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87.5% I am Kusan / Chapter 28: Chapter 28 Going back home

Chapter 28: Chapter 28 Going back home

Inside the Red Gate dungeon where Kusan and his friends are trapped right now, things are looking great for them when they have successfully burned down yet another goblin settlement, and also had taken down a hobgoblin. Looking at how effective the method suggested by Kusan to deal with the settlement and the goblins inside it, the others in the group can feel that the time for them to escape this dungeon is near. However the time is not today because the day inside the dungeon has gotten dark already and all of them are tired from dealing with the goblins and it settlements.

"I think we all can guess what kind of opponent we will face against tomorrow at the last settlement." Kusan said to the group where everyone are resting in the tent that he brought.

"Obviously there will be more goblins but I understand what you are trying to say here, most probably the leader we will facing tomorrow might be a Goblin Lord, am I right." Salove replied while sorting out things in her item bag.

"I think the same strategy can be use on that fortress settlement, though I have to say, looking at its stone wall made me has a low confident that it will burn the same as the other two settlement which were surrounded by wooden walls." Jeff gave his thought while hugging Adete.

"We will kill whatever leader of monster that will appear tomorrow, because I want to get back home and sleep on my soft bed." Olivia said which make everyone laugh. All of them continue chatting which each other before they all went to sleep that night. In truth, the group of eight teenagers didn't feel panic as the first time they stepped into this place. Mostly the reason is because all of them have gained tremendous experience after fighting against the monsters in this place.

Morning came and the group of eight 15 years old teenagers have moved towards the next settlement in the dungeon. The next settlement is a stone fortress, this fortress is not as big as the fortress that can be found at the front-line, it is just as big as a small village. Although it is the same size as a small village, the fortress can still be consider big for the eight teenagers to take it down alongside with the leader of monsters which is now staying inside the place. However the group has decided to use the same strategy to take this settlement down, which is to burn the place to the ground.

"""....Fireball!!""" Olivia, Anna and Kusan unleash their Fireball spell towards the fortress's gate and without doubt their Fireballs spell have no problem destroying the gate which also resulted to the area around it burned with blazing fire. Seeing this outcome, Nanette immediately use her Wind Magic to fan the flames to make the blazing fire burn the settlement quickly. Kusan also chant another Fireball spell and unleash it into the fortress through the destroyed gate, what comes next are the sound of explosion and screams of the goblins while being burned into ashes. Of course the others in the group didn't idle around, they also rain the fortress gate with arrows and magic spells to kill all the goblins which are trying to escape the fortress. The group continue their attack on the fortress until the whole place burn to the ground leaving nothing but burned rubble.

"Is that it?" Salove said out loud.

"Shh don't say anything that will bring out the leader of the monsters." Kusan replied.

"But we need to kill the leader in order to escape this place." Lacey replied to Kusan's remark.

"So, who are going to check the fortress, I bet the leader is trapped inside the fortress and is being crush to death by it rubble." Olivia guess.

"That might be the case, I suggest Kusan to be the one that go check it out since he is the strongest among us." Jeff approved Olivia's suggestion and vote Kusan to go investigate the burned fortress.

"Fine I will go, but you girls better be prepared." Kusan said while going towards the destroyed fortress. Of course the group didn't let him go by himself alone, they too followed him from behind and prepared themselves for any surprises.

The group cautiously walked around the fortress where the burning smoldering heat from the fire that burned down the fortress still can be feel in the air. But what worried Kusan right now is the leader of the monster, things might be fine if the leader ambush them from within the burned down fortress, but it will get a bit problematic if the leader of the monster is not here in the fortress. This is because the leader is their key to escape this dungeon, if the leader is not here, then they will need to spend more time in this place to track down the leader. However Kusan's worries immediately dissipate when the group found a huge goblin which is now trapped under the fortress rubble. The huge goblin is no doubt a Goblin Lord which is on the verge of dying.

"Hah!! Can't believe a goblin lord is in this sorry stare." Jeff said.

"Quickly kill it so that we can immediately go home." Olivia said.

The group felt relieve after seeing the trapped Goblin Lord under the fortress rubble and without wasting anymore time, Kusan killed the Goblin Lord by decapitate its head. The big goblin head rolled down on the floor and a pillar of red light suddenly appear from the sky.

"This is so anticlimactic, here I thought we could at least have a death battle with the Goblin Lord, but who could have guess that the Goblin Lord die a pathetic death." Salove gave an unsatisfied remark after seeing the appearance of the pillar of red light.

"Don't say thing like that Salove, Goblin Lord is a monster on another level, we actually should be glad that it got stuck under the rubble so that we can kill it easily. Maybe the next time we met a Goblin Lord, thing might not be the same." Lacey said with a serious tone to Salove.

"Come on, lets get out from this place, we all haven't get any proper bath for 5 days since the time we got trapped in this place." Nanette said something that every girls in the group agree.

"Done...come on, let go back home girls." Kusan said while leading the girls into the pillar of light.

