei sneak into bed with us, followed later by Emery. I let it be.

Fu kept waking me up while talking in her dreams. Well, more like giggling. I wasn't sure whether to be endeared or frightened.

- Day 37

I awoke today startled and sweating. Like a feeling deep in my body that something somewhere important to me has been invaded. Panicked, I checked around the settlement earning a few odd looks from the Hobgoblins. On a side note, a few of the goblins seemed to have ranked up.

I ran into Dou while I was searching and I found that he was training with his sword with astonishing diligence. When he noticed me he bowed and told me that he wouldn't lose to Kichi, either in battle or in the race to Rank up. Proud of my ally I praised his work ethic and told him that I would help him in anyway I can. Surprisingly, he politely declined my offer saying that he would become stronger on his own, just like his boss. Only then would he dare to call himself my blade. Honestly I didn't realise that he called himself that at all but if it helps him grow stronger then I'm all for it.

When I went back to searching for the cause of my bad feeling, I noticed two sources. One coming from within the newly dug mines and another coming from the human girls workroom. Safe to say I rushed to the human girls area. When I got there I found out that Gobue had discovered an injured Carbuncle, sort of a little fairy with an oddly familiar gem on her head. When I barged in, they were surprised but the Carbuncle seemed to see me and smile. She began to beg us to help drive out a group of humans from her masters dungeon. Apparently the gem on her forehead is worth over a billion gold.

She explained her story, about how she's in charge of a secret dungeon and that she and the dungeon were created by a powerful magician that went by the name Velvet. She was left in charge of the treasures after he died. An unfortunate side note; while her wounds were healed, her core was damaged so she won't be able to maintain her form for much longer. According to the little Carbuncle, in the depths of her masters secret vault, are hidden, legendary treasures that Velvet spent his life creating. A strange thing that occurred during the conversation, was that every time she mentioned Velvet, a sense of annoyance and anger rose within me only to be replaced by a certain longing and a need to help. When I shouted out to them that we should help, I got a few odd looks, including from myself, but the little Carbuncle who's name seems to be Returner, began crying in appreciation. Man, I've been making girls cry recently. I feel bad.

Rou agreed with me when Returner made the promise that the treasure inside would be ours as a reward since her master detested humans. Can't say I don't agree with her for the most part, though there's a few good ones as I've found. Our main groups all gather and Rou declares our intentions of going in and driving out the humans. Emery handed the weapon Rou had asked her to make to him while handing me a one-handed longsword she made for me while I didn't have anything else. This one had a pair of Lightning spirit stones embedded in it so I was sure it would be powerful while I wield it. I patted her head and thanked her. She asked that I return the favour by trying to reason with the humans before using violence which I quickly agreed to, as did Rou when the other girl's requested he same of him.

Tailor girl came up to me before we left and gave me some clothing she had prepared for me at the behest of her blacksmith friend. I thanked them both again warmly before putting on the new gear. Trousers made of black wolf pelt which are quite durable but also flexible and a black wolf coat with the emblem of a reaper on the back, probably to signify that I'm the leader of {Death}. With that, we enter the dungeon but only Rou and Myself head to face the intruders while the others hid nearby just in case.

I used {Presence Concealment} as I walked with Rou and when the humans appeared, they were talking about returner which, for some reason, annoyed me quite a lot. they only noticed the "Ogre Rare Species" Which almost made me chuckle when Rou became ticked off but he tried to talk to them nonetheless.

[Rou] "Well, just hear me out here, dear intruders."

He spoke as he effortlessly blocked their assassins attack. The other humans seemed shocked and rattled by this.

[rou] "Listen here, you're in somebody's (Dungeon) home. Not only have you entered without permission and killed the (monsters) residents, you're even stealing treasures. That's robbery and murder right there! The fact that you don't even see it as a crime means you're well beyond saving.

The humans started attacking with more fury while screaming something about Rou speaking so fluently. Is it because he speaks it better than them I wonder?

