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96.42% Wrath Of Nature (Naruto X Percy Jackson) / Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Chapter 27: Chapter 27

3 years had passed since the ninja war ended and the world had been united under the banner of Naruto Uzumaki.

Many people had a lot to say against this idea because Naruto was just a warrior not a leader to them and majority didn't even know him so why should they submit to him.

The answer was a big freaking laser shooting into space that shut them all up and they submitted to the rules of the crazy woman that was the representative of their savior.

Regardless of her crazy nature it allowed people some peace of mind as battles came to a standstill and time started to move.

The leaders focused on proper things as the iron axe was on their necks literally and none wanted their luxurious life cut short.

The Ninja villages took off like rockets once they started to focus on research and went away from getting each other killed.

Education system went through reforms to teach people different specializations once they graduated from academy instead of throwing them out into the world with basic knowledge.

Crime rate fell but things still took place as nobody could keep watch everywhere but on the world scale it was of no consequence for now.

Once Naruto came back and took his seat as the Immortal king of both worlds, the world entered another boost in the technology stage.

He brought everything from the other world and the Shinobi ate it up like starving wolves, adapting and improving at fast rates.

Within two years planes, trains, digital equipment, mechs, lasers, spaceships, Teleporters and such things had become part of society in this modern ninja world.

Of course things were still in progress as it takes time to involve a whole planet and majority of the things were only implemented in core areas while spreading slowly to the rest.

Naruto had transferred the Demi's to his world and the result of the change in atmosphere had been the awakening of their divine genes. It made their powers increase exponentially and let them finally taste the powers of their parents.

The population of both Greek and Roman side was very small but even then they were allocated vast amounts of land separate from each other as they weren't very friendly yet.

There were difficulties but everyone was much happier than before and could only wish that things kept at this pace.


On the floating MT. Olympus that was part of both worlds, Naruto stood at the edge watching the city beneath him as the mountain was in the atmosphere away from prying eyes.

He was just relaxing after going through many documents about new proposals from leaders of different nations.

He was quite lucky that absorbing Athena had given him a boost in intelligence that was much required for running the world.

Or all this mumbo jumbo would have made him brain dead. Truly they had been disgusting beings but finally their power became actually useful.

His lightning and wind power increased when he devoured Zeus, light power increased by eating up Apollo, Weapon and Martial arts mastery and physical strength increased by devouring Ares and finally water power increased through Poseidon.

Energy and connection to nature increased with each of them so Naruto stood at the pinnacle now where his power was too immense for any being to resist especially after he had mastered it in the two years of getting it.

Regardless of all the power, Fighting seemed easier now after experiencing the life of a leader that actually did his job and took part in active discussions and research.

Naruto knew he could use clones but refrained for reasons such as the most obvious, what if he actually lost his powers again or someone absorbed his clone taking the information with it.

There was also the fact that clones made you too careless with things and want to do everything by yourself. Naruto wanted to enjoy working normally and not make people completely dependent on him so he used clones sparingly.

Final reason was the fact that experiencing many days worth of information in one day was not good for your memories and brain.

Naruto had become vegetable in the start of his training because of such a thing and didn't like the feeling especially since the information became jumbled up. It was only useful for simple actions like sitting down and practicing one skill, which he used to master all his elements and new jutsus along with practicing fuinjutsu with the help of his parents that he had brought back to life after getting the rinne-sharingan that belonged to Sasuke.

"My Lord, we have received the response of the nations for your proposal of introducing a power surge into the planet." Shikamaru walked towards him with a tablet as he wore the new jounin uniform with Nara clan symbol on his shoulder and the Uzumaki clan symbol in his back

Shika had gone though a lot of change since the war as his father had died and he had taken the mental of the clan leader before becoming the advisor of the Immortal King of the world.

Shika rarely showed his laziness these days as responsibilities kept him awake all the time, it felt like his youth was just a dream.

Even his dreams could never have been so crazy as reality, standing before him was Naruto Uzumaki an immortal being of power.

