The Empress dowager blinked then shakily said, "I want to be alone."
Song mama knit her brows and wanted to protest but the Empress dowager frowned at her and ordered, "Leave." So she hesitantly let her be and waited outside the doors, listening for any commotion.
The Empress dowager has been quite unstable recently. She always got angry whenever she met with the monks. Although she had become more controlled since the whipping incident and did not lash out like that anymore. She thought she was finally getting better until a few weeks ago when she found the Empress dowager collapsed in her room after taking one of her own poisons.
*Sigh* The late Emperor was quite the conundrum, but now it makes more sense why he seemed to have a soft spot for Kai in the grand scheme of things (Although it certainly helped that the child lived up to all his expectations)...He was after all the child they wanted for so long, although things got ruined...Poor Kai needs a hug, it's truly a miracle he survived her...
Well, monks beware!...The dowager has been too busy with her mental crisis to care about LX and the Emperor. Chen You did try to pull her out of hibernation with the rumor mill, but that didn't pan out too well and she crawled back to stewing LOL...
Anyway, back to LX and the Emperor's day out, it will definitley be a fun one LOL
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