Herbs can be a natural born plant for example a spiritual flaming hot potato or it can be manmade either through breeding or DNA altering for example cybernetic laser rifle grass.
Some can gain sentience and eat humans and animal to increase their deliciousness and spiritual qi/power or be a pain in the ass to kill *cough* I mean harvest. Some can even transform into humans *plucking cherries haven't been easier then ever*.
Most herbs are processed into pills or medicine as commonly seen in xianxia/eastern fantasy novels and certain realistic fiction ones and powders and ointments *pill of ultimate power only 99.9$ comes with powder version *do not sniff*.
Some Herbs are just digested as it is safe and delicious and prove many benefits while some require you to survive the agonizing pain and side effects and also overloading yourself.
Now go on and explore the Magic Of Herbs!
hehe I'll do the first actual chapter tomorrow hehe doing it in a documentary way or wiki way.
Appreciate constructive criticism/feedback and checks for my work as I sometimes miss mistakes.
Grammer Nazis finally have a use.
(Sorry if Nazis offends anyone)