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100% Lord of Time / Chapter 11: Son of Time

Chapter 11: Son of Time

I opened my eyes to the private training room, I'm back. The faint imagery of the shadow swordsman is still vivid in my mind. I was already a bit exhausted, but I felt an irresistible urge, almost like an itch that I have to scratch. Silently, I stood up and went to retrieve my sword. During this commotion, it seemed like Caladan seemed to notice my movement and came back to reality from his meditation.

Caladan tried to say something but my attention was fixated on my sword. The shadow's movements and attacks replayed in my mind. The same hilt rested in my hand but this time it felt different. It felt less awkward, the slight heaviness was still there, but the blade felt like an extension of my body now.

Bringing the blade in front of me, I began to follow the shadow. Step by step, I followed the form. The first swing felt different, it was faster and stronger than before. My body didn't go through any changes, but the difference was noticeable, even to a novice like me.

However, as quickly as the new strength came, it disappeared just as fast after my third swing. The sword clattered onto the ground and I suddenly fall to my knees from physical exhaustion. I didn't even notice because I was so focused, but my breathing is ragged, my hands are shaking, I can barely stand up straight, and I have a head-splitting headache.

"So this is why the Mayor personally asked me to look over you… you were described to me as just a talented youth, but it seems like there's a lot more to it than that huh? Close your eyes and rest."

The world around me was already fading and Caladan's instruction was the final drop in the bucket. I stopped resisting against the pull of gravity and laid on the cold ground. Letting the wave of exhaustion overtake my consciousness, I fell asleep.

"The ring marks the beginning, but it also represents the journey."

'Ah, it's the power-obsessed weirdo again. The voice spoke to me once before, but I guess it's going to become a regular thing now. Oh well, at least I won't be as lonely… wait, I didn't just think that. I'm not that desperate… I don't think.'

"The Aeon has chosen you. Reach the first chapter with haste, or everything around you will die. Ash will not wait, nor will your destiny."

"What do you mean?!? I seriously don't know what you're talking about. What's the first chapter?" I asked helplessly into the void.

"You must get stronger, you have no other choice."

'Fuck, this guy seriously doesn't know how to hold a conversation. At least pretend to listen to what I'm saying.'

"Get stronger, Arden, son of time."

Eyes, a pair of gray eyes were looking down on me.

"OH! Arden… rise and shine…" said Anne as she quickly distanced herself away from me.

I sat up groggily and looked around. That's right, I was with Caladan. We were training, it was all coming back. The voice came for another visit, and his message hasn't gotten any brighter.

"Anne? What are you doing here? Where did Caladan go?"

"I was checking up on you guys, but you were already snoring when I got here. Caladan has some business in the wilderness so he left me to take care of you."

"I fell asleep huh… well lucky you, getting to see me sleep." I said as I scratched my head.

"Hey… what's that on your hand?" Asked Anne.

"My hand?"

I held out my right hand in front of me to see what she was talking about. First matter of business, my watch was missing, but I don't think I was robbed. Instead, a foreign yet familiar ring was now fitted on my ring finger.

"I'm… not sure actually," I responded while examining my newfound jewelry.

"What's that supposed to mean? It's a ring, right?"

"I suppose…"

The ring has the same feel as my watch, did it transform? It makes no logical sense, but then again can I really approach this new world with logical?

The voice said the ring represents the beginning, but of what? It feels like since I've arrived in this new world, all I've had was questions. This is just one more thing added to the ever-expanding list of things I need to figure out, I guess.

"Whatever keep your secrets then, here," Anne said as she handed me a piece of scratch paper. "Caladan left this for you before he left."

I took the paper from her and examined the content. It was unrecognizable characters at first, but it slowly transformed into a familiar language. 'Yeah, I'm just not gonna question that…' Not giving it a second thought, I began to go through the content left by Caladan.

'Go through swordsman form until collapse. Find stairs and climb stairs until collapse. Take breaks if hurting. Find me in a week. -Caladan'


'How am I supposed to climb a staircase until I collapse if I'm already collapsed from the swordsman form… 'I sighed as I read over the lines again wishfully hoping for it to change, but it still remained the same thing. I flipped it over to see if there was a hidden message on the back, but it was to no avail. Actually, it looked like a list of items he wanted to buy on the back. 'He used a shopping list to write a message. Okay.'

