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90% One Piece fan stuck in MHA / Chapter 18: Will you?

Chapter 18: Will you?

"All right everyone, right now I shall determine who shall fight who thru the lottery!" Once the whole Izuku situation calmed down Midnight Lady could finally announce who shall fight who in the one on one battles

To that, the audience and the students gave their applause, an applause that comes from the bottom of their hearts, they wanted to find out who shall fight who and can't wait to see all the exciting battles, or in the case of students to see who their opponents will be, the anticipation was killing all of them

"Once the matchups are decided we will do some fun recreation before we commence with the finals!" To that, the crowd and the students gave less enthusiastic applause, that must really dampen the mood of the dropouts, well too bad that they just weren't good enough to pass to the next round

"The 16 that will be competing can but don't have to join the recreational activities it is completely up to you. Some of you may want to preserve your strength while some want to have fun, you can freely decide what to do." More or less all the students were thrilled when they heard, they are free to choose between resting, doing their hobby, eating, having some fun at the recreational events or anything else that might suit their fancy as long as it doesn't break the law, after the tiresome competition such a rest would come in handy for everyone just, not the audience who would want them to fight immediately, it is just me or does this seem more and more like a roman colosseum rather than a sports festival

"So starting from the 1st place team let's determine the order-" Midnight Lady started off strong, wanting to announce the matchups, she is also excited to see who shall fight who, however about mid-sentence she was cut off by another voice originating from the crowd

"Excuse me!" Yelled out Ojiro as he stuck his hand out as much as possible so that he will get noticed as much as possible

Everyone immediately turned their attention towards him, to interrupt the matchup event there must be something important that he has to say so they naturally became interested in him

"I will be sitting this one out." And a nuclear warhead was dropped, no one, except for Mike expected Ojiro to say something like that, it didn't even come to their mind that such insane words would be said by anyone

"Why Ojiro! This is the time to show yourself off to the pro heroes!" Exactly, the UA festival has 3 main purposes, to show off the next generation of heroes to the public, to collect money from the entrance tickets but those are just the objectives of the school, for the students what matters the most is the 3rd purpose of the festival, to attract pro heroes to them so that they get trained by pro heroes, without that training they have drastically lower chances of becoming pro's and may even be forever stuck as sidekicks, a fate no hero in training wants to experience

"The truth is, I don't remember what happened during the cavalry battle, until the very last few seconds. It probably has something to do with that damn kid's quirk." Said Ojiro with clear spite in his voice as he resentfully looked at Shinsos direction clearly intending to devour him with his eyes, not in a sexual way

To that Shinso just turned his head away from Ojiro, clearly intent on ignoring whatever comment or complaint Ojiro has about him

"I know that this is my big chance, and I know it is a stupid decision to throw it away but I can't do it," Ojiro said regretfully as he turned his head back to face the others, he wants to participate, he wants to be part of the final round, he wants to be noticed by the pro heroes and cheered on by the crowd, he wants to stay in the arena until the bitter end and win however he can't do that, his pride won't allow him to do that

"This is the place everyone has gotten to by clashing at their full power, I wouldn't feel alright if I stood shoulder to shoulder with all of you, without even understanding how I got here, I just can't do it." Ojiro gave a memorable speech with a closed fist and tilted head, there really is no logical reason why he is sitting this one out, it's just that humans are not robots designed to run on an emptiness program a to Ojiro this is something he can't emotionally bring himself to do, he can't bring himself to participate in the final round

"Don't worry about it, man! As long as you get results at the stage it's fine, besides it's not as thou everyone had he most stellar performance!" Tooru tried to cheer Ojirou up as much as possible encouraging him and pushing him onwards, she really wanted him to participate and nor lose his spot in the finals, they really are a great ship

"You don't understand, this is a matter of my personal pride, I just can't stand the thought of joining under such conditions!" Said Ojiro as he shook his head, to him the fact that he had somehow gotten to the end of the cavalry battle and even joined the final round without him using all his power is unacceptable, what's worse is the fact that he can't even remember how he had gotten here

"I also want to abstain! I also don't remember what happened, for a person like myself who doesn't know how he had gotten here and then participate in the final round, defeats the whole purpose of the festival!" Said a class B student that had also gotten manipulated into becoming part of Shinsos horse

"Man you guys, are so manly!" Said Ejirou as he cried, manly man tears which were overflowing with incredible manliness for the manly act that Ojiro and Shouda has just done, sacrificing themselves for fairness

"Well, this is highly unusual, it all depends on the judge's decision." Said Present Mic as he watched on the spectacle, he nor anyone else really never expected for something like that to happen this certainly has happened before in the festival and they always resorted to the same method, let the judge decide what will happen

"How callow, I'll have you know that greenhorns like you, get all my love!" At first, Midnight Lady's speech started off really scary with her face and tone of voice darkening while she tightened he whip and a demon-like presence enveloped her but seconds after that her face gained a mad grin with a blush spreading all over it like a lovely lady, she very much in manly stuff so something like this is perfect to her

