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Chapter 45: Until death?

Married? I am getting married to that crazy girl? I admit that our relationship really got better, but it still feels unreal. Am I getting cold feet? No, I am too old to run away from a wedding ceremony. 

After a few seconds to gather myself, I walk to the window and take a look out of my room. 

The whole city looks like a rainbow..... I don't want to complain, everyone has his own tastes. But if I watch this view it's freaking me out. Fucking crazy world! 

This is a marriage and not a damned carnival! I just have to think about the whole event and my head starts to spin. 

First they want to put us into a car and drive us around the whole city for everyone to see. Then we visit the biggest cathedral in the city to get married by a priest. Afterwards we have to meet all big noblemen and officials at a festival. This is just to give them the possibility to congratulate us. 

Last but not least, we will have a small party with a few selected guests. My head is spinning just by thinking about it. I am not a social person. I dislike it to be treated as some kind of exhibition-sample. 

"Are you done?" Rose bursts into my room. "Yes, yes, I am done dressing up. No stress!" I wave at her to calm her down. 

"Oh, no! You can't go out like that. Your neck-tie is so sloppy! And you didn't put on the traditional markings!" She immediately starts to correct my appearance. First the tie. Afterwards she plucks at my black suit at least for five minutes and then paints a complicated tattoo onto my cheek. 

It's some kind of tradition. I don't like to put make-up onto myself and had hoped I would get around it. They are dressing me up like some kind of bird! 

If I think about it. This world seems like a mix of every culture, I ever knew. Hmmmm... 

"Rose, don't you think it's enough? We are almost out of time." I try to redirect her attention. 

"Oh no, you are right! But you have to look perfect. This will be your biggest day ever!" She drags me outside, where a stunning red haired beauty is waiting. Her hair is woven around her horns and there is a really complicated pattern painted around her eyelids. Her black dress emphasises the important curves at the right places. This is dangerous.... I have to think straight..... let me see.... Pi is 3.14159265359 

"Are you ready? If we drive now, we will be just in time." The beauty prompts us to proceed. 

DAMN! That put me off my stride! 

"Isn't that a little too much effort? How long did you have to keep still for this?" I don't like make-up. But whoever worked on Celes did a good job. 

"You have no idea. How do I look? Was it worth it?" She smiles at me warmly. 



"It doesn't look good? How can that be? It took so long to find the right dress!" Celes stomps on the floor and pouts. 

"I think the young king wanted to say that no words could describe your beauty my queen. You both look okay, so let's go now. We have a schedule to keep." Rose jumps in and saves me. 

Why did I just freeze up like that? Fuck, I have more experience in life than anyone could imagine! Could it be that this new body is causing me trouble? Hormones? Could it be? I never felt anything like that as a god. 

We proceed to the throne room, where the other family members are waiting. "Oh you two look beautiful!" Katrine explodes with joy. 

"The time sure flies by. It feels like yesterday, when I could still carry you around with my tail." Everyone gives Ireth a shocked look. Yes! Think about your own shortcomings mother! I was right when I thought that it isn't proper to treat a child like this. 

"You can use your tail like that? Now I remember that you did it a few times with me." Celes waves her tail before her to inspect it. "I often felt like I could use a third hand." 

"Don't copy her bad habits!" Arthur jumps in. Thank you father in law! 

"We have to go!" Nicosar shoves us into the direction of the exit. He is right, we have a tight schedule. 

Outside we enter a limousine and a procession of guards and servants starts on its way. "Now this is really a full blown carnival!" I look back at the line of gaudy vehicles behind us. 

"It's funny. I never had a marriage like that. And I had many marriages until now." Celes seems to be in a good mood. 

"At least I just have to wave at the people and smile." I have to be positive. There is no point in focusing on the bad things. 

Yes. It's not that bad! Think about it! Even if I get married to her again in this life..... it's just one life! It's just a few years and then I am free again. And while I am at it, I can take advantage of the good aspects. 

There are many guys who don't care about personality. Why shouldn't I be able to become one of them too? 

Our car leaves the palace grounds and I can see thousands of people, all of them are trying to get a look at us. 

Suddenly Celes links arms with me and waves at the crowd. There are thousands of people cheering at us. I smile and wave at them. Yep. I officially hate this day. When we get married, I will make this day a working day! Everyone will have to go to work and pretend that nothing is out of the ordinary! 

