alex: hey baby, so since you cheated on me you need a little punishment
me: Alex I suggest you leave em alone and forget about em because you are never gonna see me again
alex: why not?
me: because I'm moving in a few days ok. you will never see me and probably should just forget about me
alex: where to
me: with my boyfriend in our new house
alex: delanie do you know where they are moving to
delanie: I do because I'm moving with them but with my boyfriend. Its gonna be a really big house so yeah we all gonna live in this 6 story house its gonna be lit af
alex: when do you leave
me: we pack tonight and we leave tomorrow right after school
alex: oh well, let's go fuck in the bathroom before you leave ok so you can remember me
me: ok ok 1 fuck no 2 Cameron will beat your ass and 3 there will be nothing to remeber so just no
alex: you haven't even seen my dick, it's pretty big
me: that shit is as big as a fucking dust particle ok so just back off it
and start to walk away and he grabs the waist part of my leggings and starts to pull me towards him
Alex: No I'm gonna cum inside you before you leave
me: no your not
I start to pull away and delanie grand my wrist and pull me
alex: if you help her I'll cum in u two delanie
dela ke runs to the men's bathroom and bangs on the door and just walks in
Cameron: WHAT!!
delanie: hes grabbing her leggings and pulling her to the bathroom down the hall
cameron: God fucking damn it
he runs up to the sink, washes his hands and runs out during his hands on his pants
alex: nope shes my girl now
he comes up to me and grabs my wrist and pulls as hard as he can and Alex loses grip
alex: how are you so strong?!?!
cameron: because I'm not a pussy
Cameron takes one hit to Alex's face and knocks him out cold
Cameron wrapes his arm around my waist and we walk down the hall to our next class
delanie: holy shit that was awesome
cameron: mhm it was very awesome Haha, but did I not warm that kid
me: you did babe you did
cameron: ok so that's my thing I warned him and he didn't listen so yeah
me: mhm are you ok baby
cameron: I'll be great when we make it to California
me: me to baby l, me too
we go to the rest of my classes and then we head to lunch and head home. We pack up a few essentials and pack up the car with our clothes for about 2 weeks and a few other little things
we go put for dinner and meet delanie and her boyfriend to talk about the house plans
cameron: ok so we got the house and shit so we all good to move in and since sky and I share a bank account we will pay for half and do u two share a bank account?
delanie: yes we do
ian(her boyfriend ): yep
cameron: ok so u two can pay the other half and yeah good plan?
they both nod
me: ok so is it ok if me and Cameron have the bottom 3 floors?
delanie: I mean yeah ig
me: well we can all go anywhere in the house but like our rook and shit would be in the bottom 3 and you guys will b in the top 3 and yeah that's what I mean
delanie: oh then yeah ofc
me: ok then we got a plan
we get our food and eat the food until we were fully and brought home the extras
we head home and during the car right we pull out the juul and start vaping in the car
we get home and I put the juul in a compartment in his car
we head inside I finish packing up everything in my bedrooms and we blow up an air mattress and sleep on that surrounded by boxes
in the morning at like 3 he wakes up and goes to get a moving trailer for the back of his car and gets back to the house around 4:14am and wakes me up by picking me up and putting me in the car
he goes inside and starts grabbing boxes and loading them in the trailer and then we go to his house and get his stuff and pack it up
we drive to the school and he runs in and tells them where we are going and gets back in the car as I slowly start to wake up
cameron: morning sleepy head
me: goodmorning
cameron: how'd you sleep?
me: ok until you left really early in the morning l, but when you came back I just passed put again
cameron: Haha well let's go get you some foo d and coffee ok we got a long drive
me: what about school
cameron: they know where you are going. We just gotta drive or fly back for the graduation thing.
me: ok that sounds good
we start driving and stop to get some food
my phone starts ringing and delanie was calling me
me: hello?
delanie: hey we started driving early so I wont be at school
me: we had the same plan, we are already on the highway
delanie: oh oh coolio.
me: mhm
delanie: babe they started driving earlier than we did they already on the highway
me: ok we gonna keep driving be safe dumb ass bye
we continue driving and after about 10 hours he started falling asleep at the wheel
me: babe pull over
cameron: why?
me: because your falling asleep let me drive ok
cameron: ok
he pulls over and we switch seats
I drive the rest of the 10 hours we have left and when we arrive it's really dark and we are all very tired
delanie and ian arrive a few hours later and we were already asleep
we wake up in the morning around 10 and go exploring around the house
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