"I hereby recognize Shouda and Ojirou pulling out!" Said Midnight Lady with a happy face while everyone else just asked themselves how this happened, for them to willingly drop out and for her to approve of it on such a flimsy basis how come things reached such a conclusion

"Since that is the case, Tokoyami and Uararaka from team 5 aka, team Izuku will be joining the round! Are there no objections?" When Uraraka and Tokoyami heard that they will participate in the final round they were both very happy

Uraraka was bouncing with joy hopping around the arena and laughing cheerfully while Tokoyami was just cooly standing there and nodding his head with a smirk on his mouth... beak? Whatever he has going on in that area of his face

Although the other teams were sad for not getting picked they also must admit that team Izuku is the 5th best team and that they had worked hard and are powerful enough to be chosen like this

"Guess there is no luck for me." Said Hatsume with sight, she also wanted to go to the final round so that she could present her babies to the whole world and to catch the eye of hero companies but this time she just wasn't lucky enough

When Uraraka heard her she froze in place for a moment before she came over to Hatsume and started consoling her, not that it helped since Hatsume is basically always in a good mood so all that Uraraka got from trying to console her is a cult-like speech about her babies, if someone said something bad about them and Hatsume didn't have her bubbly Uraraka like personality she would probably say something like 'Purge the heresy!' before taking out some of her babies to test on you

After that everything was pretty normal, everyone had their lots drawn and their opponents were decided and put up on the big screen for the whole wide world to see

Unfortunately, Mike can't see, and haki can't sense a 2-D object/projection so Mike has to ask someone else for who his opponents are

Sensing around himself Mike found out that Iida was conveniently standing just next to him so why not make use of that convenience and ask Iida for the information

"Hey, Iida, could you tell me who my opponents are?" Approaching Iida with a smiling face and kind disposition Mike approached Iida and asks him about his opponents in the one on ones

"Sure. Well in the first round you have to fight Shinso, after that, you will either fight Sero or Shouto then-" When Iida heard Mike he looked at the board before his glasses strangely twinkled for a moment with a star-like twinkle and he started to professionally and robotically tell Mike about his opponents he is sometimes way to serious

"Stop right there please, I think I understand who my opponents are." When Mike heard who his opponents are he couldn't help but sigh, he definitely didn't expect this to happen, not only did he not expect it he isn't even sure if he wanted it to happen

Iida just stared dumbfoundedly as Mike made his way to the class 1-A restroom, Mike wanted some peace and quiet for himself to think about the current situation

'What the hell, have I now become the MC of MHA?' During his journey, Mike couldn't help but remember who his opponents are/will be so he releases a mental sigh to himself once again

Mike has basically taken Izuku's position and will have to face Shinso, Todoroki, and Bakugo if all goes according to the original MHA anime/manga which it probably will

After a minute of walking down the tunnel, Mike has finally come across the class 1-A restroom which Mike opens up and immediately enters

When Mike entered the room what greeted him was a strangely deserted room and none other than Ojiro seemingly waiting there for Mike to come

"Mike I have something to tell you about Shinso." And there he goes, it is as Mike expected Ojiro will go ahead and try to tell Mike about the discoveries he made about Shinso and his powers, Mike still remembers how to be had warned Izukh only for Izuku to completely disregard his warning, poor Ojiro

"You want to tell me he has a metal/brainwash type of ability right?" Mike said, he already knows what Ojiro wants to tell him so why not just skip all of the boring chatter and get right to the point it's much easier than you would expect

"How did you know that?!" Asked Ojiro in surprise with eyes wide open as he quickly shot up from his seated position, he only now has a theory about Shinso's true powers yet here comes Mike who has seemingly also figured that out, Ojiro can't help but get suspicious

"It's simple really, your symptoms can only occur if you had suffered from a mental/brainwashing effect so I concluded things from there." Said Mike as he closed the door of the restroom and went to one of the chairs where he sat down, a chair distanced from Ojiro, it really is simple, unless you have suffered brain trauma aka an injury to the brain a mental type power is the best explanation for how this all happened, although Mike didn't figure this out that way it serves as a nice excuse

"I see, but you probably don't know how I have gotten brainwashed. I think it has something to do with him talking because I remember that before I blacked out he asked me a question." Ojiro seemed relieved that Mike figured that part out so he immediately begins telling Mike about his experience and his theories about Shinso's power, and how Shinso influences people by talking to them

"I'll keep all of that in mind when I'm battling him, thanks for the info." When Ojiro was done with his information and theirs Mike thanked him for the information and assured him that he will beat Shinso for him as well, honestly to Mike Ojiro seemed like a conspiracy theorist when he was talking about Shinso, like one of those people who believe the earth is flat or the moon landing was faked