People, who are celebrating in any way, will be executed on the spot. I will be damned if they make this something like a national holiday. 

"You have that strange grin again Angrod." Celes whispers into my ear. 

"R.. Really." I try to lighten my expression. 

"Now you seem really stressed. Just think about something positive. We have much to do today. There are many important points on my list." -Celes 

"About that... I actually think that..." But I get interrupted. 

"Ohohoh. I can remember my wedding night! Arthur was so wild!" Katrine bursts out. "Unfortunately, I found out that I can't teach my daughter anything in this respect."

I think I will just teleport away, as soon as this is done. Yes. Nobody can catch me. I will say yes and amen. And when everything is done, I will make a run for it and have my peace. 

While we drive around the city I dwell in my own thoughts. Of course I keep smiling and waving at the people. After hours, it must have been hours because the car continued on, with a constant velocity of walking speed. Finally, we arrive at the cathedral and exit out of the car. 

People throw confetti at us, while we walk inside. Rice guys! It's supposed to be rice and not confetti! I want to cry, who messed this culture up? 

At least there is nobody allowed inside the cathedral. Just the priest and a few novices are waiting for us. At least this ceremony is short. It was explained to us beforehand. 

We are led in front of Seria's statue. Then the priest carries a bowl of water before us and mutters a few words which I don't understand. 

Then we both hold a hand into the water. "We are here, in front of our goddess and the gods to witness the marriage of these two young people. May their life be happy. May both of them care for each other and face all hardships together. Are both of you willing to give yourself to your partner and protect him or her from any harm. Will you stay with each other until death?" 

"Yes." -Celes 

Actually I have to think for a second! This is a really heavy and meaningful promise you know! Even more so if you think about it a little. I just realized that we now both know about each others reincarnations. So are we now married until death, or until death? 

*Poke* *Poke* *Poke* 

Ugh! Damned tail! "Yes!" 

"Then I declare you both a married couple. May you live prosper and in peace. King Angrod and Queen Celes." The priest bows to us and smiles. 

Celes jumps at me and I have no choice but to catch her in a princess carry. "This is an important point. You have to carry me back to the car." She gives me a kiss on the cheek. The priest chuckles at my sight. Obviously her lipstick left a mark. 

I nod at the priest and turn around to carry Celes outside. As we leave the cathedral, the crowd almost goes insane and some crazies start a firework. 

Ey, it's in the middle of the day! Have at least some reasoning and start it during the night! 

We arrive at the car and our family members congratulate us. Ireth has actually tears in her eyes, while she is hugging me. 

But Rose already waves us inside the car. This is surely a tight schedule. 

The festival afterwards couldn't be counted as a real festival. The location was a neat big garden... or should I say park? It was big enough to hold all the noblemen and officials in any case. There was a big line of noblemen, who congratulated us to our marriage. 

Everyone gave us a present. At the end, there was a huge pile of gifts around us. Nobody paid a thought to what would happen if a thousand rich guys would give a present to the wedding couple. What a pain the ass! 

I gave the order to Rose that she should confiscate the chocolate and the dangerous stuff. The rest should be given to someone who may need it. 

It was already evening, when we arrived back at the palace. My face was hurting from all the smiling. I never would have imagined that it is possible to strain the muscles in my face like that. My left hand was numb from the waving. My right hand was sore from shaking hands with over a thousand people. If I hadn't used healing magic, it would be just a bloody stump by now. 

Back at the throne room we were welcomed by everyone, who could be counted as a close friend. This involved some of our old teachers, the Cygnus siblings, the people from special class, as well as some closer friends of our parents. 

Celes kept linking arms with me the entire time. After everyone had congratulated us another time, we proceeded to the big room which was reserved to receive guests. It is inside the private area of the palace. 

Rose led the party proudly along the hallway. "I have put all my efforts into this cold buffet. I am sure your majesties will be very pleased." 

With a smiling face, she opens the big two winged door to the guest room and freezes. Then it looks like she wants to scream, but she freezes again, not knowing how to react. I take a look around the corner and freeze up too. 

A stunning blonde beauty inside a transparent dress is happily stuffing a big plate with the most delicious looking food. Four white angel wings are sprouting from her shoulder blades and the whole figure is emitting an aura of light. 

Other people also take a look around the corner and freeze up with their mouths open. 