Shika knew that Naruto would become the Hokage after Pain's defeat but this was way higher than Hokage since the Hokage now worked for him.

Kakashi was definitely cursing fate and Sasuke for being a bitch since his successor was no more, making him work until Konohamaru or someone else was ready to take the hat.

Even though Tsunade was alive and healthy, she had retired into medical research with Orochimaru, Kabuto and Sakura while Jiraiya, Minato and Kushina were stuck in fuinjutsu research.

Yes, Naruto had decided to bring people back with his new found powers without any apparent consequences.

It was like death hadn't happened in the war so Shika wanted to choke his father very much so since the old bastard had run away with his wife leaving him with more work.

The only thing left was to say, 'Give me back my tears and emotions.'

"Great so they are finally ready for the change in the world." Naruto clapped his hand with a smile and looked back at his advisor and friend

"Yes, they have made preparations and sent out notice to keep away from wild areas. The hunters and explorers have been informed to revise their data once the process has finished."

"Good work Shika, you can take a short vacation for the month and I will have Ella take your post for the time."

"Pardon My language but are you serious?"

"Come on that only happened once."

"You were playing around with your wife instead of looking at the documents."

"One day"

"I don't trust you"

"Che so stingy. Regardless, take a break and Ella will handle it. Inform me if there is any other problem before leaving."

"There have been some suspicious incidents, people have been getting possessed and becoming violent in different cities at random. The incident is small and nothing serious but it could become very big.

Lastly there have been people that disappeared without a trace." Shika nodded as he informed Naruto

"Hmm let me think about it but for now have Kakashi handle it and what about the Uzumaki Clan, has there been any clue yet?"

"No, we have looked at everything and they just seemed to have disappeared into thin air more than a decade ago. It should be around the time of the Sand Invasion in Konoha."

"Send me the location" Naruto said calmly as he looked at his tablet while Shikamaru excused himself to a well deserved rest

"Master here is your tea" Stheno said as she placed it on the table while Euryale placed some snacks

"And here are your snacks made with care and love."

"Thank you my lovely maids, your beautiful voices make my life much better." Naruto smiled losing his seriousness and pecked them on the lips before sitting down with Stheno in his lap

He hugged Stheno while thinking about the cause of this problem.

"Master what are you thinking about?" Euryale asked

"It's my extended family. From the records they should be scattered around the world but I have found nothing in a decade. It should be impossible but it happened so I am worried something ominous took place."

"Then we can hunt them down for you master. We are your hunters remember."

"Hehe my cute little hunters, do you really want to try?"

"Of course if it is master's desire then we will bring it."

"Then let's check it out together." Naruto pinched their cheeks as they looked at him with their adorable looks

"No no, we will go alone. It is not fun when you take away the challenge." Stheno protested to his words as they still hadn't done anything yet after gaining their power up by becoming his maids and their journey to find their old weapons

Euryale and Stheno had purple hair long hair and wore gothic style with their young and beautiful appearance they charmed anyone on sight. They had the curves, the chest size was moderate along with back side also being above average but on a whole they were too damn good looking that even Naruto had to appreciate their appearance and he was one that barely registered such things.

They had been considered most beautiful in the world along with Medusa in the past which led to Athena's jealousy and their transformation into monsters.

Now they finally regained their beautiful appearance while still retaining their powers as gorgon sisters. Their poison could spread into the air and shut down the body. It even affected immortal beings on a lesser scale.

It took affected the nervous system making the victim affectively useless.

Stheno had also picked up some magic and daggers while Euryale had picked up a bow that they found in an old ruin as they searched for power to change their destiny and stop blaming the world for their tragedy.

Naruto had inspired them to struggle and their desire to help him led to this epic journey while Naruto was fighting against the forces of Zeus.

In the end they never got to help so they were feeling dissatisfied by the result.

"Okay okay, I understand but you have to be careful and take Artemis with you since she specializes in this field." Naruto smiled as he patted their heads


With that his two beautiful wives left after long kiss as all of them had gotten into the habit of kissing and cuddling.