After that Mike just sat down and enjoyed his peacefull time with Ojiro doing the same, some times just relaxing like that is the best of all things to do

While Mike and Ojiro were quietly resting some students were participating in the recreational grounds, some were chillaxing like Mike and some were doing other things like the girls who became cheerleaders, all in all, it was very lively outside of their quiet little room

"Hey guys, are you ready!? Because we have a bunch of things in store for you!" Said Present Mic, the recreational events have just ended and Cementos was called over to create the arena the students are gonna be fighting in, which is now finished, so all that is necessary are the students for the show to begin and the final round to be on its way

When the crowd and the students heard that they have started to be pumped, the recreational events have ended and now it was time for the final event

"It's here that you will brawl! And the only person you will be able to rely on is yourself!" The crowd went into an uproar that is exactly why they came here for, to see the blood boiling mind-bending battles that are gonna take place

"This will test your body! Your skills! Your very soul! Your wisdom and intuition! So everybody mobilizes and get over here!" That speech has gotten some students really riled up, their blood boiling and their bodies ready for action, while some students started to get cold feet and fear for what might happen right now however it is too late for regrets right now they are all in too deep

"I will be going Ojiro, it's time to brawl." Says Mike as he walks out of the class 1-A waiting room with a grin on his face and a high five from Ojiro as he exits the room

Along with Mike a lot of other students from other restrooms started to gather together and go towards the arena they all want to spectate the spectacles that are about to take place

"Now it is time for a match!" Just as everyone started to gather at the place they were supposed to meet up Present Mic announces that it is time for a match to begin, the first match of the one on ones is about to begin

"First comes up the underestimated student, who proves that even thou he is blind that doesn't mean he is useless, department of heroics student, Mike!" Mike smirks at that as he climbs up the stairs and on to the platform/arena, it is time for a brawl and Mike intends to win

The crowd loudly cheered for Mike, it's exactly because he is blind that they want to see him win and it is exactly the reason he is getting so much support, that combined with the power he had shown in the previous exams means that they are inclined to cheer for him

They are even inclined to bet on him, yes betting is commonplace especially if it's about such major events as the UA sports festival, at first there were only a few people who bet on Mike, they were the ones in the gutter with despair overshadowing them as they had to win this one or lose it all so they bet on the person who would guarantee the most profit if he won, the blind student Mike

After Mike dominated the first trial, more people bet on him, not really everyone since they didn't expect him to survive the cavalry battle but he did and even dominated it so right now there are a lot of people betting on him, including Mike himself who made some of his associates bet on him before the festival started, that's also the way he will repay the money to Gamboni, in the end, Mike turned out to be one of the biggest black horses in betting history

"Versus! Sorry, you haven't done anything really noticeable or eye-catching yet! Department of general education Shinso Hitoshi!" Shinso also stepped up on to the stage he frowned a little when he saw Mike as his opponent, out of all the students definitely the strongest and most dangerous one is Mike so facing him in the first round isn't preferable to Shinso, he would much rather face Mike later down the line when he was already exhausted from his previous fights

"The rules are simple! You win by either getting the opponent out of the ring, making him say 'I give' or rendering him unable to move! Fell free to wound each other for we have Recovery Girl in the waiting! However, we shall stop you if you try to inflict lethal wounds or any other type of shitty stuff happens!" The rules really are simple, there are multiple ways to win for every type of student, whether you brute force everything or are a sneaky hero, there is a way to win

Comments will stop anyone from doing shitty things while Recovery Girl will heal anyone who is inured back up

"Now let's start the battle!" When Present Mic said that Shinso started telling Mike something but Mike couldn't really hear him because of his damaged hearing, the loud crowd and Present Mic, and the fact that Mike wasn't focusing on what Shinso was saying, and without Mike focusing on it he basically can't hear it

"Ready?!" The crowd was at the edge of their seat, the time has come for the first clash between the students to begin

"Start!" After Present Mic said that Mike decided to end this, Shinso's power is only strong if you don't know what it is, if you can hear what he says or respond to him unfortunately for Shinso Mike knows his power, can't hear him nor the provocations he says and doesn't feel like responding to him

Mike runs down and tackles Shinso into an out of bound victory, they get launched all the way into a tunnel, now Mike could have ended this in another way but Mike wanted it to be an out of bounds since he wants to ask Shinso something

"Will you join me!?" When they landed there was a moment of silence before Mike asked what he wanted to know, it's a love confession, not really you perverts, get off you BL fetish perverts, there ain't that type of content around here

Electez Electez

No insult to BL, but I had to put that in there. Besides that I am recovering nicely with my fever going down quite a bit. The last chapter was a nice filler chapter if you ask me, it doesn't have any substantial weight behind it I was just like 'How to screw over my fans with a chapter?' then I thought about naruto and then it hit me like a lightning bolt, why not use filler to annoy them, make it seem like a real chapter but it actually being filler and you didn't disappoint loved the comments

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