The return of the eight 15 years old beginner Explorers from the red color Rift Gate immediately shocked the entire Explorer's Guild. This event is so surprising that even the Guild Master has sent an invitation to all the eight beginner Explorers in order to personally congrats them and also asked them to tell their tales inside the Red Gate dungeon. However, Kusan and the rest are also shocked after returning from the Red Gate dungeon because despite staying for a total of five days inside the dungeon, they found out that it is still the same day when all of them entered the Red Gate and only a couple of hours had passed.

"You girls can go meet with the guild master, I'm tired and need a proper rest." Kusan said to the girls because he obviously know what will happen if he meet with the guild master of the Explorer's Guild. He already read too much Japanese 'Isekai' stories to know the result of meeting with the guild master, so he prefer not to jump into an obvious trap hole which will make his life being 'controlled' by the guild.

"Kusan is right, all of us are tired from exploring the Red Gate dungeon, let us head back and get some rest. We can meet with the guild master tomorrow." Lacey said to the group which immediately agreed by everyone.

"But the guild master is waiting." A guild personnel that was asked to bring the group is flabbergast to hear that all of them decided not to meet the guild master, a person who has the highest authority in the Explorer's Guild.

"Just tell whoever the guild master is,'We are tired', now if you will excuse us, we are going back home." The one that replied to the guild personnel is Olivia who already show an angered face which make the guild personnel froze with fear. Olivia then ignore the guild personnel and walked away towards her home, which somehow accidentally brought the rest of the group to her house. But because of the tiredness, everyone in the group just followed her and decide to stay at her house for the night.

[Ahh~ so this is why many people like to soak themselves in a bathtub huh, not gonna lie, it feel really refreshing soaking in this large bathtub.] Kusan let out an 'Ahh~' sound showing that he is felling really refreshing after soaking his body in the bathtub own by Olivia's family. Kusan want to enjoy more by soaking his body in the bathtub but he remembered that there are others who are waiting outside to use this bathroom. So, Kusan quickly clean himself by throwing buckets of water onto his body.

"That was fast, did you really take a shower?" Salove is the next person to use the bathroom and looking at how fast Kusan finished his bath time, she couldn't help to asked that question. But Kusan confirm that he already done showering and wanted to quickly sort out his items that he gained from the dungeon.

Name : Kusan HP : 9750/9750

Age : 15 MP : 7054/7054

Level : 2 STR : 2914

Tittle : Summoner VIT : 3020

Skills : Book of Summon INT : 2888

Space Inventory(unlimited) AGI : 3108


[Killing that Goblin Lord has increase my level to 2, and looking at my stats, it seem that the values had increased twice. But what I can't believe is this new skill called 'Shop'. This skill let me access to a shop that can provide me with almost every things that I need. There are weapons and equipment, food and outdoor necessities like tent, and many other things, too make things feel even more convenient, this shop also sell scrolls that can help me increase my strength. Plus the weapon and equipment that are being sell here are entirely different from my in-game weapons and equipment. One thing I can conclude after acquiring this new convenient skill is that the God really favors me.] Kusan thought in his mind while 'scrolling' the shop's menu looking at the weapons that are available inside.

[There are many type of weapons here that made me want to buy it, but I already have many weapons from my in-game inventory. Well maybe I can buy something like a dagger or a shield since despite having abundant amount of weapons and equipment from my in-game inventory, there are not many type of weapon from the game. For example, there are no spear type of weapon inside the game other than the artifact. Well obviously now that I'm in this world, that spear artifact can be recognize as a weapon but compare to the shop skill, the shop sell all different type and grade of spear from the lowest wooden spear to the highest grade holy spear. Same can be said to the other type of equipment like shield, so this shop skill let me buy many things from it which I truly believe that God really did favors me. But I think receiving this much of blessings is fine I guess, since when I think back my life back on Earth, I did live a life fill with unfairness.] Kusan thought in his mind guessing that he deserve to have all these blessings from the God because he live a harsh life back on Earth.

"Hey Kusan, what are you doing there." Lacey suddenly appear with Nanette and asked Kusan what is he doing. They are both are wearing child like sleeping clothes with flower decoration on it.

"Just sorting out the items from our trip, what are you girls up to then?" Kusan replied.

"We are going to wait for dinner to be prepare while chatting." Nanette said while sitting close beside him.

"Well Salove is still inside the bathroom, Jeff and Adete already went back to the temple to give their report about this trip, while Olivia and Anna are having fun time together on the bed. So that leave us here, nothing to do other than chatting." Lacey said to Kusan.

Kusan smile to the girls and he also start chatting with them about their trip into the Red Gate. Of course Kusan kept many things a secret, not because he doesn't trust the girls, but because what he has with him are something too convenient where at the same time might led to terrible things in the future. But either way, this convenient things are the blessings from the God to him, so he will definitely use it for his benefits. While waiting for dinners, it seem that Lacey, Nanette and Salove parents have arrived to Lunasworn's resident where they too will be joining tonight's dinner.

skyahsan93 skyahsan93

Just wanna informed that I will not posting any new chapter for this weekend because I need to go to my cousin's weeding.

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