When he was with the girls, Naruto sometime forgot about the world and its problems. There were times he had trouble getting out of the bed as he felt so comfortable sleeping in with his lovers. Life was just so good these days that sometimes he worried that the storm might be worse than ever next time as things had never been good for him.

As they left Naruto let go of his human form and flew into space.


Naruto truly changed once he had digested all the Olympians and Titans that he had devoured, making all his elements reach an absolute high.

He was made of purely golden energy with armor, crown and cape on his back. This was the result of absorbing titans and Olympians in his quest to get back his powers.

Naruto had arrived at level that was unattainable by many and beyond his wildest dreams but he kept his real form locked as it had very dangerous affect on the surrounding.

Just his mere presence could cause people's body to shut down, experience immense pain while their atomic structure collapsed and their body was erased.

This was the result of his anger so Naruto kept it under lock as he was an emotional person and he didn't want such a mistake to happen when he could control it.

Even if he could just fix his mistake, Naruto didn't want to do it as it led to the same path as Zeus.

He would slowly but surely devolve into a being without morals and sympathy as things were in his control.

Naruto wanted to avoid such an outcome where he became a monster that cared nothing for life and pain of others as that's what constant killing would do to him.

With extreme power came freedom but also temptations and dangers of losing oneself to the fact that none could judge you now.

As the true test of personality was giving ultimate power to someone and have them know that there will be no consequence.

Regardless of passing such a test or not, Naruto wished to live a life of happiness that was close to humanity as possible since he had countless bad examples to learn from.

With his true form Naruto felt connected to the world as it beckoned him like a lover, begging him to become one with it.

The seductive expression was not lost on him but Naruto had gotten used it by now.

He decided to commence the next step for both worlds.

He was going to enhance them with the energy of the universe. The ninja world will have more focused since it was already strong while this one will receive less focus for the moment.

Within the three years the world had pretty much come to a peaceful resolution as knowledge about the super natural spread.

Naruto had introduced themselves as the alien overlords of earth so that it removed the curse on the Olympians as they were tied to worship by mortals.

Nobody knows how it started but the Titans were worshipped by mortals, which caused their powers to increase beyond their original levels.

When the Olympians came into power they followed the same path as they were drunk on power but the consequence of this action led to the dual personalities and loss of power once mortals gave up on them.

Some of them even died because people forgot about them.

With Naruto's action they were finally free from the chains and there powers increased directly by a factor except a few like Aphrodite.

On earth currently Percy and Jason were working to get things done along with old Kages to handle the surge of energy and the eventual release of monsters.

Naruto knew the dangers of his move but he needed to take action as he wanted humanity to grow stronger and fight its battles without his help.

He didn't want a situation where only one man decided the outcome of the world.

Many of his actions were to circumvent such a problem but the main issue was the Otsutsuki's and Tartarus.

Tartarus had formed a bond of hate with Naruto once Gaea became his consort. There was no fighting it but her previous lover was a complete bitch with too much power on hand.

To avoid people dying to the increase in monsters that were starting to move against humans as the natural laws were changing because of Naruto's move of cancelling the Olympian problem and his take over as the King.


With a thought the energy started gathering around the area and Naruto controlled it to go inside the planet.

The vast energy flowed through every part of the planet and its inhabitants causing change on an atomic level.

Naruto stayed in place for many hours as he permanently changed the level of energy within this area and started a gradual change in all living things as they will need to adapt to the increase in natural energy.

From his expectations, they will grow stronger and live longer but more mutations could take place.

"Now the other one" Naruto muttered as he arrived above the shinobi world and started to repeat the process While the forces of chaos seemed to have become active


Percy Jackson used to be a normal boy of thirteen before things took the wrong turn and fate started playing its game.

Monsters attacked him and he found about his heritage from his father's side. There was no choice but to embrace this change or die with ignorance.

So he went from a schoolboy to a warrior in the few years of awakening and felt like a war veteran after facing immortal monsters and seeing friends die around him.

He had thought that the battle with Chronos was it but then the existence of another camp came to his knowledge and another battle was starting.