[Rou] "I'm a rather nice person. If you guys just give up and leave, I'll be willing to forget all about this. How about it?"

At this time, the magicians on the humans side begin chanting a spell so I figure it's my time to step in. With my naturally high endurance combined with {Magic Resistance} the Magic deals almost no damage. What tiny damage it did deal was healed immediately, shocking the humans with both my power and my appearance.

[Human] "What the hell is that!?

[Human] "Where'd it come from!?"

[Magician] "that-it shrugged off a level 3 spell!"

That was a level three spell? I look back to Rou who motions with his hand that they're all mine. I smile as Rou gives the humans some final words.

[Rou] "I told you I was nice. My friend here, on the other hand, is a little less so."

I pointed my hand towards the group of nicely bunches up targets and, since I didn't want to ruin the valuables they might have on them, I only used a rank 1 spell. <Bolt>. The line of electricity carved its way through the soldiers chest while the remnant electricity did the rest on the others. The mages who were far enough away looked at me with sheer horror and fear. Ah, this familiar feeling~ I like it. I unsheathed my sword and made quick work of the survivors, leaving Lichtenberg scarring on their bodies where I cut. I like this sword.

When the others came in, we decided upon what to do with the humans supplies. I, of course, ate their souls and gained {Job: Guardian}, {Job: Crusader} {Job: Assassin} {Job: High Wizard} {Job: Priest} {Job: Enchanter} {Parallel Thinking} {Equestrianism} {Counter Magic} {Shortened Incantations} {Chivalry} {Intuition} {Presence Hiding} {Blessing of the Demigod of Kindness}

Which one of these assholes had the {Chivalry} and {Blessing of the Demigod of Kindness}? They all seemed like total shit heads to me.

Rou ate a few of the adventurers belongings, gaining a few extra skills while Returner guided us to the dungeon entrance where we sealed it using {Earth Control}. After that, we were lead to the treasury where I felt a sense of fulfilment wash over as I got the message {Required conditions met: <Protect Velvets Treasury>. Following skills removed: {Loyalty}

Oh. That. Bastard. So that whole mess with the golem was to find someone with enough strength to protect this place one more time? I started shouting obscenities at the old man's corpse until my {Intuition} skill alerted me to the presence of plaque on the wall behind Velvets chair. Curious, Rou joined me before telling me that he couldn't read the plaque. I was stunned by this since I could read it just fine. {For the one that I so selfishly forced my wish upon, a gift, for the one who withstood the test of patience. Using the key I have given you, receive the last item I created. I suspect that you, being what is considered a monster, are unable to gain any jobs. I enchanted this ring with many useful skills for your future. I ask not that you forgive me but that you may find peace in life as I have in death, with the use of my power}.

Placing my hand on the plaque, I use the {Velvets Key} skill and the plaque begins to glow, revealing a small, carved out hole with a marvellously designed ring resting on a velvet cushion. Taking the ring, I show it to Returner who smiles and says that her masters final wish was to bestow this ring upon the one his golem chose. I quickly ate the essence of the ring and gained quite a few new skills. {The Golden Rule} {Chemistry} {Alchemy} {Item Creation} {Enchanting} {Golem Creation} {Low Level Summoning} {Low Level Summoning: Skeleton} {Mid Level Summoning} {Magicians Wish} {Auto-Repair} {Inter-Dimensional Storage} {Conceal Status} {Synthesis}.

Holy shit Velvet...

Turning to face the body of the powerful magician, I immediately offer a prayer and bow my head to the powerful man. Considering he was human, wow. Just wow.

Returner thanked us immensely for our help, telling us that we were free to take anything from the area. She then stood in my hand and after we all said our good byes, she vanished, leaving only the gem on her forehead. Rou asked me if he could take it but I asked if he could wait a moment. When he asked why I responded by saying it might be possible to save her.