The figure turns around and waves at us with her free hand. 

"Hiiiii! How are you guys doing? I am so glad I made it in time to give my congratulations!" Seria runs up to me and Celes after setting her plate onto a table and hugs us both like children to her big chest. 

"Ooh, I am so happy to see you two are doing well. The city looks wonderful by the way." She kisses me and Celes on the cheek. "There is so much to talk about! I hope you two behaved well, I sent you here with a purpose after all. Are there any children on the way?" 

"No?" "..T yet!" 

"Oh too bad, well you have the whole night before you to work on that!" Seria smiles and rushes off to Ireth, Katrine and Arthur. "I have to give you guys my thanks too! You did such a good job on educating them! I couldn't have chosen better." 

"We did our best." Ireth is the only one who manages an answer. "Oh, you don't have to be so stiff, I am not here in my function as a god. I took a day off to visit my little helpers on this world. So no hard feelings, let's just relax and have fun! The last time I took a day off was a few thousand years ago." She continues down the line of stupefied guests and shakes their hands. 

When she is done, I grab her arm and drag her off to a silent corner. "What are you doing here!? I thought Tjenemit would be able to follow you, if you came here!" 

Celes nods with a pained expression. 

"Haha.. Don't fear. I am not really here in person. This is just a really good astral projection. I would never ruin your great day!" She winks at Celes. 

I let out a sigh. "So can you at least give a detailed explanation of what's going on?" Our parents, who joined us from behind nod. 

"No. Sorry. I can't give out information of that importance to mortals. Everything will be clear when the time comes, I promise. But if anything goes wrong and Tjenemit gets access to this world before I am ready, he could just rip the information out of your minds. The less you know the better. Just keep your trust in your one and only goddess!" She smiles and pats my shoulder. Then she runs off to the buffet again. 

"Is every god like that?" -Arthur 

"I need a new religion..." -Katrine 

"I like her." -Ireth 

"... If there is a beautiful women which is older than you..... There is only one thing to do!" Nicosar walks after Seria. 

I am shocked! Does the old fart fear nothing!? But Nicosar really goes for it and strikes up a conversation with Seria. 

"I am curious how she manages to eat food with an astral projection?" I talk to myself while realizing that her powers must be on another level. I couldn't do that while I was a god. 

"Maybe she created a body on this world and just possessed it?" -Celes 

I nod, but I still have problems to believe it. Then Celes tugs at my sleeve. "Look at that!" She points at a quiet corner of the room. There I can see Sandra with Sven on her lap. Both of them are hugging each other and erect the impression of a lovely couple! 

I chuckle. "She really meant it, when she said that she would console him." 

"Unbelievable! And a few days ago he was still head over heels for Tanja!" Celes puffs up her cheeks in frustration. 

"But she refused him in a clear manner, which can't be mistaken. On top of that Sandra has two very big arguments to distract her prey from a bad conscience." I point at my chest. 

"Men! All the same! I have to look for Tanja and see if she is okay." Celes stomps off and I follow her. 

"Don't forget that they are just a bunch of young people after all. At that age your heart beats for someone and in the next moment for someone else." Celes stops and looks at me a little surprised. 

"I guess you are right." It seems like she is considering my words. Nonetheless we keep searching for Tanja. 

But it seems like Celes worries weren't necessary. We find Tanja at the buffet, while she is talking with Gabriel and Margerie. She doesn't look the least bit concerned, so we join their talk. 

When Celes wanted to know what Tanja thought about Sven and Sandra, her answer was something like this. "I already knew that Sandra had a crush on him. I value him as a childhood friend, nothing more. So it's good that Sandra finally went on the offensive." 

So it really looks like she threw her childhood friend into the tigers maw. We continued to talk while the time flew by. An hour later, Seria walked into our direction again. She had linked arms with Nicosar and smiled at us! 

"It was really a nice time, but I have to say goodbye." She hugged us again. "You sure about this, about not telling us what's going on?" Celes asks her with a stiff expression. 

"Nope! There is nothing you can do at the moment. Everything depends on Tjenemit's arrival. Either I am ready, or I am not. It's not like you could do anything against a god." Seria answers in a serious tone. 

"I understand. Though I still would have liked to know the motivation behind everything." I give her a wry smile. 

"Everything in due time will be known." She pats my head while she dissolves into light. 