New friends were made and new skills were learned but Percy found that they should never trust the Olympians with anything. They didn't care for them but for their reputation.

All these missions and all these troubles were caused by them but they had to endure the trails but he could never speak these things as the situation would just become worse.

And the situation became worse as Zeus became even crazier than usual, which Percy never thought possible but it happened and things became a nightmare as destruction took place in their world on extinction level.

His body was destroyed along with many of his friends while the world was falling with billions dead. Percy had thought that he was done but the next time they appeared, things had returned to normal and he was greeted by the young man that fought against Zeus.

Naruto Uzumaki

His new king and the person Percy looked up to for his honesty and principals. He was the leader of dreams as he truly cared for his subjects and Percy was witness to it.

It was a dream like experience under the new king as Percy and his team worked with him since their existence was tied.

They represented his elemental powers and Percy was the water elemental of the king so he knew clearly how powerful he was with just this element and his feelings.

They personally witnessed him working for the betterment of everyone while training and spending time with his family like a normal person. To them he was a relatable and friendly person as he treated them as his students.

Percy was saddened when his master separated him from his powers but was overjoyed when he was given the task to help him look after earth.

That was only few months ago and Percy was now 18 years old with great power since his master had given him that as a gift for his service.

Percy had learned many things in his time under his master and changed greatly in these two years. He was the leader of the Demi with Jason as his second while Annabeth decided to focus on studying magic and working in the construction business.

She had showed her talent and designed many of the new buildings in both worlds but they still kept time for themselves as they didn't want to have empty family.

Percy was now a young man with a slim but muscular body with tanned skin, short black hair, green eyes and tribal tattoos on his arms along with a short beard. These were seals with different functions while he wore a green jacket with a black shirt and black jeans along with shinobi combat sandals.

He was always busy since the day the secret was out to the public and monsters started appearing everywhere.

Meeting with people and arranging tactics along with weapons to handle the problem.

But today he was very excited as the time of change had come and he felt the energy pass though him, into everything around him.

Without knowledge he would still understand that the world was changing and moving towards a new future.

With his green eyes shining Percy looked out to the city beneath him that had changed so much in the decade. It was so much cleaner, happier and peaceful more than ever even though monsters had come into existence.

The world was at peace and Percy didn't think anything could affect it anymore while small crimes here and there along with monsters was the worlds business so they would take care of it as the master had taken care of the big issues.

"Percy, we might have some problems to handle."

Percy looked back to see his master's first born, Gilgamesh.

He was the child from an alternative future and should have disappeared but Naruto decided to be selfish and put his memories into a new body.

Gilgamesh had the chance to continue existing and he was very happy that his father decided to take this action even though he had been worried that this might cause trouble along the way as the forces of nature tried to fix it.

He couldn't get his original body but the current body wasn't so bad as it had similar level of power to Kaguya as Naruto destroyed the mind of the Otsutsuki woman captured and reshaped her body to look Gilgamesh.

His current was body was weaker but not too much.

He had his golden hair, slim body with muscles and handsome looks that stood out very much. Just like always he was wearing his golden armor when on missions as it was his favorite color and the armor had been made by his mother's power combined with his father's.

His age was higher than Naruto and they looked like brothers instead of Father and Son.

Hearing his words Percy took them seriously since Gil was very sensitive to change so there must be a problem.

"Is it serious?"

"I am not sure but father expects that mutations will appear so we need to be really careful as some bloodlines can be very powerful." Gil replied as he looked down from the tower of trails made for the people of this world to practice without any danger and even get some rewards

"Okay, let's survey the city for any direct changes." Percy decided as no cosmetic change should take place or anything big as that wasn't the goal of his master

The duo flew through the streets slowly looking for anything different and heard a scream. They hurried to find a woman with her hair on fire.

More like her hair was the fire and she wasn't harmed but changed genetically.

