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Chapter 32

One piece world:

Alabasta was in a festive mood as the corruption and evil had been suppressed, the king listened to the demands of the people and it seems the country would be going towards a bright future.

Luffy sat on top of the palace looking at all of this, he felt conflicted from the things he was doing. He wanted freedom and would grant everyone such a thing but his current path meant that the freedom will be supervised.

He now knew more than ever that his thoughts had been naïve and that total freedom meant people were free to do evil.

'Thinking really makes me hungry. I just need to get used to it, there is this feeling within me when I see them submit. I guess this is called corruption of the soul.' Luffy chuckled at the thought as he remembered the battle with Mr. Crocodile, he was strong and tactical but Luffy's training and increase in power led to his victory

He had received a lot of damage but Luffy had dished out a lot in return, breaking the man's body.

Nature energy pill had been used to fight as Luffy was unable to utilize haki yet and had taken Crocodile by surprise. Luffy had felt an increase in power and senses, drunk on the power the future pirate king had kicked some ass with ease.

Remembering Crocodile beneath his feet and his expression made him feel weird, it was like a virus spreading through his blood.

As planned, Luffy had made a shadow group on Alabasta and the King was part of it. He never dreamed that a Kingdom would be his one day.

'I might be the rules of the world by the end.' Luffy thought with a smile as he stood up and jumped towards the party

He stopped resisting Naruto's affect because of his assistance.



Naruto looked at Ace and commented, "You will be captured and killed by the marines because of Black beard. Stop following him."

Luffy was shocked when he heard that statement and felt an inherent terror spread through his body as he remembered the death of his other brother.

Ace was surprised and quickly held Luffy, "Relax, I won't die."

"Tell me you won't follow him." Luffy looked into his eyes and demanded

Ace felt that his brother was extremely serious now and agreed, "Okay, I will report back to my captain."

"Luffy buy an escape plan for Ace and your crew just in case." Naruto said as he patted his head and disappeared while spreading his aura over everyone

"Wait for a moment; I will give you the item." Luffy said as he took out the phone and browsed

Escape plan 1: Flying in a straight line away from the enemy

Escape Plan 2: Flying while spinning

Escape plan 3: Flying in a zig zag manner

Escape plan 4: Flying while rotating and in a zig zag manner at extreme speeds to insure escape

Escape Plan 5: Flying while rotating and in a zig zag manner at extreme speeds to insure escape while leaving behind star dust

Escape Plan 6: Teleportation through a large beam for dramatic affects

Luffy looked at all these options and he only had points for one so he chose plan 4.

"Take this" Luffy said with a smile that hid a hint of sadism as he gave a ball of light to Ace, which entered his body

"Okay, Luffy I will be careful so don't take it to heart." Ace muttered with a jovial tone and hugged him

"I am sure nothing will go wrong now." Luffy replied his heart starting a transformation, the threat of death and memories hidden inside doing their job


Naruto World:

"Welcome to my Domain, visitors from afar." Naruto greeted as he walked on the moon casually, the world changing around him to look like a living room where he would meet guests

The guests that included of a man with tall stature and a woman with blonde hair looked at him with surprise at the phenomenon and his presence.

"Thank you for granting us your time. I am the leader of Kara, Jigen. We are galactic hunters of the Otsutsuki clan." The man said in a calm manner

"Oh, you guys hunt them down. You are just alive on a whim of that clan, just so you know. If the top wanted they would have already found you. Sit." Naruto said as he sat down on the sofa while offering them the same and summoned drinks plus some snacks

"You are lying!" The woman exclaimed violently but couldn't resist the command, he was control freak

"Delta, calm down." Jigen said as he held her hand and turned to Naruto

"Is that true?"

"Yes, do you even know the strength of your enemy? I can make you disappear with a thought but the big boss of the Otsutsuki is the master of this universe and can make me look like a child." Naruto replied with a smile, he wasn't worried just excited for the final battle. He had started feeling the man was waiting for him

Jigen was silent for some time at this statement, "I see. I came to ask for assistance as an Otsutsuki had taken hold of my body after I killed him."

"What are you going to do after that? Stay here and your team will be safe; the only one that dares to ignore my power is the boss." Naruto said as he covered Jigen in his power devouring the soul of the parasite

Jigen felt the warm energy cover him and finally he felt safe and healthy, his body was almost taken over and had started breaking down.

"I will think it over. Would you allow us entry?"

"No problem but be careful, I don't like people that don't follow my rules." Naruto stood up and threw a book at them

"Read it to avoid problems." He disappeared with those words and let Toneri handle them as he had some important work to do


Chat Group:

"How is everyone doing? Issei's use of my world has brought me to enlightenment" Naruto posted with the picture of the stages of enlightenment

"So how about we share more from our worlds" Lord Seventh

"A test of our prowess" Tony

"Worthy Battle indeed, win I shall." Ichigo typed as he took to the computer and open his files of memes

'1 gb worth treasure.'

"What about those ignorant and uncultured people?" Neo One for all

"Let them watch" Issei said as he posted the picture from the Godzilla movie, 'Let them fight.'

"So what is the topic?" Gon

"Let us just start with the funniest things you have seen till now. Our first battle, so let us take it easy." Naruto typed as he posted the picture of Kakashi doing a pose with his arms open

"She said she would give me her heart so I was like, Chidori."


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment.

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