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77.77% Doraemon: Nobita's life after doraemon left / Chapter 14: Feelings

Chapter 14: Feelings

Days pass and everyone is busy in their club activities....

"Hey everyone sorry i am late today and thankyou for waiting for me"(said nobita while gasping)

Hitoshi(smiles)-"no problem nobit we also came here just now,our club activity they so tiring"

Shizuka-"yes hitoshi it is very tiring.But most importantly we got the instrument which we would like to play.."

Nobita-"instruments? you guys are playing instruments?"

Hitoshi-"oh nobita we are in band so it must be related to instruments"

Nobita(awkwardly)-"yes yes i know so shizuka must be playing violin and you..?"

Hitoshi-"well i am playing piano and that too duet with shizuka"

(He looks towards nobita)

Nobita(smile)-"oh that's good"

(Nobita in his mind-"back then in elementary school it was dekisugi and now it's hitoshi is the one with whom shizuka is having a duet.I don't know what,but he is trying to tell me something.I don't really know what it is but i don't need to worry i have already seen the future but again doraemon told me it can be changed due to the slightest of the mistakes and i don't want to make any of it, but this guy i don't like his vibes now")

Hitoshi-"hey nobita come let's go or we will be late again that too because of you"(he noticed that nobita is thinking something)

Hitoshi-"hey nobita are you thinking about something?"

Nobita(looks towards hitoshi)-"no it's nothing hitoshi"

Hitoshi (smile)-"and i thought you are understanding what i had said to you earlier"

(Nobita in his mind-"what is he trying to say? I think i totally understand but there is no way he like shizuka there is no way.)

(Shizuka turn around and see's nobita and hitoshi had stopped walking and are standing there)

Shizuka-"hey nobita hitoshi come let's go or we will be late"

(Nobita look towards hitoshi while he was looking toward shizuka his eyes were starting at her)

Hitoshi-"yes we are coming"(and he runs towards her)

(Nobita(nervously)-"so i was right he too has feelings for shizuka all the thanks he gave me till now were because i let him go with her so easily but why is he thanking me? Does he know about my feelings for shizuka?")

Hitoshi(look towards nobita)-"hey nobita come fast or else we are going leaning you behind"

Shizuka-"nobita hurry up the weather is cloudy today"

(Nobita runs towards them)

2 months earlier

Hitoshi's house

(Hitoshi mom is convincing Him for not going to kspace high school because it is on the other side of the station and of somewhat far from his residence.)

Hitoshi's mom-"Hitoshi you shouldn't go to that school (kspace high school) it is far from our residence and you have got scholarship for a much better school...."

Hitoshi-"Mom i don't want to go to that school."

Mom-"But hitoshi you should go there they are providing you with scholarship as well as there faculty is also good.."

Hitoshi-"But mom i don't want to go away from you and father. I won't feel good there and won't be able to study the nicely then what will be the profit of going to that prestigious school of i won't be able to even pass."

Mom-" Hitoshi you will be alright it'll take some time but you will be okay. And here in this school you won't be having any friend there in that school your old classmate Shinji-kun is also going and it will be easy for you to be there and study."

Hitoshi-" Mom miyo, naomi and karoi are also coming to the same school they gave the entrance on the same day and the result will be out tomorrow and I'm sure we will pass."

Mom-"Oh but then too you should choose the other school it's good for your future."

Hitoshi-" Mom if i don't pass on the entrance then I'll definately go to whichever school you want."

Mom (thinks for sometime and then says)-"No i know you will definately pass the entrance."

(They argue for awhile and then hitoshi's father enters in the room and asks them what is going on....)

Dad-"Can i please know what's going on?"

Mom-"Hitoshi is not understanding that he should study in the school in which he has got the scholarship and he keeps on arguing with me in going to the school on the next side of the station."

Dad-"Why you want to go to the kspace high school and why not where your mom is saying. Kid you should listen to your mom."

Hitoshi-"Dad i want to go to the kspace high school because i want to be with you both and if i choose the school mom is asking me to be in then I'll have to be away from you and i don't want to be away. Dad please let me study here."

Dad-"Hitoshi kid you need to understand that one day you'll have to go away from us."

Hitoshi-"Dad but why now I'm just 13 years old and i don't want to go there (and he gets emotional and starts crying) i don't want to go there please."

(By seeing him cry hitoshi's mom and dad starts to have a sympathy for him and they accepts his choice and allowed him to study from whatever schools he wants.)

Mom-"Kid don't cry we understand that you are not ready for going away from us."