"Mutation" Percy muttered as he realized things can always go wrong no matter how careful you try to be

"Mother said to take her in and try to locate the rest with the help of the authorities. We don't want people with super powers running around unchecked." Gil informed them as Naruto received the information

"How do we locate them? I don't sense any energy from her or any extra life force. She is the same as any human outwardly." Percy questioned as he looked at the unconscious woman that had returned to normal

"With our eyes since the affect seems to concern genetics and looks a lot similar to the mutants."

"8 billion people." Gil muttered as he looked up at the sky as he knew things would become troublesome before they could even locate these mutants


In the Shinobi world, the situation was similar and seemed to have much powerful affect since Naruto concentrated more energy on this planet making it grow in size.

The change was within Naruto's expectation but what kind of change took place was different as even he was unable to locate the mutants from the normal ones without visual as only a few mutants increased in life force beyond others while the rest had other affects.

Hinata sat atop black disc along Nemesis as they watched over the world for Naruto while looking exceptionally stunning.

Hinata had her long dark blue hair tied in a pony tail and wore grey combat suit that couldn't hide her curves and large chest or her large buttocks.

Her charming face and overall body made for a artistic sight that was enhanced by the presence of Nemesis sitting with her back to Hinata.

Her long black hair free but the wind didn't disturb it, her black eyes that sucked in the light and her ruby lips that made men desire to suck on them.

Her long legs that were visible through her black Qi Pao while her large and round ass could not be forgotten along with her beautiful chest.

Both woman were very cold most of the time and only showed their soft sides to their lover. Nemesis being the personification for the desire for vengeance and justice was cold through her dealings with the world for so long and only Naruto had managed to capture her interest with his personality.

She loved his kind nature that was willing to pursue forgiveness and his promise to only kill when necessary, when killing was always the easy way out and change was the hardest part.

She loved that he endured difficulties and embraced challenges instead of succumbing to the negativity of the world.

She loved the feeling of his hand on her cheeks or his lips on her lips, her just made her feel complete and made her feel like playing around.

Hinata on the other hand hadn't endured the sight of darkness for the thousands of years but she had endured from childhood a tragedy in the making.

Being born in Hyuga clan was the honor for most and happiness as the clan was only second to the Uchiha and exceptionally rich.

But the happiness was short lived as her mother died giving birth to her younger sister and asking her to promise to keep Hanabi safe.

As a child such a burden was placed on her small shoulders while her father became cold. Hinata was a smart child and knew the practices of her clan.

The second child always became part of the branch clan and got the caged bird seal at the age of six. Most children wouldn't understand what to do but Hinata was a gentle child and she made the choice to sacrifice her future.

She didn't show any interest in gaining strength properly and took everything slowly that the higher ups decided to give Hanabi a chance to replace Hinata as the future clan head.

It was part of her own plan but the constant ridicule and hatred by everyone that was her own family broke her spirit and her confidence was completely broken.

When Hanabi became old enough to fight Hinata, she made sure to keep her strength in check to always win by small degree in the beginning as it would be too suspicious if a new kid beat her in skill.

But by the age of twelve, Hinata had successfully lost to Hanabi in battle but the higher ups were also stuck to tradition so the process was delayed to give Hinata a chance to grow.

In this time, Hinata had met Naruto during winter and fallen in love with his inner strength. He had tried saving her from kids even though she could have just beaten them if she wanted but the thought counted and she was happy for the first time as she had no friends.

After that she noticed him whenever she went outside and even watched him practice for some time. Time, was rare for a clan heir of the Hyuga clan so she didn't have much time to waste outside. She had been charmed and wished she could actually do what he said.

Blow every problem in her life.

It also gave rise to another goal, become the clan head and change the clan from inside but it warred with the promise she made with her mother and her love for her sister.

In the end she couldn't go with it but grew in strength properly in secret with the help of Neji. Beating Hanabi and taking the seat was so easy but just like her lover, Hinata decided to take the hard path and the sacrificial path where she would end up getting married as a political pawn by her own father or sister.

Fortunately the tragedy was stopped in its track when the world changed and she gained absolute power to blow it all away so she blew all traditions away.