I looked up at Anne confused. "Have you seen this already?"

"I… might've taken a peek."

"What do you think? Is this how training usually goes?"

"Not really. The sword academy or any physical art academy doesn't use forms. Forms aren't common in these parts. Additionally, a lot of people can't even comprehend them. The stairs thing also seems pretty strange… thought I can kind of see the reasoning behind it."

"Wait… they can't comprehend it? Explain."

"It's as I said. The forms are basically pockets of memory and experience engraved through magic. You still need a certain affinity with magic to comprehend it fully. We usually measure that through the intelligence stat. Your total affinity is 95 so there's no way your intelligence stat is low."

"So that's how it works… what happens if your affinity isn't high enough?"

"Typically, the guiding figure will be too blurry to make out its actions. It becomes too difficult to see what's going on, and your body feels out of sync as well. In some cases, they aren't able to make out anything at all."

"I see… the guiding figure huh."

"Reflect on it later, it's already getting pretty late. Let's head out."

"Ah right, I already napped the day away. By the way, thanks for taking care of me while I was out, it must've been boring just waiting here."

"Hah, if you're that thankful than buy me some food."

"I'm pretty sure you still owe me some money from the bird carcasses…"

"Tsk, you're so stingy. Truly a poor man."

We bickered and laughed as we walked out of the Guild Hall and into the street of the town. It was already dark, but Velia was still bustling with activity. The homes and stores lit up the road. People were still conversing before the day ends and the sound of the forest could be heard in the distance.

So much was going on, but for some reason, I didn't see any of it. I couldn't take my eyes off her, off of Anne. The little extra hop in her steps when she sees something exciting, our nonsensical conversations, and her childish excitement expressed on her face every time she turned back to look at me. For some reason, these are the details that I see.

When we reach the crossroad, we split and took our own paths. I felt an odd sense of longing even though we were just talking. I watch her walk away, alone. Anne always walked with a purpose; she carried a sense of dignity and never looked back, that's just who she is. But, a part of me did wish that she'd turn back just this time so that I could see her face one more time.

The morning sunlight gleams through the small window of my cramp room. I've been waking up a lot earlier these days, partly because I don't want people looking at me funny when I run up the stairs outside the farm. It was a set of stone stairs with 10 steps, and I've been running up and down until I feel like I'm going to collapse as Caladan said.

Afterward, I take a break and eat. Once I rested up, I work on my form. The shadow figure has gradually faded from my memories, but the move set was already imprinted in my body.

It's extremely exhausting given that I have to do the stairs first, but I'm also making gradual progress in both areas. I've been able to get farther and farther in the form over time and I could feel myself getting stronger as a result.

In the afternoon, I typically go with Anne to do some questing, or I quest on my own if Anne is busy. My net worth has been improving and I'm no longer living check to check which is a relief.

On a weekly basis, I meet with Caladan and we duel. He also checks up on my form and gives me pointers as I go through it. Caladan hasn't been giving me free moves so it's quite the one-sided smackdown, but I've been able to last longer and longer in the duels, so I'm not just getting bruises out of it.

I'm entirely focused on my training. My days have all followed a similar rhythm and I could feel myself making progress. Day after day, week after week, I continued. Suddenly, a month's gone past.

However, the peacefulness couldn't last forever. One day after my form training, a familiar face appeared in front of me, Lucifer. We've talked a few times, but I haven't really gotten to know him during the last month. He's always busy with something.

"Hey Arden, got a moment?"

"Sure… what is it?"

"I can't tell you here. Follow me."

His awfully suspicious behavior raised some flags, but it was midday light. I was on alert but decided to follow him nonetheless. Upon reaching a dead end in an abandoned alleyway, he turned around and began to undress his top.

Flustered by his sudden actions, I began to step back. "Lucifer?! I'm flattered and all, but I don't swing that wa-" I stopped talking as he turned to his side showcasing his bare shoulder to me. The sign of Ouroboros.

"I'm part of Ouroboros, and we have a new mission."

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