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-What's the meaning of this? How can I work with such low and weak species? [8.00 p.m.] -Sam.

-I didn't chose this either okay [8.01 p.m.]-Saber.

-It's the high grant choice.Also I was given much low dignified task [8.01 p.m.]-Sabor.

-Ahhh! What can I do? I guess I'll just have to stick with this.I mean, what else can I do? [8.02]-Sam.

-Knowing this you must be at the teleportation gate tomorrow [8.02 p.m.]-Saber.

-Okay thanks for nothing more earlier [8.03p.m.]-Sam.

-Noticing me earlier*... Sorry typing error 😁 [8.03p.m.]-Sam.

Knowing about the news.She immediately inform her family in order to leave the house and making sure they know where she's heading to.They're all were shocked at first but accepted that she has a duty to perform.They told her to come visit once in a while or they can come visit her.She will surely miss all of them and the food here.

She packed her stuff making sure not to miss anything as she needs all the necessary items. Knowing that she'll be living in another realm she only brings clothing and stuff that is primary and that is suitable as she can freak the humans out if they sees wings, fangs, claws, blood and more. She also brings a sword which is very easy to store in case of emergency AND EMERGENCY ONLY.

She still couldn't accept the fact that she'll be going to another realm.Not to mention LIVING in it.That night she is having trouble sleeping as she worries about her task. She doesn't want to leave her family.Also she's afraid, afraid of being noticed.Afraid of being discovered.


The next morning she woke up to a surprise.All of her luggage (2-3 bags) are already gone.She was worried at first but then found out that it all has been taken to the place she'll be living in.Leaving the house is really hard for her.She doesn't want to go but she has to.It's her duty.As she is leaving, she hugged her parents saying goodbye.She was reminded to call after she arrived.She promised that she will.

Arriving at the location,she sees two figures waiting for her.She thought they're from the high grant but she was wrong.

"Hello?"said Sam.

"Hello there, anything you need?"

"Dude!She's the 3rd Guardian!"

"I thought that it would be... A he,sorry for that"

"Hi, I'm sabrone"said Saber.

"The one that texted me.Nice to meet you second brother Saber"said Sam.

"I'm Michael, it's nice to finally meet you.Now I don't have to worry about my sister running aways with some random guy"said Michael.

"Let's hurry up,there's a lot waiting for you in the other realm"said Saber.

Samantha pauses for a second.She takes a deep breath before stepping into the teleportation portal. Closing her eyes, slowly she steps right through it to see she's in a dark room. She opened the door and was shocked to see monsters. She quickly steps out of the place looking like a market from the outside.

She's going to need a job in order to live here.Before finding a job she goes to the address they've given her (the same place where her luggage has gone to).

Arriving at the place she sees an apartment building.She goes in to find her room.Entering the lift and going to the 20th floor.Heading to her apartment which is 2n3c1o she sees the unique design of artwork hanging around her.Going inside her apartment to see she'll be living in a studio apartment which is filled with furniture.The room is not big but enough for her to live alone.She's satisfied with the design and furniture.

Looking now,she can see that underworlds technology is far way more advanced than the ones that are here .Analyzing the technology here reminds her to call her parents.


" I'm fine, nothing quite happened"

"No, I haven't even met anyone yet"

"Yes, I goes straight to the address as soon as I arrived"

"Okay mom, I will"

"Love you, and dad, and sisters.... Muah"

Searching for a job is her main priority now.She needs to find a job so that she can get money.Or she can starve to death and worry her family and friends.Looking for a job online only leads her to scam and ads.She gets annoyed and more annoyed in this realm.How much she wish to be home and not here.She was tired and wanted to take a break from all of the trolls and ads. Annoying as hell ads and trolls.As soon as she's giving up she found something very interesting a.....

To be continued...

Rosierose2 Rosierose2

Sorry for the late publish. We will try and publish every week on Wednesday in our time zone.For last week chapter we will try and release two for the next week in order to pay back the missed chapter.We try our best so that you can enjoy our work. Enjoy...

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