Nicosar sighs and gives us a sad look. "She is a fine woman for sure. It's a shame that I am too young for her. I never would have imagined to being told something like that in my age." He presses out a tear from his left eye. Then he walks off into the direction of two bunny girls which seem familiar to me. 

"Did the geezer just cry?" Celes asks me with a shocked voice while pinching her own cheek. 

"I honestly don't get him." I don't want to know what's going on inside Nicosar's brain. I turn away to stuff myself with some nice food from the buffet. 

"Don't eat too much, I have a little present for you later" -Celes 

After another hour, the party comes to an end and everyone leaves. Saying our goodbye didn't take that long at least. When the last of our friends left, Celes took me by the hand and led me to her room. 

"Ehm, Celes? What do we need from your room?" I ask while she opens the door and pushes me inside. Now I realize that we sneaked off, while our parents were still talking to their friends... isn't that a little unfriendly? 

Now that I get a closer look at Celes's private room, I realize that it is quite spacious. There is a big bed, a couch with a table and multiple chairs and a writing table. It still doesn't feel cramped. 

Celes pulls me to the couch and pushes me onto it. "Wait here, I will get the present!" She runs off into her bathroom. Oh.... now I understand..... the wedding night. I am sure she has such an item on her list. Whoa! Now I remember! There is such an event! I saw it a few years ago on her list! 

So she will come back in some kind of negligee to turn me on and twist my head? Not with me! It's time to teleport out of... hmmm... chocolate? I become aware of a box filled with chocolate on the table. 

Before I know it, I grabbed a piece and ate it. Hmmmmmmm. Delicious! It tastes so familiar. Exactly like the chocolate I always got from.... ah …. no. No! This memory! It has to be wrong! But it's the same taste! I take another piece. And another one! 

It's the same chocolate I got from her back then in that other life! It's handmade and it's the best! Mmmm! I take a fourth piece to savour the taste. 

Suddenly a shiver rushes down my spine and I feel something getting very stiff. Ahhh.... what's wrong with me? I pride myself in having complete control over my instincts. I try to get control over my erection, but nothing works. 

I even imagine Nicosar naked on the bed. It doesn't work Fuuuck! What's going on? 

"Haha. It seems the mouse took the cheese." Celes leaves the bathroom, wearing a really dangerous outfit! More like she is wearing almost nothing. 

She is just wearing a red lingerie, which matches her hair. It almost shows the really interesting parts of her body, but also hides them at the same time. 

Brainfreeze! Again damn it! 

"Cheese?" I look at the next piece of chocolate in my hand and drop it, as I make the connection! "You poisoned me!" 

"I would never poison my husband." She walks over to me while shaking her hips in an arousing way. "I just made this chocolate for this special occasion. You see, it's a little pepped up with a really strong aphrodisiac." She whispers into my ear. 

My eyes wander over her body, while another shiver shakes me. She is a genuine witch after all! "Then why does it start to hurt down there?" I can barely control myself and my voice shivers a little. 

"I already told you that it's really strong. I asked Tanja for something that would turn the coldest guy into a wild beast." She sits down on my lap and traces her finger over my chest, which sends another shiver through my body. "She said that this is used to interrogate prisoners. It's possible to go insane if you aren't able to release yourself somehow." 

Hoh, so she really intends to go all the way? I look at my hand which is trembling slightly. "You do know, that this feels like I could get a heart attack at any moment, right?" I wonder if it just feels like I am sweating? Is this room really this hot?! 

"I know of an easy way to solve the problem." She takes a piece of chocolate from the table and uses it as lipstick. Then she puts her hands around my head and starts to move in a way which almost drives me mad. "Weren't you the one, who once said that the guys who live their lives as pure perverts are right? Isn't it better to take what you can get for free?" She whispers into my ear again. 

Her tail suddenly touches me in a few places, while she licks over the chocolate on her lips and smiles provokingly at me. 

OooOOO  Shit! I can't take this any more! I grab her arms and lock them behind her back. "Ouch!" She lets out a small complaint. "I think you have underestimated the effectiveness of this drug!" I take another piece of chocolate from the table and put it into my mouth. Then I press my lips onto hers and give her a deep kiss to give her a good taste of her own medicine. 

Somehow, everything is spinning while I stand up and throw her onto the bed. "Kyaaa!" And jump onto her. 

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