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3.12% I am Kusan / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I'm in another world
I am Kusan I am Kusan original

I am Kusan

Author: skyahsan93

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I'm in another world

In a slum, a dirty boy is smiling happily and can't contain his happiness while looking at the scene in front of him. He is now at the highest building in the slum and even though he can't see the whole city at this position, but from the scene he is watching, he can already guess where he is right now.

"Another world." The boy mutter with excitement.

Dirty, frail body, wearing rags on his body and black haired. One would immediately knows that the boy is just a dirty commoner from the slum. But Kusan, the boy's name, is a person who has died on Earth in his late twenties and was transmigrated into a 14 years old boy body. He has to admit that it was truly a surprise to awake on a dirty alley full with human wastes and it was also quite an experience to found himself in a stranger body. However if he were given another chance to live a new life in this 'fantastical' world, then so be it.

[Human, Beast-men, and Elves, I haven't see any dwarf yet but if there are Elves around then the Dwarf should also exist in this world. But this is how a slum look like huh? I already know about the kind of buildings here but the dirtiness of this place is a whole new level which fill with people piss and shit.]

Kusan slowly get down from the highest buildings in the slum and carefully mind his steps because he doesn't want to step on those turds. To make things worse, he doesn't wear any shoes to cover up his feet. After going around the place, Kusan found an empty room. He is excited no doubt about this transfer into another world thing, but he need to check something.

[Status] Said Kusan in his mind.

Name : Kusan HP : 10/14

Age : 14 MP : 9/9

Level : 1 STR : 3

Tittle : Summoner, Slum Boy VIT : 5

Skills : Book of Summon INT : 4

Space Inventory(unlimited) AGI : 1

Seeing the information pop up in front of him in a transparent rectangle make Kusan smile with excitement that pump up his blood. He try to touch the transparent rectangle, but his finger went through it. He doesn't mind it but something caught his attention while looking at his self-information.

[Damn my HP, what happen? How did I get hurt in the first place? Is this because of this fragile body? Seeing this really prove that this body of mine right now is truly fragile. But how should I recover back those missing HP? Hrmm~~ let's try open the inventory first. Inventory.]

Another transparent rectangle appear on the side which have many smaller square in it, and each square show different type of picture. This time when Kusan try to touch it, his finger doesn't went through it and he can feel the rectangle. He try to swipe up and down, and then right and left, the rectangle surface move exactly like swiping smartphone. However same as the other rectangle that contain his self-information, there is something that caught his attention regarding the items that shown in the inventory.

[Aren't all of these item from the game? To be exact the mobile game, Idle Summon. The mobile game where I spent not only time but also real money on it. I already reach the highest VIP level and have all the summon unit with all the highest rarity equipment. Don't tell me...mah gawd...look at my gold coin, that is a one big T over there behind that 93. Gems? What do I need the Gems for?] Thought Kusan in his mind guessing he might know the abilities of his other skill called Book of Summon.

Back on Earth, Kusan is just a normal accounting worker that worked in a Bank. He start working in the morning and stop his work at night. He even deemed himself as Dracula since he barely got to see the sun went he worked. Of course his salary was 6 digit figure during that time. But where could he spent all that money if he can't find a time for himself. He did have some time for himself, mostly during the weekend but most of the time he just lazying at his home. So he decide to spent it on Idle Summon, a mobile game that suit his working time.

He only need to spent 30 minutes twice a day to play the game and with his money, he use it to speed things up in the game. Nothing much to do inside the game, find golds, start a new summon, use the summon units that he doesn't want as fodder and acquire new stronger summon unit. Maybe he would sent his team that consist 6 summon unit into the dungeon, challenge the boss, challenge the tower or challenge the other players. The game basically is quite boring because of nothing much to do and have to wait quite some time before getting the reward, but because of this, the game really suit a person like him who can't spent his time on gaming like he used to be.

[I can't believe it, all of my items are here including the Gems, seriously why the Gems though? This currency can only be use to buy things from the in-game shop, I don't think it will be useful here on this real world. Oh but look at this Platinum Legendary Artifact, The Archangel Sword of Justice. One of the item that can broke the balance in the game during PvP and of course PvE, actually it was the first item that broke the balance in the game. The amount that I have is still the same, 23 of it, hah~.] Thought Kusan who is now really happy with this event.