Dad-"Hitoshi don't cry it's ok you can go to the school that you want to be in."

(Hitoshi stops crying and hugs the both then he says that his entrance results are going to come out tomorrow)

(After dinner hitoshi went to his room)

Hitoshi-"tomorrow is going to be awesome day when they(naomi,miyo and kaori) hear about this they will surely get suprise"

(And he fall sleep)

Next day

Hitoshi-"mom i am going now and i will back till evening"

Mom-"ok hitoshi take care but remember if you fail the entrance exam then you will go in the school whichever we decide for you"

Hitoshi-"ok mom"

(And he leaves)

Hitoshi thinks about his friend who have entrance with him....(miyo, Kaori and Naomi) 

Hitoshi-" They have told me that they will be meeting me directly at the school so i should have to move quickly"

(He reaches the other side of the station)

Hitoshi-"wow last time i came here for the entrance it was kind of crowded and today it's all silent all around"

(Hitoshi thinks-"well i know the schools direction but before that let's explore around)

(And he starts walking)

(Time pass)

hitoshi-"oh i forgot my friends must have reached there already well then i will meet them and roam around with them"

(And he started running)

(After running few minutes his step gets locked together and he got bumped into a girl The girl was very beautiful with violin on her back)

Hitoshi(open his eyes)-"hey sorry i was in hurry"

(He looks towards her)

Hitoshi(with big eyes)-"wow what a..."

Girl(angrily)-"you should atleast watch where are you going"(and she picks her violin)

Hitoshi(bow down)-"sorry i was in hurry and it's relief that you didn't got any hurt"

(Girl didn't said anything and left)

Hitoshi-"she was so beautiful..why my heart is beating so hastily..i guess i should meet her again to say how beautiful she is"

(Hitoshi kept on moving towards the school and was continuously thinking about the girl)

Hitoshi(shake his head)-"why i am thinking about her, it's not possible we won't meet again"

(He looks around and sees a library)

Hitoshi-"oh there is a library here let's see some books"

(And he went in to read some books)

Hitoshi(rubs his eyes)-"ohh!! half hour has already passed i surely hurry up now but the girl, i wish i get a chance to tell her how beautiful she is but first let's make a library card it will help me in future"

(Hitoshi get's in the line and saw a guy holding robotics book for beginners he taps on his shoulder and greets him)


The Boy (turn toward him)-"hello do i know you?"

Hitoshi-"no I'm hitoshi nohara and I'm new here in this town i saw the books which you were returning they were quite out of syllabus for us"

The boy-"oh hello hitoshi my name is nobita nobi yes they are out of syllabus but how do you know these books hitoshi. I was intrested in some of the topics so i decided to study them in my free time"

Hitoshi-"oh actually i also have some interest in these types of books(Robotics)"

Nobita-"wow that's great i never thought that someone else would also be interested in these books."

(Hitoshi suddenly sees the time-"oh no it's already late i should go to the school now)

Hitoshi(smile)-"hey see you later if we meet again i need to do some work so goodbye nobita. It was very nice meeting you"

Nobita-"yes hitoshi i hope we will meet again goodbye. I am much obliged for meeting you"

(They wave towards eachother)

(Hitoshi reaches the school and apologises to his friends for being late)

Hitoshi(smile)-"so everyone has cleared the entrance exam that's good, now we will go in this school for sure"

(Everyone congrats hitoshi for getting the highest marks in the exam)

Present time

(Lunch bell rings)

Nobita-"hey hitoshi come with me i have something to talk about"

Hitoshi-"oh ok nobita"

Shizuka-"ok then i will be at the roof top with other come there after your talk is over"

(They all left)

(They went to the back side of the field)

Nobita-"hey hitoshi i might be wrong..but i want to ask you something.."

Hitoshi(stop)-"ask what ever you want"

Nobita(in low tone)-"...i don't know if it is right or not but do you like...?"

Hitoshi(smile)-"so you finally understand yes i do like shizuka and i know you like her too the way you only focus on her and talk to her anyone can tell that you like shizuka"

Nobita(loudly)-"then why the hell are you interfering?"

Hitoshi(smile)-"hey hey calm down i said you like her but her feeling is still neutral for you and for me too there is still opportunity for me and for you. When i first met her it was an accident but when i met her again in this school it became clear to me that i want her you know the first day i saw her here again i can even feel that clearly.."

Nobita(interrupted)-"why you thanked me that day?"