But on the way she lost her kind personality for the world because what Naruto needed was love and she gave him love but he was kind so she needed to be cruel to balance his kindness.

In the end she will always do what was necessary for her lover.

Unlike the others, Hinata was his love from the beginning but he truly realized his love for Gaia and Ella first. Only after going on a few dates did Naruto realize that he had fallen in love with Hinata along the way especially on the day she stood in front of Pain for him while everyone had given up on him.

It was pointless but on an emotional spectrum, it was like a bomb. If she hadn't appeared on that day Naruto would have been captured by Pain and killed sooner or later but her apparent death by his hand caused him to reach a new level of power and rage.

Naruto hadn't realized that she had only been knocked out and thought she had been dead. It was an indicator that he truly cared for her as he would never go nine tail for some unimportant person.

She made him reach the absolute max that not even his other love, Sasuke, could bring out.

Nemesis and Hinata balanced the new Uzumaki family with kindness and cruelty.


A loud roar broke the silence and they heard the sound of lightning crashing on a mountain range in the Land of Lightning.

"I will check it out" Hinata said as she flew towards the location in her Tensaigan form as she had gained powers from Homura Otsutsuki and unlocked these eyes

Nemesis felt the platform disappear beneath her but continued to float above ground when she felt an active motive of vengeance below her.

Locking on the target, Nemesis appeared from the shadows behind the target who was a young man of around twenty with an average appearance without any strong chakra.

It was just around the chunin rank from the time before the change so he must not have had any before the change.

Just an average citizen from before the change but now a mutant that seemed to seek harm against someone for a particularly stupid reason.

Nemesis felt his vengeance was weak and the target wasn't anything special either.

It was just a case of someone steeling another person's lover and the previous lover holding a grudge but not having the power to act.

With Nemesis's hand on his neck the man stopped his movement as he was about to shoot the sleeping man.

"Come peacefully or die" But the man disappeared as her words finished and Nemesis followed

"Shit, who the fuck was that?" the man cursed as his attempt failed but planned to go back once the a week finished

"No one escapes the eyes of vengeance" Nemesis muttered as she hit him in the neck with a chop, causing him to fall unconscious and sent him to the lab for study


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

How is it going?

I decided to cancel the kids out and go with just after the last battle since there were already many characters.

Kara will appear

Momoshiki, Kinshiki AND Urashiki

Time shenanigans

Universal battle

Otsutsuki King

Alternative worlds





The part about Hinata is kind of canon as she did become like that because of that problem with Hanabi. For those people saying she lost to Hanabi then its on prupose as she has already won against an Adult Hanabi who is an active Ninja while Hinata was retired.

Those stalking parts are filler. Hinata doesn't stalk Naruto and doesn't act because her clan would only make things worse for Naruto or you know for plot since none of his so called friends like Shika, Kiba or Choji did anything for him before the sasuke retrieval arc.

I don't really care for paring in a story and just enjoy what it has but there is no need to diss the canon setting because you didn't get the small parts that the author put there to show his care for Hinata.

As for those saying Sakura then you have to remember that she has never put her life for him. She cursed him from the beginning and said he was lucky to be without parents and never thanked him for his help.

In Shippuden, she still did nothing when Pain was about to finish Naruto and just watched along with everyone. The only time she did anything for him was when he was dying in the war arc when Kurama was taken out but she didn't put her life on the line or anything since she was protected by powerful ninja.

That was only one thing in the whole series while she was a main character while Hinata actually doesn't have much appearance in the manga. Plus were you actually given a reason for his love.

Naruto who has barely any knowledge loved Sakura because he found her attractive. That's it. That's his actual reason for loving Sakura. Liking someone based on appearance isn't love and this changes to familial love later on. You could check the initial chapters.

Kishi didn't involve Hinata so that he doesn't have to write romance part in the story since unlike Shika who got with Temari, Naruto is a main charcater and he would have to make it real part of the story.

So i don't mind it was thrown into the movie where he learned about love and stuff since i never watched Naruto with the intention of romance.

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