He keep scrolling and swiping the transparent rectangle to check the things inside it. He also found food, a lot of them actually. The food are actually were special currency during special event in the game. The special event will need him to collect those currency and exchange them for rare summon units or rare artifacts. However Kusan always use his real money to complete the event by buying the special currency directly from the in-game shop. Furthermore he also keep doing the event normally and acquire the special currency from the game. Because of that he always have many of those special currency and that currency can't be sold after the event had passed. He always found the special currency as a mess in his inventory during that time but now when the special currency has turned into real food, he finally could feel grateful for having them.

"Delicious~." Said Kusan out loud while eating a skewer with combination of meats and vegetables. He ate a couple more to fill his stomach and drink a glass of lemon juice to dehydrate himself. After making burping sound that show he is full, Kusan decide to inspect his next skill, the Book of Summon, where more or less he can already guess its function.

[Hrmm~~] Yet another transparent rectangle appear in front of him with many small square in it. It has group selection on the upper part and on the right side is another selection of type of summon unit. Right now Kusan is looking at the first type of summon unit where all the unit in this category are his usual summon unit from the game. Nothing much different about them from the game except for the rarity measurement.

Back in the game, the rarity is 1 Star to 13 Star, the higher the star of the summon unit the stronger it is. But right now Kusan found out the unit measurement is now different. It is now measured with Bronze Star 1-3, Silver Star 1-3 and lastly Gold Star 1-3. Looking at this new rarity measurement, Kusan concluded that this new measurement is a lot more accurate than the one from the game. Simply because there are some summon unit too overpowered that it can defeat awaken summon unit just by its basic form.

[This is...boss summon unit?] After looking through all the usual summon unit, Kusan move to another type summon unit. It is not actually a unit for summon, to be precise the other summon unit were actually bosses in the mobile game. The usual summon unit that he always used during the game are mostly humanoid creature, some might be some kind of beasts or unknown type of creatures but the type he is looking right now is definitely the bosses that he fought during dungeon and special event.

[Wow, the weakest boss need 12,000 MP to be summon? Wow~ seriously, right now I can barely even summon the trash mobs.] Thought Kusan in his mind. Of course right now, looking at his miserable condition, there is no way he could summon a decent unit.

[So what now?] Finished inspecting the Book of Summon, Kusan asked himself, what should he do next because in truth he has no clear goal or mission.

[Well it is obvious that the most important things to do right now is to train this fragile body of mine. My HP already recover from the food that I ate just now which show how terrible this body condition is, basically my HP drop because I was hungry. So the first thing I need to do is to strengthen myself. If I don't, I would loss a lot of chance to achieve many great things in this world. Secondly....hrm...I don't know what's next but..whatever I will just strengthen myself first and then I will think what's next.]

After Kusan decide what to do for his short term goal, he continue to space out because he doesn't know what to do next at this moment. He then try to remember back those novels that he read about 'isekai' genre and think what would the main character would do for this very moment. However Kusan realize something, this is not a novel or video games where there is a 'Skip' function. Even though this is a mystical world where fantasy things exist, he is still real which makes this world is also a real world to him. He will need to live every minutes in it.

[Hah~ lets try summon one of the trash mobs.] Thought Kusan who has nothing to do. He then try to feel the energy around him and within him. He need to feel the magic energy or Mana, whatever it was called in this world in order to use it. The lowest summoning unit only cost him 5 MP to be summon out. So with his 9 MP, the amount is sufficient enough to summon the unit.

He finally can feel the magic energy within him, it feel like the blood inside his body vibrating in a certain area at his chest. He then brought that feeling, or to be precise the magic energy to his right hand palm. Looking at his right hand palm that is now covered with faint blue light make Kusan happy, because with this he can use magic. He then think about the lowest summoning unit from the Bronze 1 Star group and then unleash the magic in his palm in-front of him.

The magic energy flew and reach the floor which then transform into a small magical circle. Within a second, a small cute creature suddenly pop up from the magical circle. It is a small white tiger cub, with a cute appearance that would attract many cat lover attention. Even Kusan is now surprise with the white tiger cub cute appearance. The white tiger cub then use it magical energy to clean Kusan body and removed the dirt on his body. Seeing this make Kusan surprise even more.

"How did you do that? I think your element is Wind Element and not Water Element right?" Said Kusan to the white tiger cub while the cute cat move to his feet and brush off its head. Suddenly he thought that he might have gone crazy for asking a cub that kind of question. Either way he now know how to summon his summon unit and use his magic energy, which is a good start for him.

skyahsan93 skyahsan93

I'm a new writer and bad at using English, but I'm still going to write because reasons. Since this is my first story I decided to release one chapter every two day with minimum 2000 words for each chapter. And Thank You for reading.

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