Hitoshi(smile)-"oh when you were late on the second day i was standing with her in the corner i told her to let's go but she said let's wait for a while with a smile on her face and nobita that face was one of the prettiest face i ever saw in my life i started blushing and she noticed that but she thought that i had fever how pity is that"

Nobita-"that's mean you joined the wind bands and other stuff to be with her didn't you?"

Hitoshi-"yes nobita, you know nobita there is an advantage for you. She told me in our club activity you are her bestfriend and somewhere i know that becuase the day she was standing there with me waiting for you that made me mad on you but on the other hand she was standing with me alone she started telling me about you that you always get late and how hard you are trying to be good now. That's all, the talk were totally about you and others that's shows her feeling how caring she is about you guys that made me fall for her and that's why i thanked you on that day"

Nobita(calmly)-"hitoshi i don't mind whatever you are saying about your feeling but i have seen the future she will be..."

(Hitoshi interrupted)

Hitoshi(look towards nobita)-"future,huh? That's not possible and you know future change with every decision you make and it changes for better. i live in present and i will do whatever i can do for her"

Nobita(smile)-"huh? I guess i have got a competitor here who feels the same way i do for her that's ok because everyone has the right to feel and i am completely not angry with you"

(Suddenly raining started)

(They both looked each other)

Hitoshi-"i always thought you won't understand me but you do that's great here i make a promise to you if she chose you over mei won't come in your way"

Nobita-"hey hey you don't need to do that we will be friends i will never break this bond"

(Lunch time over and bell rings)

Shizuka-"hey what you guys doing there it's raining get in"

(They didn't notice that until she told them about rain and lunch bell is already over)

Shizuka-"what you guys were talking for so long?"

Nobita(awkwardly)-"oh it's nothing important we were discussing about study"

Shizuka-"oh nobita you have really started pushing your self hard you should not do that everything takes time"

Hitoshi-"yes nobita everything takes it's time"

(They both look each other)

(Final bell rings they went to there club activities and nobita cleaned the class and left with megumi)

Megumi(in low tone)-"umm nobita why are you moving fast?"

(Nobita stops and looks towards her she was few steps behind)

Nobita-"oh sorry Megumi i was thinking about my work i have collected 24000 yen in 15 days now i need 11000 yen more so it will be finished in few days"

Megumi-"oh that's good i am really happy for you"

(They both kept on walking)

(Nobita drop her at her home and left for the work)

Manager-"hey nobi you are doing great work for us if you need this job again in future you can ask me whenever you want"

Nobita(smile)-"yes sir thankyou"

(After work he leaves for his house)

On the way to his house

"Nobita what are you doing here?"-shizuka

(Nobita turns towards her and gets completely stocked)

Nobita(shockingly)-"oh shizuka it's you i was just helping megumi in her homework"

Shizuka-"homework? You know what time it is..?you are late already we should move fast"

Nobita-"yes actually i didn't notice the time it's dark already"(he tried to act normally)

Nobita-"by the way where is hitoshi..?"

Shizuka-"his home is other side of the station so he always walks me to this place and from here he goes to the station"

Nobita-"well it's kind of long route for him to cover"

Shizuka-"yeah i told him this too but he always insists me to let him walk me here so that's good isn't it..?"

Nobita-"yeah it's great"

(Nobita in his mind-"so that's how he is living his present)

Shizuka-"umm nobita in which home work were you helping megumi?"

Nobita(smile)-"oh it was some basic maths you know i can understand her problems related to maths and that's why i was helping her. Come let's go shizuka I'll drop you home"

Shizuka-"it's ok nobita i will go from here you should go home too"

(Nobita-"i should drop her to her home it's already dark)

Nobita-"it's ok shizuka i will walk you to the home it's not a big deal"

Shizuka(look towards nobita)-"thankyou but i can go by myself from here you need not to worry"

Nobita-"if that's so then it's ok i am going bye"

Shizuka(smile)-"bye and don't be late tomorrow"

Nobita(shouted)-"yeah i will be on time tomorrow"

Nobita's home

(They all ate the dinner nobita went to his room opens the window and sits on the roof)

Nobita-"hey doraemon it's feels like someone is trying to change my future i don't know if i will able to stop him or not but i think his feelings is true too and that's why i am not nervous at all he feels the same way as i do for her just a little difference is he is more smarter than me but my future will not change i promise you. I wish you were there with me today. But i promise you I'll completely make everything good again you and my future both"

(And he went to sleep while thinking about it.)

akshsid akshsid

it's all about feelings of someone about someone.

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