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58.2% Quick Transmigration: Cold Tyrant Chasing the Goddesss Around the World / Chapter 39: Arc 1.5 The Chief's Daughter

Chapter 39: Arc 1.5 The Chief's Daughter

Today is the day the hunting begins. Yi Lei Fang is wearing a white robe, Yi Cheng is wearing a red robe with black design, and Yi Xing-fu's attire was a black robe with gold designs. The three siblingsq carried their own bows, a quiver full of arrows, swords, and daggers.

And off they went into the dangerous forest without any servants and horses. What they didn't know, except for Yi Lei Fang, was that Yi Yang, their father, ordered his top three shadow guards to secretly protect them and only show themselves when necessary.

And before they knew it, two hours passed by since they entered the forest and yet there were no signs of animals. The only thing that can be heard in the forest were the birds chirping to attract their mate since it is spring, mating season. This is also a good time for hunting as well.

Yi Lei Fang is in the middle while Yi Cheng was at her left and Yi Xing-fu on the opposite. Two protective brothers let out a strong aura full of killing intent, warning any living beast or being with a "fuck off. Come any close to my beautiful Meimei I will kill you and your species."

Unbeknownst to Yi Cheng and Yi Xing-fu, the poor mammals were so scared to even mate! How are they supposed to do their thing when the strong killing aura is scaring the living daylights out of them!

Yi Lei Fang was holding a book to read while walking at the same time. Although she looked as if she was reading, she was actually observing her surroundings using her mental power. She knew the animals were hiding far away from them because of her stupid brothers.

The corners of Yi Lei Fang's lip twitched. Even though this event happens all the time with the original owner when they go hunting but this was Amira's first time experiencing this!

This was supposed to be a hunting game! With all the animals scattering a hundred feet away from them, how are they supposed to hunt? This is more like walking in the park with two maniacs!

It has been two hours! Yi Lei Fang is on the verge of using the book in her hand to whack her brothers' head. She's had enough of this!

She closed her book with a loud thud which resounded throughout the forest, causing the birds nearby to fly away and the males to jolt from fright.

With a sweet voice, Yi Lei Fang says, "My dear elder brothers, would you guys be kind enough to remove your killing aura so we can properly start the hunting game, or do you guys prefer to be my test subjects since I'm learning about medicine?"

Yi Lei Fang gave Yi Cheng and Yi Xing-fu a cold and evil smile that sent a shiver down their backs.

They quickly withdrew their killing intent. They knew their Xiao Meimei can be a little devil when you get on her bad side but she can also be an angel when she is in a good mood.

Yi Cheng and Yi Xing-fu did not mean to anger their Xiao Meimei. When Yi Lei Fang was little even till now, the Yi Family and servants knew she loved to read all kinds of books in a quiet place. The two brothers just didn't want any disturbance to occur while she was busy reading her medical book.

If Yi Lei Fang knew the reason for their action, she would feel guilty about threatening them.

After walking for another hour, they spotted a group of eight gray fur rabbits in an open area. The three siblings immediately jumped to find their own hiding spots.

Yi Lei Fang jumped up on a tree using her qingong. Her hiding spot gave her a good view below her. She saw Yi Cheng hidden behind a big tree and Yi Xing-fu hidden behind a bush.

Each of the siblings were eyeing their own prey.

Yi Lei Fang grabbed her recurve bow and quietly pulled out an arrow from the quiver hanging behind her back. She placed the arrow on the arrow rest and straightens up her upper body while squatting down on a big branch.

She draws the arrow in a perfect form. Thanks to the book she read inside the pagoda, "Learning How To Use All Kinds of Weapons" book and many shooting practices in the dimensional space, she would not have known how to use a bow including many other weapons, excluding guns and daggers since she already knew how to use those from doing military combat training. Oh, how she missed her Glock 22.

Her grip on the center string serving loosened without her realizing it. Her wandering mind snapped back to reality but it was too late as the arrow shot forward and missed the target. The arrow alerted the group of rabbits who immediately scurried off. Some ran off in a group and others ran off separately.

The three siblings dashed off to chase after the group of rabbits that ran. Yi Chen, Yi Xing-fu, and Yi Lei Fang looked at each other and pulled out a small hand-sized flute which only the Miao clan could use to locate a person's whereabouts. After seeing each of them have a locator flute, they can locate each other without worry. They place it back in their robe as the three of them jumped from tree to tree.

Yi Cheng nods his head, signaling to start their hunt. All three of them threw their daggers precisely between the rabbits, separating them in three. Yi Cheng took the left and Yi Xing-fu took the middle while Yi Lei Fang took the right.

Yi Lei Fang has a big smile on her face. She loves the feeling of the wind blowing against her soft black hair. Using her qingong to jump is exhilarating! A soft laugh escapes from her mouth. Her laugh sounded like soft musical bells, making the listener's heart itchy and their ears tickle.

However, it was a different scene from the two rabbits' point of view due to the fact that they are the ones being chased and will soon be food if they don't escape! Her smile looked like an evil maniac that belonged to a witch while her laugh sounded like she crawled her way out of hell and is happy to be back from the dead! Their tiny bodies shiver.

What Yi Lei Fang did not expect to happen was one of the rabbits immediately dashing off in a separate direction. One sprinted to the left and the other one still ran straight. Yi Lei Fang became flustered for a second and decided to chase the rabbit who is running ahead.

The little rabbit turned its head around to look behind and when it saw Yi Lei Fang, its fur stood up and increased its speed, but this time it hops about two yards long! The little furball's hopping is way different from before!

Yi Lei Fang was flabbergasted when she felt a little qi from its legs! The little furball is using qingong!

What the hell!?

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