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80% Of Gods and Torment / Chapter 4: Finding paradise and hell

Chapter 4: Finding paradise and hell

My guide gone I could do nothing but keep going my mind wandered frequently from the relative boredom of walking nonstop for days I would follow a cycle every day wake up hunt for edible food then move on until dinner time and then I would hunt again for more if I hadn't found anything during my walk and it continued like this for days. Questions floated around in my head what am I where am I what happened to get me here how do I get home the only times these thoughts were not circling the drain were the few moments that I just forgot to care but any time I thought of home I would bitterly bemoan my fate to for all appearances becoming a transmigrator. I had lost track of time but eventually I was bored enough that I decided to test out if I could do magic first by clearing my mind and then willing a change and that was pretty anticlimactic as I could feel a pressure that built but then collapsed in on itself once I reached a certain point. My experiments with magic proved to be interesting and I even managed to find a way to cast something though it was literally just me tracing the veins in my arms with my will and "pushing" my will/energy through them to my hands and using that I managed to create fat arc's of electricity or what I thought it was and in that state as long as I focused it felt like the channels/veins seemed to become stronger thicker and more sparks would crackle off of my fingers.

It was all of two hours before I attempted to cast kamehameha and boy did that surprise me I did the entire build up complete with motions and all and when I finished the forward throw a bolt of sickly green hued something shot out and obliterated what I was aiming at which happened to be a large boulder that promptly exploded into thousands of shards some of which hit me but most vanished into the distance. I was shocked why did something out of an anime work what else might work I wondered. I experimented with my newfound abilities and found that I could emit beams of laser like light from my eyes at will and alongside my kamehameha bolt ability I had found two new attack skills one that required focus and one a shout so it was obviously on me as to how I would activate the spells. I tested theory after theory of how I could manipulate the magic but it was certainly exciting though I'd have to do some more proper research on the magic of this world regardless I found that I could activate some spells with only my will while I could activate some with a few hand motions and some with words mind you any magic casting required some level of focus to even function interestingly enough.

As I practiced creating my energy channels throughout my entire body I experimented with the crackling energy I could feel hovering around my hands and eventually I found that if I created certain symbols with my hands I could cast some spells for instance if I wove my fingers around like I was chasing a woven fabric then I could create a field of floating "strings" which would stop a slashing attack that hit them but only a weak one or another one that I found that worked was spirit gun which was slightly disappointing but it did fire a bullet of sickly green energy. As I quickly exhausted my knowledge of anime spells and spell like abilities I had to eventually quit but I kept up my nightly studies by channeling my energy through my veins to my hands and into sparkling lightning.

Some time after I discovered my magic I wandered into a town that actually had people in it and was quickly surrounded by people who started talking to me excitedly in what ever language my guest had spoken so I could understand maybe a word or two in the few hundred that were spoken at me and I was quickly overwhelmed. It was a few hours before the people actually started calming down and during the entire time I attempted to ask if anyone spoke English sadly I was not going to be lucky looks like I would have to learn the language the hard way and so I set out to do so by finding someone to teach me and that was a feat unto itself.

I spent most of the day trying to find someone to teach me the language and it was a day of despair though I didn't let it beat me and that night I slept in the woods outside of town as I figured that I would be disturbed if I slept in town. My second day in town went much as the first but in the afternoon a old man and woman walked up to me and chittered in the native language and soon there after they left and I spent the remainder of that day trying unsuccessfully to find a teacher. As I lay down to sleep I felt a pressure building the very air started to smell of ozone and smoke and I could feel a powerful wave pass over me and out of some instinctual reflex I was crouching looking for the source of these powerful emanations. I don't know how long I stood there looking around but some time certainly passed before out of the forest walked a cold eyed beauty who stood at about my height so about six foot if I had to guess kind of tall for most women I'd seen before but honestly not what I'd expect from the violent aura emanating from my vicinity.

This cold eyed Amazon just strolls out of the forest like she owns the place and smirks at my ready stance but frowns when I keep looking around like she isn't the source of the overwhelming aura. I eyed up the woman in front of me and no not in a sexual way more like why do I feel so threatened by her and I tried to understand why part of my brain was positively screeching in autistic terror from just her presence. I decided to play it cool stood up and said "well hello miss what brings you out here at this time of the night" and I was shocked when she responded in perfect English and said "so refreshing to be greeted with politeness in this era of brutality" and she smirked a little and then said " I came out to this place hoping to find you and now that I have I can tell that you should go home young Vanir you are not worth killing nor keeping leave this place and return to whence you came" need I say I was both excited and terrified and I even found out what I might be so it was a 3 for one.

I figured that I had nothing to lose so I asked the ice blooded beauty with the eyes so cold your soul would shiver from a single look " could you teach me about this world and as to going home well that's not really an option" hearing my question and then rejecting her advice she seemed both confused and angry. The woman stood like a statue for a few minutes and then finally she said "you are an odd one and ballsy but maybe you should explain why going home is not an option" and so I explained that I wasn't from this world and that I had no idea how to return to my own.

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