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Rebirth: 21

"Test subject number 21. The subject lasted for three minutes and thirty-two seconds after the administration of Valkyrie. Time of death: 7.08 PM."

'The fuck are you saying? Who is the hell talking?'

Agon Kongo opened his eyes, only to be blinded by the light. The familiar wooden ceiling of his old room was no longer there—instead, he was facing a white ceiling. The walls that surrounded him were also white and reminiscent of cold, hard metal. They felt like something straight out of science fiction. The room resembled an intensive care unit and Agon Kongo laid atop a cold metal table, bare-chested and wired to all sorts of machines. His back was freezing.

Agon noticed that there was a group of people in white coats surrounding him, and they were looking at him as though they had just seen a ghost.

'I thought that I was dead...? Where the hell is this?'

Suddenly, Agon felt as though a large amount of data was being transmitted into his mind, causing his head to throb painfully. The last thing he could remember was putting his hand on top of a monitor. He was dead after he painted his whole room red, and... 'whose memories is this?'

"Quickly, let Ms. Hila know! The test subject has come back to life!"

"Call the guards!"

As the researchers started a commotion, Agon realized that he could understand them, even though they were speaking in a language he had never heard before. 'Test subject', 'back to life', and 'guards'—these terms unnerved him. Soon, he could hear the sound of rushing footsteps coming from outside.

'What the fuck actually happened?!'

'Should I kill them all or should I wait?' Agon decided on the former in a split second; he was not the kind of person to just lie around waiting. He abruptly sprang up, ripping the wires off him, and his two fingers stabbed into one of the researcher's eyes. The researchers attempted to stop him, alas, he was not able to react properly in his stunned state.


Another attack followed as he beat the other researchers into a bloody mess, fists and legs were swung toward the bodies of the researchers as they were beaten senseless. Agon then pushed his way out into a white corridor, only to be greeted by a dozen or so guards suited in black and armed with electric batons advancing upon him from both sides.

"Surrender yourself to the germinal!"

Agon frowned at the sight of the crest on their uniforms. It depicted half a plant.

'The fuck is that? who are you? Star troopers?'

Suddenly, a guard swung his electric baton at Agon and he unconsciously sways his body backward to avoid the hit. Unfortunately, the speed of the guard and the researchers were a whole lot different and he was grazed by the baton. The ensuing current caused his whole body to spasm in pain. It felt like his bones were about to split and his entire body turned numb.


Agon retaliated and was able to connect a hook to the guard's rib, though the power was weak and he was unable to beat him. The guards yanked him up and took him to a small room where they locked him up alone in pitch-black darkness.

Agin grimaced in pain as he massaged his jaw. His head continued to throb as more information poured in. It took Agon a moment to reconcile the facts and make sense of what had happened to him.

'I've... transmigrated into another world?' His eyes widened with amazement. 'Moreover, I had another memory with me... No, it was me in another reality.'

Agon recalled everything from his memory from both reality as Agon Kongo, one an ordinary salaryman, and the other was a successful athlete. Both lives had their own bloodied time, as he was a thug once in both lives.

'Wait, this scenario... the germinal? Germinal Organization! I'm in the world of the fucking legendary mechanic!'

Agon was agape, this world was dangerous... Very dangerous. Moreover, he was on a backward planet with a surface civilization without any ability to explore the vast universe!

"The Germinal Organization originates from one of the beginner planets, Planet Aquamarine, its the home planet of the mechanic Han," mumbled Agon. He recalled that he was the subject number 21, and the Han Xiao was subject number 24!

'Why don't I remember more details about the story? Fuck!'

His memories were still jumbled up, and he could not recall anything about some things from the novel—and they're the important things! All that he could recall were details regarding this world from this body's bits of memories, such as its present era. He was currently in the year 686 of the Galaxy calendar, one year before the mechanic Han transmigrated!

'No, I don't even know that this will be the same world that he transmigrated in. I need to adapt and be strong for myself!'

He sighed as he knew that this world would be filled with disasters! He then tried his one golden finger that the original main character of the novel had, the player interface! Agon the willed it to appear.


You have been injected with Valkyrie!

You have learned a new ability: Concentration

You have learned a new ability: Low-Level Willpower


"Virtual interface!" Agon grinned in delight.


Name: Agon Kongo

Race: Human/Carbon-based (Yellow)

Model: NPC (Countdown to Version 1.0 launch: 663 days 05 hours 07 minutes)

Level: 1

Experience: 0

Main Class: N.A.

Sub-class: Noble Lv. 1 (0/50)

Energy: 0 (Lv. 0)

Energy Rank: 1~2

Grade: F (Mortal)

[A mortal with a low combat capability; pick any fighter NPC out from the streets and he will wipe the floor with you a hundred times! A hundred times!]

Health points: 42/50 (tired)

Stamina: 36/40


- Concentration: +10% to learning and crafting speeds

- Low-Level Willpower: +3 Resistance

- Flash nerves: +25% dexterity

Skills: None

Talent points: 0

Class Talents: None

Influence: 0

Reputation: 0

Equipment: None


"Nice!" Agon was ecstatic and he was a bit assured. 'With this, at least I could be sure that the player will come and perhaps the mechanic Han himself.'

A nasty grin showed on his face, his eyes were covered by his messy hairs. Agon was now full of hope and a bit of madness to carve his own future. 'Though it was a bit different from what I remember...'


Just then, the door opened, and several people walked in. Agon could only make out their silhouettes due to the bright light streaming in from outside, Agon could not see their faces clearly. However, he could make out from their outlines that one of them was a woman with a fiery figure.

"The subject's condition?"

Said woman spoke to her subordinate in a voice that was smooth, yet intertwined with an ever-so-faint rasp, reminiscent of a cup of rich coffee.

"It appears that the test subject has calmed down." The experiment leader, Lin Wei Xian, answered the woman as he stared at Han Xiao passionately, as though he were looking at a prized possession.

"Who are you, people?" Agon asked with a hoarse voice, he knew that it will be better for him to act a bit and feign his condition.

"Hmm? Amnesia...?" The woman's eye twitched.

"Valkyrie stimulates the brain, so memory loss is not unexpected," replied Lin Wei Xian, squinting.

When Han Xiao's eyes had finally adjusted to the light, he was stunned by the sight of the woman. Boasting a headful of luscious, burgundy hair that concealed part of her face, the woman wore a tight-fitting, jet black bodysuit from which her curvaceous figure threatened to burst out at any time.

'Whoa, who the heck is this gorgeous lady...'

Her features were telling of her Western descent, but they were also composed of a certain softness that was characteristic of Eastern women; perhaps it was her mixed heritage that blessed her with such beauty and charm. In a different world, she could have been easily mistaken for a beautiful snake demoness.

"I am Hila, the commander here," said the red-haired woman as she looked at Han Xiao. She waved a hand and ordered, "Conduct a blood test. I want to see the report ASAP."

Don_Paw Don_Paw

I will not show the full interface often. The mc will be a bit twisted sometimes. The story will deviate from the original the further it progressed, so stay tuned!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

I haven't got the chance to write the Re: Akimichi, so I publish this one to clear the direction where this story will take.

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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