The sky was dark with rain clouds, the rain poured down in heavy sheets. I ran through the thick brush. I was being chased, by what I did not know. I was scared and alone and all I could do was run. Lightning cracked across the sky briefly making my surroundings visible, although I really did not care what was around me, all I knew was I was being chased by a bunch of figures in the dark. The brush was becoming thicker than before, and that's when I fell and slid on the muddy ground were the brush grew. I panicked, I scrambled to get up only to succeed in covering myself in even more mud. In my miserable attempts to get away, one of the figures in the dark grabbed my ankle, I scream at the top of my lungs, though it was hopeless. The figure who grabbed me threw me over its shoulder, I struggle even more, my fear growing by the minute, questions of how I got here flying through my head. In my struggle I failed to hear a male voice tell me to be quiet and to stop flailing around. He smacked my ass, I stopped moving as I am not accustomed to being touched there. The male figured seemed to be satisfied that I stopped struggling, and he and his group of companions left with me into the night.