I decided to test my Improved {Soul Eater} by removing a large portion of the little Carbuncles soul while leaving just enough for the stone to stay intact. I then stored the soul away for safe keeping while Rou devoured the the stone I handed to him. Gobue was distraught when she saw this, thinking that her new friend was dead but with Kichi's consoling and my reassurance that I might be able to bring her back, she cheered up and said that she would help me in anyway she can.

After retrieving all the items in Velvets Treasury and cremating the body, Rou gained a new legendary class artefact for an arm and we proceeded to collapse and seal the entrance to the dungeon.

The next thing I knew, Rou declared that we would be having a feast to celebrate the lives of Velvet and Returner, but really, I just think he wanted an excuse to drink the alcohol that we had found in Velvets tomb. We all ended up drinking till late in the night which resulted in Fu, Sei, Emery and myself spending the night together. It was quite the night and I think I used {Libido} as well which the girls seemed to all enjoy.

- Day 38

After waking up to the sight of the naked girls, with Sei blushing and incredibly embarrassed, we got up, I made sure that each of them were okay with what happened and somewhere along the lines it was decided that they were all willing to share me. The look in the eyes of these ladies was surprisingly scary though that didn't stop me from accepting their proposition.

Rou spent the day sorting through the loot from Velvets Treasury with Emery who confirmed for me that she had no interest in Rou other than as a friend, even going so far as to say that my jealousy was kind of cute. I don't plan on making a habit of it though.

While they did that, I decided to work on my {Golem Creation} skill which allowed me, in the end, to create a total of 10 clay Golems the size of Hobgoblins and 3 rock Golems the size of human males. The reason I'm working so hard on this is because I might be able to recreate Returners body if I increase my skill level and find the right materials.

- Day 39

Rou went around, handing out the weapons we discovered to each of the hobgoblins. Fu received a dagger with a corrosion enchantment which she happily accepted, Dou received a Wakizashi with small wind spirit stones embedded along the hilt to go with his katana and when it came time to give me something, he gave me a vermilion coloured sword he said was named {Gomon-Sha} or simply {Torturer}. Apparently it's part of a paired set with Rou's chosen weapon, a spear named {Kazikli Bey}. According to Rou, Gomon drains the life from anyone it cuts and prevents clotting so the wound keeps bleeding, which seems oddly appropriate given one of my skills. I thanked him and he went on his way while I continued making more golems. He looked back and saw it, suggesting we use them for the Hobgoblins training. I agreed to send a few his way whenever he ran out.

I created another 5 clay golems and 2 more rock golems, not including the fellows I sent to Rou.

Rou, the Hobgoblins and a few of the human girls went out to hunt hind bears for soup so I stayed back and decided to test out another skill of mine while no one was around. {Synthesis}. The results were as follows.

{Venom Secretion} + {Laxative Creation} + {Muscle Relaxant Creation} = {Advanced Poison Creation}

{Quick Heal} + {Regeneration} = {Quick Regeneration}

When everyone came back they offered me some of the left over Hind Bear soup which I heated up with Pyrokinesis and ate happily, knowing that the others are beginning to accept me.

- Day 40

It's raining again so it was decided that the third hierarchy tournament would begin today. Rou and I didn't participate since we're a higher rank and much stronger than everyone else, though Rou did want to fight me, I rejected the offer reminding him I had no interest in leading the community.

Rou and myself did speak for a while afterwards though about the possibility of going to a human town in the future, as well as creating a mercenary company with Rou as the leader. Eventually the conversation turned to going on a little trip to discover new prey and we both decided to leave at dawn tomorrow, though we won't be going together.

I was able to create a clay Golem in the form of Returner but I don't think I feel comfortable giving her such a crappy new body.

The days results were

Golems: 10 more clay golems, 3 more rock golems and 1 ogre sized stone golem.

Synthesis: {Detect Analysis} + {Death Analysis} + {Identify} = {Perfect Analysis}

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